Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 13, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    September 13. 2006
Page A3
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Race for the Cure Sunday
Aids fight against breast cancer
Individuals can help fight breast overall m ortality rates. This could
cancer by taking part in the 15th he attributed to lack o f access to
Annual Race for the Cure, which regular, high-quality medical care,
takes place Sunday, Sept. 17, at overall aw areness, and cultural
W aterfront Park.
Nearly 5( ),(MX ) people are expected
Komen funds a w ide variety of
to turn out for this y ear’s race, organizations providing breast can­
w hich raises money for the Susan cer education, screening and treat­
G. Komen Breast C ancer Founda­ ment services, including the Im m i­
tion with up to 75 percent o f the grant and Refugee Com m unity O r­
funds generated staying here in the ganization (I RCO).
com m unity; the rem aining 25 per­
Komen will also host a Race for
cent is dedicated to national re­ the Cure Health Expo at the Oregon
C onvention C enter on Friday and
W hile huge strides have been Saturday, Sept. 15-16, where indi­
m ade in breast cancer diagnosis viduals can register for the Race
and treatm ent, the disease is still a and receive health information and
m ajor killer. For m inority w om en, free product samples.
the m ortality rate from breast can ­
For registration and Race infor­
cer has not declined as steadily as mation, visit kom enoregon.org.
West Nile Virus Hits Home
Disease carried by mosquitoes
photo by I saiah
B oi ie /T iie P ortland O bserver
Portland Remembers 9-11 Victims
Portland firefighters gathered for a moment of silence at noon Monday in Pioneer Courthouse Square in remembrance o f the
victims o f the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Some 343 members o f the New York Fire Department lost their lives on that
day during rescue operations at the World Trade Center towers.
Diversity Leader to Bring Perspectives
The Oregon Health & Sciences
University School o f Nursing brings
a n a tio n a lly k n o w n d iv e rs ity
speaker to Portland to address the
topic o f “T he Im portance o f D iver­
sity in A chieving E xcellence.”
W t-
Bertiee Berry, Ph.D.. a sociolo­
gist. author, lecturer, educator and
com edienne, will address a poten­
tially difficult issue with hum or, re­
search and storytelling. She is a
form er professor at Kent State U ni­
versity who has since developed a
career as an entertainer and author. cal thinking that lives within each
G rounded in her definition of individual. Berry will describe how
diversity as being a m atter o f eriti- achieving diversity requires ongo­
•*» »
Oregon Zoo, beginning with a no­
host bar at 6:30 p.m., with dinner
following at 7 p.m. The cost o f the.
evening is $25 per person. Reser­
vations may he made hy contact­
ing Patricia Sims at 5 0 3-494-1 111
or by visiting the School o f N urs­
ing W eb site at ohsu.edu/son/
puhaty.shtm l.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty p u b lic
h ealth o ffic ia ls co n firm ed a p o si­
tiv e test fo r W est N ile V irus in
tw o d ead b ird s, m arking the a r­
rival o f a viral in fectio n to the
P o rtlan d region.
W est N ile V irus is tran sm itted
w hen a m o sq u ito feeds on an in ­
fected bird and then bites a h u ­
m an. B irds can n o t tran sm it the
d ise ase to h um ans, nor can it be
sp read th ro u g h p erso n -to -p erso n
c o n ta c t.
M ost peo p le do not becom e
very sick, o r will ju st exhibit m ild,
flu -lik e sym ptom s. H ow ever, for
som e, especially individuals older
than 50, the W est N ile V irus can
cau se m en in g itis o r en cep h alitis,
o r sw ellin g o f the brain.
H e a lth o f fic ia ls e n c o u ra g e
p eo p le to take p rec au tio n s by d e ­
creasin g the chan ces o f m osquito
bites. T he best w ays are to install
w indow and d o o r screens, c o n ­
sider staying indoors during peak
m osquito biting tim es, dusk to
daw n, w ear long-sleeved clo th ­
ing and long p an ts w h en ev er
o u td o o rs, avoid p erfu m es and
co lo g n es when o u tdoors for long
p eriods o f tim e, and use a m os­
qu ito rep ellen t co n tain in g 20-30
percent D E E T (a chem ical used
as insect rep ellen t, not for use on
children under three years o f age).
Y o u 're advised to see a health
care p ro v id er im m ediately if you
dev elo p sym ptom s such as high
fever, co n fu sio n , m uscle w eak ­
ness, and severe headaeh. Tell
them if you have been activ e
o u tdoors or have a recent m os­
q u ito bite.
ing and daily mental shifts.
The lecture will be held Friday,
Sept. 15 at the Vista Room o f the
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