Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 20, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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September 20. 2006
1 ^Jorthinù (Olism i er
Page B3
Michael Moore Slices Up Health Care in ‘Sicko’
shoots next film
(A P) — First, G eneral Motors. Then gun
control, follow ed by G eorge W. Bush. Now
rabble-rousing film m aker M ichael M oore has
turned his irreverent cam era on health care in
"Sicko." M oore's dissection o f the health
care system, piom ises to be another hilarious
docum entary rom p, based on excerpts he re­
cently show ed at the T oronto International
Film Festival.
D uring a tw o -h o u r appearance, M oore
d isc u sse d his c a re e r as a c o u n tercu ltu re
journalist, provocative film m aker and liberal
stan d ard -b earer, and he played three clips
from "S icko," w hich he said w ould be in
theaters next June.
The segm ents presented stories o f personal
health care nightm ares, including that o f a
w om an denied paym ent for an am bulance ride
after a head-on collision because it was not
"They try to find every way they can to deny
it to you or not sell it to you," he told a packed
theater. "Or they try to find anyw ay they can
not to pay the bill."
T he "S icko" ex cerp ts also included a se g ­
m ent com paring C anada's public health care
to the priv atized system in the U nited S tates,
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L e s W h i t w o r t h C .P .À .
D irector M ich a el M oore arrives a t th e Toronto In tern a tio n a l Film F estival to p ro m o te h is
la te s t film 'S ic k o ,' a hilarious d o c u m e n ta ry ro m p th a t d is s e c t s th e h e a lth ca re s y s te m .
(AP p h o to )
co n clu d in g that C an ad ian s have m ore e q u i­
table access to m edical services.
The idea for "Sicko" grew out o f a segment
from M oore's TV show "The Awful Truth," in
which he staged a mock funeral outside a health-
m aintenance organization that had declined a
pancreas transplant for a diabetic man. The
HMO later relented.
W hitney H o u sto n a n d h e r h u sb a n d , sin g e r B o b b y Brown during a
co u rt h ea rin g la s t y e a r in D ecatur, Ga. (AP p h o to )
ten over the years. They live in
Alpharetta, Ga., and haveonechild,
a 13-year-old d au g h ter, Bobbi
H ouston, 43, had her greatest
musical success in the 1980s and
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Health care representatives dow nplay the
potential impact ot M oore's docum entary.
"W e can't control what a m ajor Hollywood
entertainer does," said M ohit G hose, a spokes­
man for the trade group America's Health Insur­
ance Plans. "O ur focus rem ains on a positive
agenda o f high-quality health care for more
A m ericans.”
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Here when you need usi
'9 0 s w h en sh e w on m u ltip le
G ram m ys and had several No. I
records on Billboard's Hot 100.
She has been less active in music
in recent years, but worked as an
executive producer on the popular
Raven-Sym one films "The C hee­
tah G irls" and "The Cheetah Girls
She has also battled drug prob­
lems in recent years, and checked
into a drug rehabilitation center in
2004 and again in 2005.
Her m usician husband recently
reunited with his old soul group
New Edition. A show at July Es­
sence Musical Festival got mixed
review s from the audience when
Brown jumped suggestively around
the stage and made vulgar rem arks
about his sex life with Houston.
Brown, 37, has had a history of
drug and alcohol arrests.
E lle n to H o s t N e x t O s c a rs
(A P )—Ellen DeGeneres has been
lapped to host next y ea r's Oscars.
It w ill be the com edian and TV
ta lk e r's first tim e hosting the O s­
cars show and first appearance
on the aw a rd sh o w . S he has
h o s te d th e P rim e tim e E m m y
A w ards telecast tw ice and c o ­
h osted it once, and hosted the
G ram m ys twice.
“ E llen D eG eneres w as born to
host the A cadem y A w ards,” said
p ro d u cer L aura Z iskin in a sta te ­
m ent. "I can already tell she is
g oing to set the bar very high for
h e rse lf and therefore for all o f us
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Houston, Brown Breaking Up
(AP) - W hitney Houston and
her husband Bobby Brown are
breaking up after a 14 year marriage.
