Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 13, 2006, Page 10, Image 10

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    SEPTEMBER 13. 2006
Page B4
C lassifieds
For contracting opportunities with the City of Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page:
w w w.portlandonline.com/omf/purchasint;
I B ids
L egal N otices
° # FG O , i
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204
$3,755 - $4,564 / month
Closes Septem ber 22. 2006
Im m e d ia t e
fu ll a n d
p a r t - t im e
o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le ,
w ell-groom ed, positive Individuals.
$ 8 .5 0 + starting wage
M e d ic a l S p e c ia lis t. O re go n
Convention Center. Entry: $ 12.84
- $ 1 4 .1 6 / h o u r, PT. P ro v id e s
m edical a ssista n ce to patrons
and staff at M ERC facilities.
N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt
docum ent or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-m ail your notice for a free
price quote!
Fax: 5 0 3 2 8 8 0 0 1 5
O vertim e/ advancement potential
M edical & Dental, 4 0 lk a v a il.
D ru g te s t/ Background check
Apply 1 2 :0 0 1:00P M ,
Mon, Wed, Blurs &Fri;
3 : 0 0 - 4 :0 0 P M Tues.
City Center Parking,
1 3 0 SW Stark, Portland
To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d
a pplication m aterials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a com plete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Sealed bids will be received by the City of Cam as at the Finance
Departm ent in the Cam as M unicipal Center, 616 NE 4th Avenue,
Cam as, W ashington 98607, until 10:00 AM on Tuesday September
26,2006. and will be opened and publicly read after 10:00 AM on
that date.
Description of Work
This contract provides for repair of a land slide above Forest Home
Road, by clearing and grubbing, grading, draining, erosion control,
placing quarry spalls, construction surveying and other work, all in
accordance with the attached Contract Plans, Contract Provisions,
and the Standard Specifications.
Estimate Range
Engineer’s estimate of probable cost is approximately $475,000.
Availability of Bidding Documents
Contractors may obtain the contract docum ents at the Public
W orks Departm ent in the Cam as M unicipal Center, located at
616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington 98607, (360) 817-1561
upon paym ent at a cost of $35.00 plus sales tax.
For more inform ation, contact Jim Carothers, 616 NE 4th Avenue,
Camas. WA 98607 at (360) 817-1561, ext. 4230; or Jim Hodges at ext.
Bid Proposal Deposit
All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal deposit
in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an
am ount equal to five percent (5%) of the am ount of such bid
proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such
contract and furnish satisfactory perform ance bond within the
tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall
be forfeited to the City of Camas.
Relectlon of Bids
The City of Cam as shall have the right to reject any or all bids not
accom panied by a bid proposal deposit required by the bidding
docum ent or a bid in any way incom plete or irregular.
The City of Cam as is an equal opportunity and affirm ative action
employer. Minority and women owned businesses are encouraged
to subm it bids.
The Portland Observer
T R I© M E T
The Tri-County M etropolitan Transportation D istrict of Oregon
(TriMet), the region's progressive public transit agency has an
im m ediate opening for a M arketing Associate. Provide assistance
to the marketing sales team to develop, sell and manage marketing
program s and services, and create and maintain partnerships to
build bus and MAX ridership at em ployer sites and within the
Q ualified applicants will have the follow ing background:
• A ss o cia te 's degree in m arketing, com m unications, public
relations, or related field.
• Two ye a rs exp e rie n ce in sa le s/m a rk e tin g, a d v e rtis in g or
prom otional work,
• Valid driver's license with a good driving record.
• Ability to lift up to 50 lb s .
• W ord processing or personal com puter experience (M icrosoft
Word, Excel) required.
• Or any equivalent com bination of experience and training.
TriM et Offers:
• Excellent work environm ent
• Com petitive salary and fringe benefit package
• Salary Range: $16.66 - $19.99 per hour
Subm it resum e and cover letter along with TriMet application.
Application m aterials m ay be obtam ea from TriM et's Hum an
Resources office, 1st floor, 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202.
