SEPTEMBER 13. 2006 Page B6 In Loving Memory Sunrise: Aug. 8,1959 Brandon to Enter Hall of Fame Sunset: Sept 9,2006 Funeral services for Jennifer Johnson will be held Friday, Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. at Highland C hurch, 4635 N.E. NinthAve. One of Oregon’s best ever honored Jennifer Johnson .^\öcare ^ ere Breakfast Lunch Pottie training Snacks State certified Story tim e Toys Games Fun Arts and crafts And much more! Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center Ages 2 mos-12 years Educational learning For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -3 1 5 4 3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227 Bargain “ 3r I ! I Jr V .. I. 1 •, #1 Wireless Store! No Credit Checks! We buy & sell used phones. We do Bill Pay (Cell Phones, Utility Bills) Service offered: Sprint, N extel.T -m obile, Q west, Dish Network, Com cast, prepaid. 3511 N.E. M LKBlvd. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-6061 Q «*n M»«* )► d Sh w w w.lsdtqàittwireless ne* MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service _______CARPET CLEANING $25.00 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRAY TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Each Area $35.00 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) record for single-gam e T errell B ran d o n , s te a ls a n d w as th e one o f the best bas­ league Most Valuable ketball players in O r­ Player in 1990 a n d ’9 1. egon sports history, Brandon becam e the will be enshrined as a ?????! Ith overall pick m em berof the Oregon in 19 9 1 NBA draft. He Sports Hall o f Fame. played for Cleveland, Brandon was high M ilwaukee and M inne­ sc h o o l b a s k e tb a ll sota in a professional player o f the year at career that saw him earn Grant High School in Terrell Brandon a spot on two NBA All- n o rth ea st P o rtlan d , before becom ing one o f the best S tar teams. He was the '.’???? 1997 players in the history o f the U niver­ NBA Sportsm an o f the Year Award sity of Oregon and a tw o-tim e NBA for community service. He had NBA c'.’ .’areer averages o f 13.8 points all-star. O ther m em bers o f this year’s per gam e, 6 . 1 assists per gam e, and c la s s a re b r o a d c a s te r D o u g l .6 steals per game. LaM ear was sports director for LeM ear, baseball player W ayne Twitchell. the 1965-66Oregon State K G W -Channel 8 for 35 years. His University Basketball team, Port­ love for sports began in his early land State University C oach Roy days as a youngster at Portland’s L le w e lly n G ra d e school and as a base­ ball player at Benson high school. Twitchell isaPort- land native and three- year letterman i n base­ ball at W ilson High School. He was se­ le cted in the first round o f the 1966 draft by the Houston A stros and in 1970 made his major league d e b u t a g a in s t th e M in n e s o ta T w in s striking out the side w hich included Rod C arew , Tony O liva and H a rm o n Killebrew. He was a National League All- Terrell Brandon graces the cover of Star in 1979 pitching Sports Illustrated. for the Philadelphia Love, and table tennis star Judy Phillies. The 1965-66 O regon State Bas­ Bochenski-Hoarfrost. Brandon was born in Portland ketball team, coached by Oregon and led G rant High to the state title Sports Hall o f Fam cr Paul Valenti, in 1988. At the UO. he earned ca­ won the Pac-8 T itle - the only team reer- and single-season records for other than UCLA to win the title scoring average, assists in a single during this period o f the confer­ gam e, and sing le-seaso n steals ence. The team had a 21-7 overall (twice). He also holds the Pae-10 mark, and 12-2 in the Pac-8. The Terrell Brandon was one o f the greatest players in the history of the University o f Oregon where he led the Ducks in scoring, assists and steals. B eavers d efeated H ouston and Elvin Hayes in the opening round o f the NCA A T ournam ent before suffering a second round loss to Utah. Roy Love attended Cleveland High School and Portland State Uni­ versity before beginning a coach­ ing careerat his alm a mater in 1962. He coached baseball, football and golf as a professor o f health and physical education at PSU for 30 years. In 1962 his baseball team placed 2nd in the NAIA N ationals and in 1967 his