íll‘' IJortlanh (ßbseruer Page A2 Iraq War Defended in TV Address ‘Islamic Fascists’ Phrase Disputed Kennedy says Bush should be ashamed (AP) — Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold called on President Bush to refrain from using the phrase “Islamic fascists,“ saying it was offensive to Muslims and has nothing to do with global terrorists fighting the United Slates. “We must avoid using misleading and offensive terms that link Islam with those who subvert this great religion or who distort its teachings to justify terrorist activities,” Feingold said Tuesday in a speech to the Arab American Institute on Capitol Hill. The Wisconsin senator, a potential 2008 presidential candidate, said the label “Islamic fascists” makes no sense and doesn’t help the U.S. effort to combat terror­ ism. “Fascist ideology doesn’t have anything to do with the way global terrorist networks think or operate, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world who practice the peaceful teachings of Islam,” Feingold said. Ingredients for life. S e p t e m b e r 13, 2 0 0 6 President Bush, in a prim e-tim e address from the Oval O ffice on the five-year anniversary o f the Sept. 11 attacks, staunchly defended the war in Iraq even though he acknowledged that Saddam Hussein was not responsible for the attacks that ki lied nearly 3,000 people. He said S addam 's regime, while lacking w eap­ ons of mass destruction, was a clear threat that posed "a risk the world could not afford to take.” At least 2,666 U.S. servicem en and women have died in Iraq. "W hatever m istakes have been made in Iraq, the worst m istake would be to think that if we pulled out. the terrorists w ould leave us alone,” the president said. "They will not leave us alone. They will follow us.” Hijacked planes used as missies on Sept. 11, 2001 destroyed the W orld Trade Center tow ers in President Bush addresses the nation. (AP photo) New York and a wing o f the Pentagon in W ash­ ington, D.C. A nother plane crashed in Pennsyl­ vania. The attacks thrust the Untied States into a costly and unfinished w ar against terror and aw akened the world to bin Laden, an exiled Saudi Arabian, and his band o f al-Q aida terrorists. Bin Laden, the reputed m aster­ mind o f the attack, and other terror­ ists are still in hiding, presum ably in the border area between Afghani­ stan and Pakistan. Still, Bush calls Iraq the central SAFEWAY O front in the war on terrorism. "The safety o f A m erica depends on the out­ com e o f the battle in the streets o f Baghdad,” the president said. He quoted bin Laden as calling Iraq "the Third W orld W ar.” Some leading Dem ocrats say President Bush shouldn’t have used the m em ory o f the 9-11 attacks to defend the Iraq war. Sen. Ted Kennedy says outright that Bush "should be ashamed" o f giving a speech that "had nothing to do with 9-11." The veteran M assachusetts law m aker says the anniversary w asn't the tim e to debate the president’s Iraq policy. Boneless! RANCHERS Oregon Soldiers Die in Fighting Beef Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Chuck Pot Roast QQ Ground 1 Sirloin ID lb Boneless SAVE CLUB PRICE 90% le a n CLUB PRICE Three soldiers with O r­ egon connections have been killed in recent days in A f­ ghanistan. S g t. N a th a n ie l B rad Lindsey was on patrol Sat­ urday afternoon north o f Kandahar province when his patrol group cam e under at­ tack. On Friday, Sgt. Robert Paul o f The Dalles, and Sgt. 1st Class M eredith Howard of Alam eda, California were up to $2 00 lb. 10% Fat. Sgt. Robert Paul killed. H oward had been as­ signed to a Portland-based Civil A ffairs Brigade before being reassigned to the Fort Bragg unit. The tw o were riding in their Humvee in Kabul when an im provised explosive d e­ vice blew up near it, killing both. In hiscivilian occupation, Paul was a planner for W asco County. O ne o f his surviv­ ing sisters lives in Portland. > > < V ’ S c h w a rz e n e g g e r A p o lo g iz e s 4 < Ç t < ' QQ Captain's Choice ouicncr s oui Chicken Leg Quarters **** Grade A. SAVE up to 801 lb Cooked Shrimp .. 91toHM.TaiK6rRa«5, lb lo 60ct Slum. FramWawed CLUB PRICE SAVE up to $2.00 lb SFITTI I'D £X< Fl Î ï V I Crisp Gala Apples Glah Price SI J01h SAVE tl|i 10 60« on 1 lb ■yg “ I 3-lb Bag Sweet Yellow Onions or 5-lb Bag Russet Potatoes CLUB PRICE ■SW EETEST O F T H E S E A S O N " Earn CLUB PRICE y Club Price: $1 00 ea. SAVE up ID 79C Obi per gallon of gasoline lU ^ U r r Every tim e you spend $50 at you r Safew ay store w ith your Club Card in a single transaction. See store fo r details. rs (Ei. f flL Af Q Q" 12-Pack Pepsi Fridge Mates 12-02 cans. Selected vírel es C U i t a S3 33 ei Plu! deposrt n Oregon. CLUB PRICE 2*4 CLUB PRICE Lay's or Wavy Lay's 11 to 13.75-02. Selected varieties Club Price: $2 00 ea. SAVE up to S1 98 on 2 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE f QUAI oa 1 IMS R VAI UK HI1 Tree Top Apple Juice 