August 30. 2006 Page A2 n r S ubscribe t Bells Toll One Year after Katrina F ill O u t & S e n d T o : |J o r t k m b ( O h s m n 'r ; A ttn : S u b s c rip tio n s , P O B o x 3 1 3 7 , P o rtla n d O K 9 7 2 0 8 i M b c n p / t o f l J a r e / ms / $ 6 0 (A P, - Bells tolled in the shut­ tered city o f New O rleans Tuesday morning, marking the moment one year earlier when New Orleans' levees buckled and unleashed a torrent o f water that ripped homes from their foundations and sent tens of thousands o f residents into an uncertain exile. (please include check with this subscription form) N a m e : ________________________________ T elephone : _________A ddress : _________ I L _ _ ----------- subseriptions@ ------------------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r e m a il Ingredients for life Earn Members of the One New Orleans Mass Choir sing during the City- Wide Remem­ brance, Re­ newal, Rebirth Service com­ memorating the first anniversary o f Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans Tues­ day. (AP photo) Gulf Coast survivors pause for memorials I ■I SAFEWAY 0 1O«OFF per gallon o f gasoline Every tim e you spend $50 at your Safeway store w ith your Club Card in a single transaction. See store fo r details. F resh ! 55! 497 H lb Fresh Whole Chicken Twin Pack Butcher's Cut Grade A SAVE up to 84« lb. CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE Pork OFF Fresh. Or Loin Baby Back Ribs or Frozen Beef Back Ribs. CLUB PRICE Product of USA inniinT x Hormel Black Label r K r r Sliced Bacon SAVE up to $ 6 .1 4 on 2 Uudet 10-ct Sold in a 5-lb. bag lot $34 95 ea Random weight, SZ 99lb Frozen,lhawed SAVE up to $6.40 lb Red or Green Seedless Grapes Fresh Express Salad Blends 1 6 o z Regular or "'“ ‘ “ '“ •"»‘“ '“ a Thjck S ||Ce[) CLUB PRICE O I lo t CLUB PRICE Sweet Northwest Corn Choose from white, yellow or bi-colored corn. Club Price: 20« ea. SAVE up to $1.50 on 5 FREE Club Price $1 00 lb SAVE up Io $1 99 on 1 lb. As the hells pealed, survivors o f the storm gathered outside City Hall, com m em orating the moment at 9:38 a.m. when New O rleans be­ gan its spiral into a watery hell. M ayor Ray Nagin told the city at a midday interfaith service it was tim e to take responsibility for re­ building. “If governm ent can’t get you your check on time, it says you need to do something," Nagin said. "It says your neighbors need to com e together and all you need to do is cook a pot o f red beans and they'll bring over the ham m ers and the nails." Hurricane Katrina made landfall 65 miles south of the city in the tiny fishing village o f Buras. W ithin hours. New Orleans' protective levees collapsed, causing one o f the worst natural disasters in U.S. history that killed more than 1,8(X) people. O ne year later, the G u lf Coast co m m em o ra ted the sto rm that brought the region to its breaking point. In pockm arked neighborhoods choked with weeds, in church pews and in gutted com m unity centers, residents held public and private vigils. At each o f the city's broken levees, they tossed w reaths o f flow ­ ers, sending them bobbing into the calm, black water, m arking the ge­ ography o f the ereseendoing flood. Hurricane Katrina made landfall 65 miles south o f the city in the tiny fishing village o f Buras. W ithin hours, New O rleans' protective levees collapsed, causing one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history that killed more than 1,800 people. One year later, the G u lf Coast co m m em o rated the sto rm that brought the region to its breaking point. In pockm arked neighborhoods choked with weeds, in church pews and in gutted com m unity centers, residents held public and private vigils. At each o f the city’s broken levees, they tossed wreaths o f Bow­ ers, sending them bobbing into the calm , black water, marking the ge­ ography o f the flood. At a som ber prayer service in the 