The couple has had a sometim es
tum ultuous m arriage, and rumors
o f their breakup have surfaced of-
halt’s Hair A ffair
involved in putting on the show .
N ow all we need is a lot o f great
m ovies.”
T he 79th A n n u al A cad em y
A w a rd s a re s c h e d u le d to be
b roadcast live from H ollyw ood
on S unday, Feb. 25.
D eG eneres is the host o f the
syndicated talk show "T h e Ellen
D eG en eres S h o w ," w hich has
won 15 D aytim e E m m ys since
going on the air in 2003. She also
starred in the A BC sitcom “ E llen,"
w hich aired betw een 1994 and
1998. and the C B S sitcom , "T he
El len Show," which ran 2001 -2002. Ellen D e G e n e re s
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Author Opens
Up Her Life
To break the
cycle of abuse
Latifah Hameen has published
a book entitled. Suffering in Si
lence: B reaking the C y cle o f
Abuse. She opens up her life and
shares 20 years o f abusive rela­
tionships. This is a self-help book
geared mostly tow ard teens and
young adults, 14-21 years old, to
educate them on the abusive rela­
tionships cycle. This is her pas­
sion and contribution toward an
effort to a better society.
Hameen has been an educator
and trainer for the past 15 years.
S h e h a s ta u g h t e le m e n ta ry
through college age students. She
expresses her creativity through
her poetry. Although she is a suc­
cessful and educated w om an, she
is an exam ple o f the m odem day
abused w oman w ho suffered in
H am een is the fo u n d e r o f
Healthy Positive Choices, a new
agency used as a preventive tool
in ed ucating teens and young
adults on relationship abuse.
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Dylan Hits No. 1; Portland (American Dream Doomed
jazz to invoke the spirit o f Harlem,
co n tin u ed
fr o m M etro
Concert Coming
traditional Jew ish folk sounds to
Bob Dylan, back at the top of
the charts for the first tim e in 30
years, will perform in Portland Oct.
14 at the M emorial Coliseum .
D y lan 's latest album , “M odem
T im es," was released on Aug. 29
and reached No. I on the album
sales chart in its first week. The
critically acclaimed disc is D ylan's
first No. 1 album since 1976s “D e­
T ick ets priced can be pu r­
chased at the Rose Q uarter Box
O ff ic e an d all p a r tic ip a tin g
Safew ay outlets.
D ylan's influence on popular
music is incalculable.
As a vocalist, he broke down
the notions that in order to per­
form. a singer had to have a c o n ­
ventionally good voice, thereby
redefining the role o f vocalist in
popular music.
X *« ▼
• _____ _________
B ob Dylan will p erfo rm in
P ortland j u s t a s a n e w a lb u m
p u ts h im o n to p o f th e ch a rts.
As a m usician, he sparked sev­
eral genres o f pop music, includ­
ing electrified folk-rock and coun­
try-rock. He has won a total of
seven G ram m y 's and had four
num ber one album s on the Bill­
board I (X).
defused when she and the baby are
taken in by the family.
Both T ateh and C oalhouse en v i­
sion a bright future for their ch il­
dren. but soon discover that race
and class are factors that can make
t he A merican I Jrearn a d i fficul t real -
ity to attain.
A fter a horrible tragedy robs
C oalhouse o f hope, he em barks on
a spree o f violence and vengeance,
leading Booker T. W ashington to
use his wisdom and reasoning skills
to attem pt to defuse the situation.
Ragtime: The Musical isadeeply
moving story told through music
as di verse as the population it strives
to depict. It draw s upon Joplin and
color the voyages o f the immigrants
and the outrageousness o f V aude­
ville to capture the spectacle of
upper class extravagance.
Directed by G regTam blyn (Man
o f La M ancha, The Full Monty,
Peter Pan), the play opened last
week and continues through Oct.
29 at Lakew ood C enter for the Arts.
368 S. State St. in Lake Osw ego.
Perform ances are T hursdays,
Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and
Sundays at 7 p.m. with added Sun­
day m atinees at 2 p.m. on Oct. 15,
Oct. 22 and Oct. 29. Tickets are $28
for adults and $26 for students. For
reservations call 503-635-3901 or
on lineal ww w .Iakewood-centcr.org
To Place Your
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