Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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    PaseBZ_______________________________ Fortiani»
"... Clear Channel
owns all the major
radio stations and
venues. Most
musicians aren't
aware that a few
people control so
much o f what
we hear..."
Susan Tedeschi
Most o f our support
comes from you!
6 7 % o f our
funding is donated
by listeners
ffibseruer__________________________ Aususl ro,2006
Dolls and Teddies -- Rediscover
your youth at the C rossroads
Doll and Teddy Bear Show , re­
turning to Portland Saturday,
Sept.2from I0 a.m .to4:30p.m .at
the N ational G u ard A rm ory,
Northeast 33rd A venue at M a­
rine Drive. A dm ission is $6 for
adults with children/senior dis­
co unts.
C o lu m b ia R iv er C lassic - Stand by for thunder
at the C olum bia R iver C lassic, one o f the
co untry’s largest vintage car races w ith hun­
dreds o f beautiful and unusual street cars,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 2 through
4 at W est Delta Park, I940 N. Victory Blvd.
Profits benefit the Boys & G irls Aid Society of
Oregon, an organization that helps children
with m entoring, shel­
tering, adoption, fos­
tercare and adoption.
F o r a sc h e d u le o f
e v e n ts ,
v is it
crclassic.com o r call
American Idols I,ive!
— T a y lo r H ic k s ,
K a th a rin e M cP h ee
and the top IO finalists o f A m erican Idol 2006
stop by the Rose G arden on Friday, Sept. I at
7 p.m. Ticket Prices are $68.50, $48.50and$38.50
p lu s s e rv ic e c h a r g e s , a v a ila b le at
rosequarter.com .
A ugust 31-September 26
M a rg a re t van Patten & Erika Kohr
Pictured above: van Patten "Siamese Twins" etching
• Changing M o n th ly E xhibitions
•Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop
• Custom Fram ing
O PEN six days a w eek
C o n ve n ie n t N o rth e a s t lo c a tio n :
2939 NE A lb e rta • P o rtlan d, OR 97211
503 281-9048 • w w w .g u a rd in o g a lle ry .c o m
Soulsfress I.iv W arfield with Dave M atthews
- A Labor Day w eekend event at the G orge
A m phitheatre features P ortland's soul song­
stress Liv W arfield and her hand, opening for
the D ave M atthew s Band at the
House o f Blues Sum m er T our at
the Gorge Antpi theatre in George,
W ash. Tickets are $48 to $62 and
available at ticketm aster.com or
by calling 206-628-0888.
Oregon Ballet Exposed! - Step
outside for an inside look at O r­
egon Ballet Theatre with O BT
E xposed! O pen-air rehearsals are
held daily. Sept. 5 though 9 from
11:30 a.m. to 5 :15 p.m. at the South
Park Blocks betw een M ain and
Salmon streets. Admission is free.
For more information call 503-227-
0977 or visit w w w .obt.org.
‘By the P eople’ at C inem a 21 —
By the P eople, a behind-the-
scenes d o cu m en ta ry th at e x ­
poses who and what it really takes
to put on an A m erican election,
will screen W ednesday, Sept. 6
and Thursday, Sept. 7 at 5
p.m. at C inem a 2 1, as part
o f a nationw ide theatrical
release and in advance of
the film 's national televi­
sion broadcast on PBS
stations in October.
B roadw ay
S m a sh
•W ick ed ’ - The Broad­
way h if'W ic k ed ” plays in
P o rtla n d W e d n e s d a y ,
Sept. 6 through Sept. 17 at
the Keller Auditorium, S W
3rd and Clay. Long before
that girl from K ansas ar­
rived in M unchkinland,
the story o f how tw o w om en grew to become
the W icked W itch o f the W est and G linda the
G ood W itch make for the most spellbinding
new m usical in years. A day-of-perform ance
lottery fo ra lim ited num ber o f main floor seats
will be held daily for Wicked. Each day, 2 1/2
hours prior to show tim e, people w ho present
them selves at the Keller A uditorium 's box of­
fice will have their nam es placed in a lottery
drum and then thirty m inutes later, nam es will
be drawn fora limited number of main floor seats
at $25 each, cash only. This lottery is available
only in-person at the box office, with a limit of
two tickets per person. For m oreinform ation
visit w w w .portlandopera.org.
R a re E bony S cu lp tu re s - M aster carvers from
the T anzania tribe M akonde have been carving
ebony for centuries, and now the public can see
some o f the m ost valuable wood on the globe
at the W orld Forestry Center. G en­
eral adm ission is $7 for adults, $6
for seniors, $5 for children, and
m em bers are free.
M uddy BontOrganic
Festival - Celebrate
sustainable and o r­
ganic living at the
M uddy Boot Organic
Festival, Friday, Sat­
urday and Sunday,
Sept. 8 through 10 at St. Philip
Neri Church, 2408 S.E. 16 Ave.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - author,
environm ental activist and son o f
Robert K ennedy - is keynote
speaker on opening night. The
festival will also feature live m u­
sic by Freak M ountain Ramblers.
Jack Straw, Pete Krebs Gypsy Jazz
T rio and Brenda W eiler. More
inform ation can be found at m uddyboot.org.
G a ith e r a n d F rie n d s H om ecom ing -- Award
winning entertainer Bill G aither leads a cav al­
cade o f singers, m usicians and com edians for
a G aither and Friends Hom ecom ing concert at
the Rose G arden. Saturday, Sept. 9, at 6 p.m For
tic k e ts an d m o re in f o rm a tio n , v is it
w w w .rosequarter.com .
C all to A rtists -- Local artists are encouraged
to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland
O pen Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are
chosen from the m etro area to open their stu­
dios and becom e part o f an exciting regional art
event. Visit portlandopenstudios.com for more
T rip pin ’ through Tow n — T ake a trip through
tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul
influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
Tim e to Jam — Jam Night, P ortland's ever-
popular com edy and variety show is at C hris­
tian Perform ing Arts Center, 8 13 1 N. Denver
Ave. Show s continue every Friday night start-
ing at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondem aj Catering
next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Hip-hop D ance C lasses - V ancouver-C lark
Parks and R ecreation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes fo rag es 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­
tion, ag ility , co m b in atio n s and team w ork
through urban dance moves. For more inform a­
tion,call 360-696-8236.
Bob Marley Coin Hit Streets
Smooth Jazz Is Here!
(A P )~ Bob M arley's records
long ago w ent platinum. Now
the Bank o f Jam aica is releasing
com m em orative coins in gold
and silver with the late reggae
superstar's dreadlocked like­
The 1,000 coins, produced
by the British Royal M int, are
being sold for $100 each.
Though the coins w ere in­
tended to mark the 60th anni­
versary o f M arley's birth, which
was celebrated in 2005, the bank
is just now offering them for
It is the second time the Bank
Bob Marley
o f Jam aica has issued coins
bearing M arley's likeness.
"one love" and social revolution
Bom in Jam aica's rural St. Ann m ade him an icon in developing
parish, M arley rose from the gritty countries worldwide.
shantytow ns o f Kingston to global
M arley, who died o f cancer in
stardom in the 1970s with hits such M iam i at age 36 i n 1981, remains one
as "No W om an N oC ry" and "I Shot o f Jam aica's most beloved national
the Sheriff." His lyrics prom oting heroes.
‘Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!'
D ia n e L iv in g s to n , A J I ’
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