Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 13, 2006, Page 9, Image 9

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    SEPTEMBtR 13. 2006
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N o J o b T o o B ig - N o J o b T o o S m a ll
A l l W o rk G u a ra n te e d - F re e E s tim a te s
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Hume Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
Dwayne ‘The Rock' Johnson (left) and rapper Xzbit coach a group of teen felons Into a winning football team in ‘Gridiron Gang,' a
new film opening Friday at theaters nationwide.
4946 N Vancouver Avenue, Portland OR 9/217
503 2H6 1,03 tax 503 286 1146
eune bill hbrnh-'tsfalefaui) com
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service®
Lessons Learned in ‘Gridiron Gang’
Picture based
on true story
opens Friday
Dwayne "The Rock” Johnson
stars in "Gridiron Gang” as a coach
who turns a group of hardcore teen­
age felons into a winning high
school football team in four weeks.
The movie, based on a true story is
scheduled for release from Colum­
bia Pictures on Friday, Sept. 15.
Gritty and powerfully emotional,
"Gridiron Gang" touched a chord
with Johnson because it mirrored
his experience as a troubled teen
whose life was changed by foot­
The movie is a powerfu I example
that if you can invest some time and
care into a kid, that kid's life will
change, says the film ’s producer
Lee Stanley, who initially directed
and produced the 1993 Emmy
A ward-winning documentary of the
same name.
No one knows this better than
Johnson, who admits, "I had been
arrested eight times before I was 14
years old. However, I was lucky
because my arresting officer told
me that he was either going to con­
tinue to kick my behind and arrest
me every week, or take me off the
streets and put me into the fresh­
man high school football program."
Football became a major influ­
ence for the future actor. He ex­
celled at the sport in high school
and won a scholarship to the pow­
erhouse football program at the
University of Miami in Florida,
where he continued to shine as a
defensive end, becoming a member
of the school's national champion­
ship team in 1989. The following
year, however, injuries forced him
to abandon his dream of playing
professional football.
In "Gridiron Gang," Johnson
stars as Sean Porter, a juvenile de­
tention camp probation officer
turned coach.
Confronted with gang rivalries
and bitter hatred between his team­
mates, Porter teaches some hard
lessons, and learns a few himself,
as the kids gain a sense of self-
respect and responsibility.
In a world where 75 percent of
juvenile inmates return to prison or
meet with violent ends on the
streets. Porter faces seemingly in­
surm ountable barriers. No one
wants tocompete against convicted
criminals, but through relentless
pursuit and a jolt of inspiration.
Porter and his team fight their way
to redemption and a second chance.
alt’s Hair Affair
2309 Neals Lane
Vancouver, W A 98661
Bryan Walden
Tues-Fri: 10 to 6
Mon & Sat 10 to 4:30
Phone: 360-695-5577
Steppin’ Out by Madgesdiq
Athlete turned poet shares journey
Yourfamily’sathleticism is leg­
endary. You are compared to your
father, your uncle, as well as your
nationally recognized cousin and
brother. Not just by your family,
friends and community, but every
sports fans from all over. Every
young school boy's supposed
dream is loaded on your shoul­
ders. Your name and face are
broadcast across the country.
And you have talent too. Talent
to play ball, be charming, talent to
ge, out and get rich. Who would
choose to be poet instead of a
fam o u s b a sk etb all p la y e r?
Madgesdiq grew up Antoine
Stoudamire in a family of star ath­
letes' His first book, a collection
of thoughts and poems, entitled
“Steppin' Out" chronicles his jour­
ney toward freedom and peace. He
displays tremendous courage and
faith as he rises above the expecta­
tions of others and charts his own
path; one of writer, author, per­
former and public speaker.
On W ed n esd ay , Sept. 13,
Madgesdiq will share readings from
his col lection of poems followed by
a book signing during a free event
Gwendolyn & Booker T. Moreland
Celebrating 50 Years
They met and married in Portland. OK. in 1956 where they
started their family: 2 girls and 3 hoys. They now have 9 grandt hil-
dren and 10 great-grandchildren.
Booker T. retired form Tri-Met. H e‘s a kind and loving husband
and father. He loves fishing, darts, howling, and cards. His is the
HI Dad!
Gwendolyn is a very sweet and caring, loving wife and mother.
She loves her spiritual music, and reading her bible. She is a very
special lady!
Booker T. A Gwendolyn both are loved dearly by everyone,
especially their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchil­
dren. God bless and keep them always and forever.
T ° p 2 °/ °
10 year TAX abatem ent.
Puritana Prenome
NO common walls
Beautiful new homes loaded with great features!
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Value at $218,750-5227,750
Selling in your neighborhood
John (..Scoff
Tony and
L ib b y
MBA, M.Ed.. Brokers,
The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC)
Billy W ebb E lk's Lodge
6 North Tillamook St., Portland. O regon
17700 SW Upper Boones F**rr'/ Rd
Portland, OR
Karm en
Ba ric e vie
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owns all the major
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Your Care
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musicians aren't
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aware that a few
people control so
Donation: $15.00 per person
Music by: DJ Papa Chuck
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Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets- $ 1.00 each
Menu: Roast Beef, Baked Ham, Turkey,
Green Beans. Salad & Dinner Rolls
much o f what
We are located at
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Portland, OR 97213
I Between Broadway
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O PEN s ix days a w eek
C o n ve n ie n t N o rth e a s t lo c a tio n :
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503 281-9048 • w w w .g u a rd ln o g a lle ry .c o m
60’s & 70 s- Oldies but Goodies
Saturday, September 23,2006
venues. Most
Call for an appointment!
• C u s to m F ra m in g
Old School Party
www joh n lscott com /karm enb
•Contemporary A rt & Craft in G ift Shop
Presents An
WWW SellingPortlandRealEstate
Garage, yard, porch & patio,
• C h a n g in g M o n t h ly E x h ib itio n s
in Portland M etro
M a r g a r e t van P a tte n & E rika K o h r
P ictu re d ab o ve : van P a tte n "Siam ese T w in s " e tc h in g
August 31, 2006
at 7 p.ni. at the Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate.
He has also scheduled an event at
theCommunity Energy Project,420
N.E. Alberta St., on Thursday, Sept.
28 at 7p.m.
A u g u s t 31 -S e p te m b e r 26
(503) 228-6140
we hear..."
Susan Tedeschi
km hd
Most o f our support
comes from you!
6 7 % o f our
funding is donated
by listeners
Tickets Available at:
A A M C C lub Members
ll a i r Creations. 503-281-1135
C annon’s Rib Express: 503-288-3836
One Stop Records: 5O3-284-8IO3
Exodus Spa: 503-288-3 I (formerly EZ Noils)
lames & Johnnie M ayfield 'Vancouver): .360-576-8519
Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program
The African American Men's Cluh is a non-profit organization