You may fax your application to 503-962-7440. Those residing
outside th e Portland M etropolitan area or who are physically
disabled m ay request application m aterials by calling 503-962-
7635. Persons needing an accom m odation under the Am ericans
with Disabilities Act for any part of the application process should
contact TriM et Hum an Resources s ta ff at (503) 962-7635. A
m in im u m o f tw o w o rk d a y s n o tic e p rio r to th e n e ed fo r
accom m odation is required. TTY# (503) 238-5811. Visit our web
site at http.//w w w .trim et.orii/iobs for m ore detailed inform ation
and to download an application. This recruitment will close on Friday,
September 15,2006.
TriMet is an EOE, committed to developing an organization that is
reflective of and sensitive to the needs of the diverse com m unity
we serve, including the elderly and persons w ith disabilities.
(Administrative Specialist I I )
Sheriff's Office
$ 2 ,5 9 2 - $ 3 ,1 5 3 /m onth
Closes Septem ber 22, 2006
$3,403 $ 4 ,1 3 5 /m o n th
Closes Septem ber 22, 2006
The City of Portland is seeking an
Administrative and Fiscal Support Call (503) 8 46 -86 0 6/TTY (503)
Specialist that will serve as staff 846-4898 for inform ation or see
to the Children's Investment Fund our w e b s ite : w w w .co .w a s h in g-
and to th e F u n d 's A llo c a tio n ton.or.us. County application and
Com m ittee. The Adm inistrative supplem ental application form s
and Fiscal Support Specialist will required. W omen, minorities, and
p ro v id e g e n e ra l s u p p o rt fo r p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s a re
adm inistration of the Fund, and encouraged to apply.
s p e c ia liz e d s u p p o rt fo r th e
a c c o u n tin g o f g ra n t and
W ashington County Human
a d m in is tra tiv e b u d ge ts o f the
Resources Division
Fund. This is a part-time, .8 FTE,
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270
5-day per week, at-w ill exem pt
Hillsboro, OR 97124
staff position which will report to
th e Fun d P ro g ra m D ire c to r. EARLY C H IL D H O O D TEACHERS
Approximate Annual Salary will be S e e k in g 3 e n th u s ia s tic e a rly
$41 ,31 7 - $ 5 0 ,1 0 3 D O Q (as childhood teachers to work in our
adjusted for .8 FTE) For additional infant and toddler classroom s. F/
in fo rm a tio n ,
q u a lific a tio n T or P/T a va ila b le ,$ 8 .5 0 -$ ll/p e r
re q u ire m e n ts and a p p lica tio n hour + benefits/vacation, must
instructions, please check the have 1 year of experience with
C it y 's
w eb
s ite
at c h ild re n 6 w k s -3 yrs in sta te
certified center, experience with
s o c ia l
s e rv ic e s / c a s e
m anagem ent helpful, and office
e xp e rie n ce . D eg ree in ECE or
related field preferred. Please
send letter of interest & resum e
to: Michelle Reynolds, VOA Family
G eneral
Relief N ursery, 3910 SE Stark
Oregon based General Contractor Street, Portland, OR 97214
James W Fowler Co,
B i"F.
looking for equipm ent operators,
laborers, pipe layers, truck drivers
with three plus years experience
to w o rk on p re v a ilin g w a g e
projects. Jam es W. Fowler is an
Equal Opportunity Em ployer and
e n c o u ra g e s
w om en
m inorities to apply. Fax resum e
to 503-623-9117
Radio-Immediate Opening, Traffic
Reporter-part time E xp e rie n c e
required. Send tape and resume
to P rogra m D ire cto r, K XL-AM ,
0234 SW Bancroft, Portland, OR
97239 No Phone Calls
Joan Durgin, City of Cam as, City Clerk
Career Opportunities
at Providence Health System
Portland State University seeks
m otivated, se lf-s ta rtin g capital
construction m anager to guide
capital construction projects on a
grow ing urban cam pus with city
g re e n s p a c e s a n d a v ib ra n t
c a m p u s c o m m u n ity n e tw o rk .