285-year-old St. Louis C athedral, President Bush made an im pas­ sioned plea for displaced residents to return to N ew Orleans. "I know you love New O rleans, and New O rleans needs you," Bush said. "She needs people com ing home. She needs people - she needs those saints to com e m arching back." Later, at the city's convention center, w here thousands o f hag­ gard refugees had waited in the sw eltering sun for rescue after the storm , the m ayor joined residents in dedicating a memorial to Katrina's dead. O ne by one, they laid a w hite carnation at the m onum ent, saying the nam e o f a loved one. U n d er a c a lm , g ray sk y in G ulfport, M iss., the com m unity re­ m em bered 14 residents lost to the storm. In St. Bernard Parish, w here ju st about every building was flooded after the levees buckled, 400 people gathered for mass at O ur Lady of Prom pt Succor, achurch nam ed for the saint to whom Catholics in Loui­ siana traditionally pray for protec­ tion from hurricanes. The w orking class com m unity lost 129 people to the flooding. The one-year mark is also a re­ m inder o f how far each survivor has com e, G ulfport M ayor Brent W arr noted as he spoke near calm w aters o f the M ississippi sound. "W e're not well. W e're not fin­ ished, but I will say this: W e've made it," W arr said. "Let's move on, let's move forw ard, and let's do that together." 6 to 12-oz packages Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 29 on Z Single bottle prke $S 88 ea j Boy 6 Bottles or more and your pnce per bottle Nabisco Snack Crackers 5 7 to 10-oz Selected varieties Club Price $1 66 ea SAVE up Io $4 59 on 3 CLUB PRICE Columbia Crest. 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Ouanunn of tame item» may be limited and HaajRt to availability Nm revponnblt fix typojtaph- tu l 01 piuonal cm*rv W 't revervr the rqdn Io curreit all primed fn o riO n Buy One. (it t One Free r l k M ’. O ’ ) often, imromer mu»t pun have me tint item Io meive the veumd item tree B( K .O often art not 1/2 prne ulet I t only a ori(de item pun hared, the regular prut applies Manufai luren toupons may be uaed on pun hared item» only - not on tree item». < Z006 Safeway Store». In». i The Congressional Black C au­ a Dem ocratic House, including two cus is positioned to dram atically exclusive panels. W ays and M eans increase its clout next Congress if and Judiciary. Democrats win control of the House C on g ressio n al Black C aucus in the N ovem ber G eneral Election. m em bers would also lead 15 sub­ A recent article in “The Hill" said com m ittees, six o f them on exclu­ the 43-m em ber group, already one sive panels. The new spaper said o f the most powerful blocs among Caucus C hairm an Jim C lyhum , D- House Democrats, would control S.C., would be a contender for m a­ as many as five com m ittee gavels in jority whip. SUPtR COUPONS! 000000106931 Rft’vaMtaa 3aiR>pe rsew Omrwpujai IJA’» ■*.»>% card and '.export Johnsonville B ra tw u rs t! 2-Liter Full Lin* Sale Fr*e ) liter «uh rad roupon and Mawnum $10 Porch*» r»quwd Inrkdng Totano MA, and A koM Black Caucus Could Gain Power COUPON A u g u s t 30 th ru S e p te m b e r 5 2-Liter Floodwaters from Hurricane Katrina fill the streets near down­ town New Orleans on Aug. 30, 2005. One year later, the city still awaits billions of dollars in aid promised by the federal govern­ ment. (AP photo) Correction: Credit Where Due K aranja Crew s and students from his local cable television show NEXT: G eneration o f Leaders are partners in an effort to get young people o f color involved in the political process and voting in the N ovem berG eneral Election. The drive is part o f the Com m unity Fellow Program , organized by local activists Johnell Bell, C harles M cGee and C yreena Boston and the Oregon Bus Project. The Portland O bserver failed to give proper credit to the fellow program in last w eek’s issue.