64-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 21 on 2 (A P) — G ov. A rnold S chw arzenegger ap o lo g ized F riday for say in g d u rin g a clo sed -d o o r m eeting that C ub an s and P uerto R icans are n aturally feisty and tem p eram en tal becau se o f th eir c o m b i­ nation o f “b lack b lo o d " and “L atino b lo o d .” He said the tape-recorded com m ents “m ade me cringe” when he read them in F riday’s Los A ngeles Times. "A nyone out there that feels offended by those com m ents, I ju st want to say I'm sorry, I apologize,” Schw arzenegger said. T he statem en ts w ere cap tu red on a six -m in u te tape m ade d u rin g a M arch 3 s p e e c h w r iti n g s e s s io n b e tw e e n S ch w arzen eg g er and his advisers. On it, S ch w arzen eg g er and c h ie f o f sta ff S u ­ san K ennedy speak affec tio n a tely o f state A ssem b ly w o m an B onnie G arcia and sp ecu late about her n atio n ality . “ 1 mean C uban, Puerto-Rican, they are all very hot," the governor said. “They have the, you know, part o f the black blood in them and part o f the Latino blood in them that together m akes it.” HIV/AIDS Tests in Prisons Wanted U.S. Rep. M axine W aters has proposed m andatory H IV/AIDS testing for inmates entering a federal prison facility and again upon their release. The California Democrat and member of the Congressional Black Caucus intro­ duced legislation Thursday to help curb the spread o f H IV/AIDS in the A frican- A m erican com m unity — a trend that has been largely ignored by a m ajority o f U.S. policy makers, elected officials, and civil rights leaders. "N egative attitudes tow ard and the stigma associated with mandatory testing are obsolete and pose a potentially lethal health risk, specifically to African Ameri­ cans." said Rep. Waters. "The United States must start looking at mandatory testing in the context o f prevention. We cannot allow the fear and ignorance rooted in a 25-year- old mindset to slow aggressive efforts to halt the progress of this disease.” Although black A m ericans m ake up only 12 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 50 percent o f the new H IV /A ID S cases. A fric an -A m erica n w omen make up nearly 70 percent o f all new AIDS cases am ong women. CLUB PRICE NEW! Rosemary Chicken & W hite Bean Soup • M a d e w ith dice d c hicken, savory w h ite beans, ro a s te d to m a to e s B l y 0NE.cn one Dreyer's Grand 1 7 0 1 7 1 7 IceCream Í ' 75’51 ¡X u m u m T S u ÍÍ u « Selected varieties r tv i « ..U W W .» » Mwowave or Tony's hn> 87 to 172« seeded varieties Club Pnce $2Xe» SAVE up to $10 95 on 8 M Ä |jp t o ttM M 2 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 24-Pack Budweiser, Miller or Coors Red Baron French Bread 12-oz eins or 30-Pack Miller Lie Seiected vineties Plus depos.t m D-eoon SAVE up Io SS SO R e p . D ia n e R o s e n b a u m R e p . C h ip S h ie ld s a n d c arrots • S im m e re d in real chicken stock • S easoned w ith fr a g r a n t rosem ary, Taking Charge: ro a s te d garlic, sage a n d parsley • 2 5 o i . c o n ta in e r ---------- t / 1----------- Fresh, restaurant quality soup Club Price fa SO ea SAVE up to 98 < on 2 2,.?9 CLUB PRICE The Future of Energy in Oregon AIT 1 98 EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Dairy Glen Milk Galion Whole. 2%, 1%, or Fat Free 4 99 32oz Selected varieties SAVE up to $2 30 BB. CLUB PRICE Progresso Rich and Hearty Soup Lucerne Chunk or Shredded Cheese CLUB PRICE U 5 » I 9 « Sewed ríñeles Club Pnce Sl .OOna Limit 10. SAVE up to 81« 80 on 10 SEPTEMBER •re tu« pm sat tua 1) 14 1« H 17 ¡ IS -vt AU. LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. pnce n rhu ad arr available at your lot a I Safeway More» No $aki to ifealers, rntauranh or »nctitutions Sales tn retail quantifies only Quantities c i wine items may be limited and suhteet lo arailabilifv Noi responsible for typopaph se I me firsi firM item item to to receive receive the the second second item item free. free I BOGO offers are not 1 7 pnce sales II mlv a single kaì or pictorial errors We reserve the right to correli all printed errors On Buy One, (iet One Free f B (X X )*) offers, customer must purchase item pnn bated ’he regular pme appiies.Manuf» turns' coupons may be used on pun hated items only nor on free item* C2006 Safeway Sti fores, Im 4 Time: 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Place: Hollywood Senior Center 1820 NE 40th Ave. Portland Shields for a discussion of energy issues in Oregon. We will cover several energy topics and have a panel o f experts to address your concerns. Plenty of time has been reserved for questions, so please plan to attend. The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Don't miss this chance to share your views with your legislators! Please call 503-493-4411 It AM fntf In iMMsr f 1 «ft war MW C* CM uà Join State Representatives Diane Rosenbaum, Jackie Dihgfelder, and Chip D a t e : Thursday, Sept. 21st, 2006 Questions?