R e q u ire d s k ills in c lu d e 5 yrs
a rc h ite c tu ra l and e n g in e e rin g
experience; proven m ulti-tasking
c a p a b ilitie s a nd m a n a g in g
m u ltip le
p ro je c ts ;
ju d g m e n t; a n tic ip a to ry s k ills ;
c o n fid e n tia lity ; n e g o tia tio n ;
p ro b le m s o lv in g ; e x c e lle n t
organization; communication and
c u s to m e r s e rv ic e s k ills . F o r
com plete announcem ent details
see w eb site w w w .h rc.p d x.e d u .
S a la ry ra n g e $ 7 0 ,0 0 0 to
$ 8 0 ,0 0 0 . E x c e lle n t b e n e fits
p a c k a g e , in c lu d in g re d u c e d
tuition at Oregon University System
in s titu tio n s fo r e m p lo ye e or a
d ep end ent. Ap p lica tio n review
process will continue until finalists
are identified. PSU is an AA/EO
institution and, in keeping with
the President's diversity initiative,
w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e
c a n d id a te s
candidates who support diversity.
Send letter of interest, resum e
with the names, addresses and
p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e
re fe re n c e s ,
s a la ry
re q u ire m e n ts to th e e m a il or
address below:
Email (preferred method):
M ailing Address:
Chair, Capital Construction Project
M anager Search Com m ittee
Portland State University,
Facilities and Planning
PO Box 751, Mail Code FAP
Portland. OR 97207-0751
E xecutive M anagement
Administrator, Public Transit Division
Principal Executive/ M anager
The Agency is seeking a dynam ic
professional with a proven track
record of strategic policym aking
and the ab ility to d evelop and
support a creative and innovative
e n viro n m e n t. C a n d id a te s with
p ro g re s s iv e ly
re s p o n s ib le
m ultim ode public transportation
system s e xp e rie n ce , in clu d in g
operations, planning, marketing,
and maintenance are encouraged
to a p p ly . O D O T o ffe rs an
annualized m onthly eq uiva le nt
s a la ry ra n g e o f $ 6 4 ,0 0 8 -
$99,000+ and excellent benefits
p a c k a g e . F o r fu ll d e ta ils on
Announcem en t #0CD T6537,
including jo b duties, m inim um
qualifications, and applications
in s tru c tio n s ,
p le a s e
v is it
www.odotjobs.com or call (866)
ODOT- JOBS (TTY 986-3854 for
the hearing impaired). Application
m aterials m ust be received by
5:00 pm PST on Septem ber 26,
2 0 0 6 . O D O T is an A A / E E O
Employer, com m itted to building
workforce diversity.
If you're dedicated to excellence and passionate about your work,
then you deserve an outstanding career opportunity. You'll find
this and more at Providence Health System .
Providence is Oregon's second largest private employer. With state-
of-the-art facilities in Portland, Newberg, Medford, Hood River,
S easid e and Mt. Angel, we en joy a statew ide reputation for
excellence in health care and for being a great place to work.
W e're looking for the right em ployees for career opportunities in
many areas. Whether your professional skills are in financial services
or nursing; medical records or facility maintenance; adm inistrative
support or health care m anagem ent, consider a ca reer with
Visit our Em ploym ent Center at 1235 NE 47th Avenue
or view current opportunities and apply online today! EOE
The Housing Authority of the City of Tacoma ("TH A ”) will receive
sealed bids from qualified contractors at the offices of Tacoma
H o u sin g A u th o rity until 2 :0 0 PM , Local T im e , W e d n e sd a y,
Septem ber 27, 2006, for the conversion of the Bergerson Terrace
garage into an activity center and installation of a work/study station
to include two (2) countertops at Dixon Village.
Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud a t the office of THA, 9 0 2 South
L Street, Tacoma, WA 9 8 4 0 5 , a t the stated tim e and date, Wednesday,
S eptem ber 2 7 , 2 0 0 6 , 2 :0 0 PM Local Tim e.
