Opening Hearts, Minds Annual PROPER festival at Kenton Park on Saturday seeks to foster community dialogues and lasting relationships See story, page Alt) ffiortlanh (©¿server Cit\ ot Roses Established in 1970 Volume XXXVI. N um ber 35 TLWeek ¡n Thc Review Calderon ary Declared Felipe Calderon b ec am e p r e s i­ d e n t- e le c t o f M exicoonTues- day, tw o m onths a fte r d is p u te d elections, when the nation's top electoral court voted unanim ously to reject alle­ gations o f fraud and certify his narrow victory. His leftist rival, A ndres M anuel Lopez O brador, had said he would not recognize the ruling. Croc Hunter Killed on Job Steve Irwin, the Australian tele­ vision personal­ ity and environ­ mentalist known as the Crocodile H u n ter on the Discovery Channel, was killed M onday by a stingray barb while crew s photographed him during the taping o f a diving expedition. See sto ry , page A2. Intel Cuts 10,500 Jobs C hip-m aker Intel Corp, said Tues- day atotal o f 10,500jobs, about 10 p e r c e n t o f its w o rld w id e workforce, will be eliminated over the next year through layoffs, at­ tr itio n and th e s a le o f underperform ing business groups as part o f a m assive restructuring. 1 ntel i s Oregon ’ s I argest em ployer with 17,000 workers. IRS Backs Off NAACP The IRS which ini­ tiated an audit of the N A A C P just before the 2004 presidential elec­ tio n has fin ally c o n c lu d e d th e civil rights group did not violate conditions o f its tax exem pt status as a non-partisanship organiza­ tion. N A A C P Board Chairm an Julian Bond said the group "will continue to speak truth to pow er." C o m m itte d to C u ltu ra l D iversity Devoted Wednesday • September 6 2006 Uninsured Church pastor, Kaiser doctor open free clinic by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver Tw o w om en, one a pastor and the other a doctor, have com bined their skills and com passion to serve unin­ sured residents o f north and northeast Portland at a new, no cost primary care clinic. North by N ortheast C om m unity Health Center. Dr. Jill G insberg, a family practice doctor with Kaiser Perm anente, becam e acquainted with Pastor Mary' Overstreet Smith o f Pow erhouse T em ple Church after she learned o f her help bringing Katrina refugees to Portland. G insberg w anted to know how she could help, and O verstreet Smith wasted no tim e show ing her - Pow erhouse Tem ple has an office ju st dow n the street from her north Portland church, which she envisioned as a free clinic. Less than one year later the vision was realized. Located at 4725 N. W illiam s Ave., North by N ortheast’s volunteer staff tended to their first patients on Aug. 17. Finances can restrict healthcare ac­ cess, but North by N ortheast's patients are qualified if they live in the surround- continued on page A 10 HE ALT! Clinic coordinator Roslyn Farrington and Dr. Jill Ginsberg take a moment during the second evening o f operation at North by Northeast Community Health Center, 4725 N. Williams Ave. Cascade Campus Positioned for Future See story, page A2. Ground Zero Workers Sick Nearly 70 percent of the rescue and cleanup workers who toiled in the dust and fumes at ground zero have had trouble breathing, and many will probably be sick for the rest o f their lives, doctors said Tuesday in releasing results o f the biggest Sept. 11 health study yet. Likely Hurricane Coming Tropical Storm Florence formed far out in the open Atlantic on Tuesday, and forecasters said it will probably become a hurricane. Purge of Liberals Wanted Ira n 's h a r d - lin e P re s id e n t M ahm oud A hm adinejad called T uesday for a purge o f I i beral and non-religious teachers from the country's universities, urging Ira­ nian students to return to 1980s- style radicalism. photo by I saiah B oi ie /T iie P ortland O bserver The Cascade Campus of Portland Community College reaches two blocks west o f its former border with the completion o f an expanded north Portland campus. Still, the college district continues to buy land west o f this location. PCC buys land as sellers call by M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver As Portland C om m unity College puts the finishing touches on a beautifully expanded Cascade Cam pus, it is quietly purchasing new properties that may someday expand the college's reach even further into its north Portland neighborhood. O fficials o f the college district say all o f the acquisitions were done with property ow ners who cam e to them with offers to sel I, not the other way around. V oluntary transactions offer an attrac­ tive alternative to the using the college's right o f em inent dom ain or the forced co n ­ dem nation o f properties, according to PCC Vice President Randy M cEwen. M cEwen and other PCC leaders say there are no plans on the draw ing board or even in discussions on what will com e for the six parcels o f land it has purchased and set aside over the past four years. “There are always people (sellers) ap­ proaching us," said Harold W illiams Sr., a > We're not taking land for lands sake bat managing public funds in a positive way that takes account the needs o f the community. — Harold Williams Sr., a long time PCC board member A long tim e PCC board m em ber and African A m erican com m unity advocate. "W e're not taking land for lan d 's sake but managing public funds in a positive way that takes account the needs o f the com m unity." W illiams bristles at any suggestion that he or the college is not sensitive to the loss o f housing and business stock in the adja­ cent com m unity. “We want a viable com m unity that is not isolated," he said. “I'm not an enem y o f us." The most recent land acquired was in July, when PCC bought a hom e that had just on pane A 5 con tin u ed Stage Set for Anti-Violence March and Rally Saturday T he 4 th an n u al "S en sele ss V io len ce L eads to S ilen ce" inarch and rally w ill take p lace S atu rd ay , Sept. 9 in honor o f A sia “ Bell" Jam es and all other victims o f violence. A full day o f events, food and entertainm ent follow s the 9:45 a m. march from Irving Park to Alberta Park. The activities at Alberta Park will take place from 11:30a.m . to 6 p in ) » I