baseball team won the NCAA II Pacific Coast College D ivision Cham pionship. Judy Bochenski-H oarfrost rep­ resented the U.S. in the historic “Ping-Pong” diplom acy in China as a 15-year old, and again m et the Chinese team in the 1972 friendship m atches held in the United States. She com peted on four U.S. W orld Championships teams in 19 7 1,1973, 1975 and 1977. The O regon Sports Hall o f Fame will induct the six new candidates to join the nearly 300 current m em ­ bers d u rin g c e rem o n ie s at the M ultnom ah Athletic Club on T ues­ day, Sept 26. This y ear's program will consist o f a reception beginning at 5:30 p.m. follow ed by dinner and pro­ gram at 7 p.m. Tickets are $65 per person. T o order call the Hall of Fame at 503-227-7466. Barkley, Dumars Join Basketball’s Hall Dominique Wilkins also enshrined ( A P) - C h arles B arkley played the co m ed ian during his in d u c­ tion into the B asketball H all o f Fam e in S p rin g field , M ass. Barkley averaged 22 points and alm ost 12 reb o u n d s in 16 NBA seasons that included stops in P h ilad elp h ia, P hoenix and H ous­ ton. But it w as his ch arism atic p erso n ality and outsp o k en style that m ade him a superstar. He p u t that style on d isp lay during the induction cerem o n y F riday n ig h t, w ith o n e lin e rs about not finishing his co lleg e e d u c a tio n an d b ein g a rre s te d As members o f the class o f 2006, former NBA players Charles Barkley, left, and Joe Dumars share a laugh during a news conference on Friday. (AP photo) several tim es. “ I w as alw ay s ac q u itted ,” he said. But there w as a m essag e b e­ hind the hum or. He m ade h ea d lin e s in a 1993 N ike te lev isio n spot, w hen he solem n ly w arned the au d ien ce, “ I am not a role m odel. . . p aren ts should be role m o d els.” He said F riday th at he was proud he started th at c o n v e rsa ­ tion, and b eliev es he is su p p o sed to do great th in g s w ith the fam e that b ask etb all has given him . “ B asketball is really im portant and sig n ific an t in my life, but it’s the least im p o rta n t th in g ,” he said. “W hen I w as able to give a m illion d o llars to buy h o u ses for the (H u rrican e K atrina) ev a c u ­ ees, th at w as m ore im p o rtan t to m e than an y th in g I e v e r ac c o m ­ p lished on the b ask etb all c o u rt.” Barkley w asenshrined with two o th e r N BA g rea ts, D o m in iq u e W ilk in s and Joe D um ars, form er Big E ast c o m m is s io n e r D ave G a v itt, C o n n e c tic u t w o m e n 's coach G en o A u riem m a and Ital­ ian coach S an d ro G am ba. $ 1.50 Each Energy Trust Helps Oregon Businesses Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / BOAT/ R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION Positively Im pact the Bottom Line Burgerville to o k advantage o f incentives from Energy Trust and installed high performance ______ UPHOLSTERY CLEANING pre-rinse sprayers in 19 Portland-anea locations. SO FA ---------------------------------------- For Burgerville, that adds up to savings o f $7.600 LOVESEAT $ 6 0 .0 0 $ 4 9 .0 0 S E C T IO N A L ----------------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 C H A IR O R R E C L IN E R ____________ $ 3 5 .0 0 T H R O W P I L L O W S --------------------------------- $ 5 .0 0 every year. W ith energy costs on the rise, now --------------------------------- is a great tim e to take advantage o f Energy Trust incentives fo r your business. » r I I I I Let Energy Trust help lower your energy costs and improve your bottom line. COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR $135.00 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: Call Energy Trust today. I-86 6-E N T R U S T Rondell Sango General Manager of the NE Mtn tip Luther King Jr. Boulevard »uigerville, puts a new pre-rinse Jprayei to work. Energy Trust programs serve Oregon customers o f Pacific Power. Portland General Electric. N W Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. (503) 281-3949 •i EnergyTrust of Oregon. Inc. Bonds Hits No. 731 Barry Bonds celebrates after hitting his 731st home run Saturday in a game against the San Diego Padres in San Francisco. The seven-time NL MVP pulled within 24 of Hammerin' Hank Aaron's all- time mark. (AP photo)