50¿ Muslim Fury Grows years »f •'community service 4 ''• ¡ T v '- ' ■ American Dream Doomed t3 Words spoken by Pope Benedict incite passions 'Ragtime' musical is a story o f struggle, dignity See Metro section, inside See page B5 r V li íScrrtíattit © bseruer nt R ncpc' ‘City of Roses' . Volume XXXVI, N um ber 38 U.S. May Boost Forces The U.S. military will likely main­ tain or possibly even increase the current force levels of more than 140,000 troops in Iraq through next spring, the top US. com ­ mander in the Middle East said Tuesday in one of the gloomiest assessments yet of how quickly American forces can be brought home. See story, page B2. Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • September 20. 2006 Custodians’ Uphill Battle Workers fight for contract by S arah B ixn nt T he P ortland O bserver It’s been four years since Portland Public Schools laid off 3(H) custodians in an ill-fated, m oney-saving m aneuver. Now the district is recalling em ployees, following the maintenance w orkers' le­ gal victory in the Oregon Supreme Court. The custodians are eligible for recall and 130 have pledged to return over the Spinach Contaminated Federal health officials continued Tuesday to probe the source o f E. coli contamination of Spinach and warn consumers not to resume eating fresh spinach products. The food-poisoning episode is the 20th since 1995 linked to spin­ ach or lettuce. Army Coup in Thailand T h ailan d ’s arm y com m ander staged a coup Tuesday night and ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra while he was in New York, circling his offices with tanks, declaring martial law and revoking the constitution. Willie Busted for Pot Singer W illie J N elso n and fo u r o th e rs w ere issu ed m isd em ean o r c ita tio n s for possession of illegal mushrooms and marijuana | after a traffic stop Monday morn­ ing on a Louisiana highway. A trooped smelled the strong odor j of marijuana and found the illegal substances after an inspection of | the country music star’s tour bus. Prisons Breed Radicals U.S. prisons are becoming major breeding grounds for Islamic ter­ rorists, but state and local au­ thorities are too cash-strapped to prevent or track recruiting, a new report by George W ashington University and the University of Virginia concludes. It found that Islamist extremists target their vulnerable prison-mates with dis­ torted versions of the Quran and other Muslim readings that urge radicalization and violence. Data Wanted in Porn Fight A tto rn ey G en eral A lb erto Gonzales said Tuesday that Con­ gress should require Internet ser­ vice providers to preserve cus­ tomer records, asserting that pros­ ecutors need them to fight child pornography. Beach Cleanup Success Over three thousand Oregonians celebrated the 22nd annual Great Oregon Fall Beach Cleanup on Saturday. They worked side by side to clean up the beach along the entire Oregon coast, from the W ashington to the California borders, collecting 4 2 ,183 pounds of debris. us.” photo bv S ean O ’C onner /T he P ori land O bserver Portland School Custodian Birdie Kirk at Cleveland High School, the school she hopes to return to Mon­ day after being illegally outsourced by contract employees. Kirk said it was a shame to see the school in its present shape. Hard Fought Win Stopped in Tracks Women who won discrimination suit must wait T w o African A merican city em ­ ployees who won a civil law suit claim ing discrimination were stopped from collecting a $50,000jury award last week when the City Council voted to appeal their case to a higher court. The successful litigants, Lisa W ash­ ington and Roxie G ranville were turned back after aski ig the council to ignore the city atto rn ey 's advice to appeal their lawsuit datir g back to 1997. In June, .. ¡ury awarded the plaintiffs $50,000 each in dam ages plus possible back pay for discrim ination the women faced when they worked at the city 's Bureau o f Development Services. They claim ed supervisors singled them out with bogus policies and unfair enforce­ ment o f employee rules. ör 0 The layoffs never truly disbanded SEIU Local 140, the union group representing custodians in the past. Many maintained continued on pane AS The city claim ed there was no dis­ him to support the appeal. Sam A dam s crimination. and Dan Saltzm an jo in ed in the unani­ C ity A ttorney Jen n ifer Johnston o b ­ m ous decision. C om m issio n er Erik je c ts to the ju d g m en t in the civil case Sten d id n 't vote, citin g a co n flict because o f court errors she said could b e c a u se h e 's kno w n W a sh in g to n set bad legal precedent and affect o th er since childhood. cases against the city. She objected to In their lawsuit, the women claimed the ju d g e allow ing evidence from the supervisors unfairly rated their jo b per­ e m p lo y e e s ’ w o rk e rs c o m p e n s a tio n form ance, accusing them o f being seen claim s that had already been litigated together, walking down the street when and won by the city. Johnston also said they should have been working. The the ju ry got incorrect ju ry instructions supervisors said they were concerned from the ju d g e. they might be going into the field to­ M ayor Tom P otter acknow ledged it gether without a m anager's perm is­ was a tough decision to appeal, e sp e ­ sion and were seen together too often, cially in light o f the case com ing before a violation o f a policy. an all-w hite and m ale C ity C ouncil. W ashington said she was insulted Randy L eonard, w ho runs the services by the council's appeal decision, whom bureau, said he w anted to let the ver­ she felt had been "bam boozled by the dict stand, but city attorneys persuaded city attorney's office” . Send in the Two-Wheeled Clowns l i t * ft w next two weeks, starting M onday, Sept. 25 and continuing through Oct. 2. School district officials and the return­ ing w orkers agree that Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) benefits and wage rates will remain the same, plus cost of living over the past four years. However, problem s abound with both parties locked in a dispute over back pay and health benefits. The custodians demand the same ben­ efits as when they left in 2002. The district says no, having renegotiated with another group o f district em ployees, af­ ter the custodians were contracted out. Returning custodians feel cheated by the district intentions to lower its contri­ bution rates for health benefits, which were covered in full in 2002. The new rates were bargained in a contract with Nutrition Services W orkers, fellow school em ployees and members o f Service Em ­ ployees International Union, SEIU Local 503. Depending on the size o f their family, custodians would pay $25 to $150 each month for health care. “O ur position is we return under the same conditions we left with in 2002,” said Steve Armony, former head custo­ dian at Franklin High School who is now chair of the custodian's steering com m it­ tee, a group o f 10 to 12 custodians leading the return process and bargaining for back pay. "W e’ve m aintained that we had no part o f the district's contract with Nutrition Services and no vote in the contract,” he said. "The terms are not acceptable to M3 In what has become a trademark o f the Alberta Street Fair and the art district's numerous other festivals, clowns on bikes pedal up and down the Northeast Portland thor­ oughfare Saturday, past shoppers, diners and curious onlookers. photo by M ark W ashington / T i l l I’t IRELAND ( >RSERV ER