Contractors may obtain Contract Documents from THA at 902 South
“L” Street, Tacom a, WA 98405, or by calling (253) 207-4439
starting Septem ber 11, 2006. Each set of Contract D ocum ents
includes the Project Manual and one page Draw ing at no charge.
The scope of work for this project involves the conversion of a
double car garage into an activity center for youth, and installation
of a workstation with tw o (2) countertops at another jo b site. The
m ajor com ponents of work for each site are listed in the Contract
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Thursday, September
14,2006 at the job site located at Bergerson Terrace Apartm ents,
5301 South Orchard, Tacoma, WA.,
in the com m unity room, building 5317. The pre-bid m eeting is not
mandatory, but attendance is highly encouraged.
Particular attention is called to the provisions for W M BE and Equal
Opportunity and Prevailing W age Rates to be paid under the
contract. No bidder may w ithdraw their bid within 60 days after
the actual date of opening thereof. THA reserves the right to waive
any and all inform alities or to reject any and all bids. TH A is an
Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis
o f race, color, national origin, religion, age, familial status, marital
status, sexual orientation, gender identity or handicapped status
in the employment or provision of services. Approved for publication
by M ichael M irra, Executive Director.
• Project Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,7 8 3 $4,179/m onth
Announcement »0C DT6259 Beaverton
• Senior Inspector
Salary: $ 2,922 - $ 4 ,3 8 2 /m o n th
Announcement 40CDT6454A Portland
• Senior Inspector
Salary: $ 2 .9 2 2 - $ 4,382/m onth
Announcement 40C DT6200 Portland
• Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,7 8 3 - $4,179/m onth
Announcem ent 40CDT6201 Portland
• Senior Inspector
Salary: $ 2,922 $4,3 8 2 /m o n th
Announcement 4OCDT6155B Troutdale
• Inventory Specialist (Part-Time)
Salary: $11.07 $ 1 3 .4 9 /h o u r
Announcement 40C DT6545 Salem
• Region Environmental Coordinator
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health
insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave;
membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (0PSRP):
and opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans.
« ,
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal
opportunity employers.
•— *•
• Principal Executlve/Manager H
Announcement »LEHS6729 Salem
Salary: $ 7 0 .5 3 6 $109.128/year
Close Date September 26. 2 0 0 6
Announcement »LEHS6731 Portland
Salary: $ 3 .2 7 2 $4,7 8 4 /m o n th
Close Date: September 26. 2 0 0 6
Salary: $1,701 - $2,37O /m onth
Announcement »0C DT6506 Salem
• Surveyor
w w w . 0 ir e g o
Fax number: 503-725-4329
Salary: $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $4,3 8 2 /m o n th
Announcement 40C DT6606 Coquille
• Transportation Maintenance Manager
Salary: $ 2 ,979 $4.613/m onth
Announcement 40CDT5380 Eugene
■ Transportation Maintenance
Specialist 2
• Transportation Maintenance Manager
ODOT People drive Oregon's Departm ent of
Transportation If great benefits, a professional
wort« environment, jo b Innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you. then come to ODOT.
Salary: $2,407 $3,607/m onth
Announcement 4OCOT6199 Portland
• Surveyor/Senlor Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,2 5 8 $ 3,272/m onth
Announcement »0C DT3530 Seaside
• Receptionist/lmaglng
• Program Technician 2
Oral Health Prevention Specialist
Salary: $ 3 ,2 2 3 $4.8 3 5 /m o n th
Announcement «0CDT6473 Portland
Salary: $ 2 ,979 $4,613/m onth
Announcement 40C DT5380 Klam ath Falls
Building Careers. Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcements include qualifications,
requirements, and instructions on how to apply
for these jobs. Go to www.odot.state.or us/tobs
for a complete copy or call 5 0 3 -9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY
5 0 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request by mail
proud to operate as an equal opportunity,
affirm ative action employer Announcem ents will
be m ade available in alternate form at upon
request: (5 0 3 1 3 7 8 6 2 0 2 . TTY 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 8 8 9 8 .
o b s . o ir g