August 30. 2006 Page B6 a n t 1 o t s e r v e r R e v ie w 2006 Volvo C70 T5 Hardtop Convertible by K athleen C arr The all new C70 is one o f the first open-top ears in the prem ium seg­ ment with both a steel roof anti space for four adults. The C 70 intel­ ligent structural rigidity, am azing list o f standard features, agreeable driving characteristics, and all-out good looks in both convertible or coupe format, makes an excellent choice. The all-new Volvo C 70 was d e­ veloped to offer new standards of preventive and protective safety in the convertible market. The car has an advanced body structure and Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $40,400: Engine: 2 .5 5 Cylinder: Transmission: 6 Speed Manual. several solutions that make it unique am ong open-top cars. The lack o f a fixed roof has been com pensated for by reinforcem ents in the struc­ ture and sophisticated safety tech­ nology. O ne unique exam ple is the new door-m ounted inflatable cu r­ tain, which is part o f the enhanced protection system for side impacts. Since the door-m ounted inflatable curtain cannot be fitted within the headliner like other Volvos, it is fitted in the door and inflates up­ wards when it is deployed There’s only one model choice, the T5, which m eansa light-pressure turbocharged 2.5-liter five-cylinder engine with 218 hp and 236 Ib-ft of No Job Too Big - No Job Too Small All Work Guaranteed - Free Estimates PETE-SHAWN & MIKE SUB-CONTRACTOR torque. The ( ’70 feels solid and has plenty o f torque down low and at mid-range, so it pulls in just about any situation. The turbo is well be­ haved. w ith minimal lag and minimal noise under pressure. An indepen­ dent suspension transitioned easily between smooth ride and sporty handling. The lower, wider stance m ade m an eu v erin g around the road’s tight turns an easy drive. Pricing for the C 70 starts at $38,710, not including the $695 des­ tination charge. Optional equip­ ment includes a Premium Package with leather seats and a few other item s for $1,395, an upgraded D ynaudio Package for $ 1,550, and the auto transm ission for $ 1,250. A clim ate control package tosses in heated front seats, headlam p w ash­ ers, and Rainsensor wipers for $675. O nly a few stand-alone options: High Intensity D ischarge (HID) headlam ps, the 5 -speed, and a navi­ gation system for $ 2 ,120 bring the loaded total to $46,832. Specializing In A ll Types o f Work: Driveway Black Top Roofing • Cement Work • Tuckpointing • Seal Coating 16 0 1 SE Burnside, Portland, O R 97233 Tel: 503-442-4106 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $35.00 STAIRS (with other service) .SO Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AU TO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION S ports Murrayhill Celebrates Job Loss Brings Little league team finishes third in the world NASCAR Suit Second baseman Sam Albert scores during Saturday's Oregon- Georgia Little League U.S. Championship game in South Williamsport, Pa. It was a great run and great fun for the Murrayhill Little League team that captivated the state during the World Series in South Williamsport, Pa., but Saturday’s 7-3 loss to C o­ lumbus, G eorgia tied them for the third place title with M exico after weather w iped out a tie-breaking game. $25.00 T h e 12 a ll- s ta r b o y s fro m Beaverton were the first Oregon team to m ake it to the Little League W orld Series since 1958. In the U. S. Cham pionship game S aturday, M urrayhill fell behind in the first inning a sG e o rg iac am e out strong and built a 3-0 lead. By the third inning a hom e run w ith men on base by M urrayhill k n o t­ ted the score at three ap iece and from there it w as a p itch in g chess m atch as both team s left m en on base. G eorgia’s bats woke up again in the sixth and final inning and four runs crossed the plate to build a c o m fo rta b le c u s h io n , and the M urrayhill batters hit consecutive fly balls to end the game. On M onday, G eorgia went on to defeat Japan 2-1 to win the W orld Series. A day earlier driving rains soaked the field and ended the ad­ venture for M urrayhill team, w ip­ ing out not only theirchance to face M exico in the third-place game, but its lone shot at an international team and an opportunity to finish the series with a win. However, they still m ade waves this sum m er, ev idenced by the grand and spirited reception at Portland International Airport when the team arrived home late M on­ day. Portland’s Royal Rosarians also showed up at to extend co n ­ gratulations and attach a small rose, symbolic o f the city, to each b o y 's uniform. “ I'm exhausted,” said second baseman Sam Albert, nearly yelling to be heard above the m edia and fam ily frenzy at the airport. “ It's really good to be hom e again.” UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $69.00 LOVESEAT ------------------------------------ $49.00 S E C T IO N A L -------------------------------------- $99.00 C H A IR O R R E C L IN E R _____________ $35.00 T H R O W P I L L O W S ------------------------------------ $5.00 Racial Prank, (AP) - A form er NASCAR team m em ber w ho was the vic­ tim o f a 1999 racial prank is suing N A SCA R , claim ing the sanc­ tioning body failed to deliver on a prom ise to provide him work after the incident. D avid S co tt, 4 3 , is a fo rm er m otorcoach d river for car ow n ­ ers R oger P enske and M ichael K ran efu ss and now lives in O reg on . S cott, w ho is black, w as su b jected to racial slurs and h arassm en t in several run- ins w ith a han d fu l o f w hite m o to rco ach d riv ers d u rin g the 1999 season. The racial situation exploded during a race at New H am pshire International Speedw ay when two w hite m otorcoach drivers confronted Scott with one w ear­ ing a w hite pillow case over his head to im itate a Ku Klux Klansman. The offending coach drivers were fired from their respective team s and N A SCA R revoked the licenses needed for them to work at the race track. But Scott lost his jo b . He accepted a settlem en t in 2000, but said he o nly did so b e­ cau se he b eliev ed N A SC A R w ould hire him back in som e ca p ac ity . S O F A --------------------------------------------------- COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT & CHAIR I , I L I , I _____ ! CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 r State Farm" Providing Insurance and Services Home Office, Bloommyion. 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Aldridge had the operation in Los Angeles and is expected to return to Portland in tw o to three weeks to begin rehabilitation. He anticipates returning to the basket­ ball court in mid-to-latc November. The 6 foot 11 inch Dallas native averaged 11.6points.6.6 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.8 blocks in five gam es during the 2006 Vegas S um ­ m er leag u e. Sunday Supper Tine FURNITURE SALE 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 9 am-6 pm Tuee.-Sat. 50% -70% All The Time Help Support The Youth y Celebrating our Customers! Liveat C an n on ’s Rib Express D ia n e tic s ca n h e lp y o u liv e Featuring a b e tte r a n d h a p p ie r life. R eggie H ou ston ’s Box o f C hocolates Read the b o o k used by m illio n s to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This Is th e road to a b e tte r life w ith few er problem s. Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar "ya never know what ya goin git ” Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be th e same. Sponsored by: NEW SEASONS [ m A R K E T I CANNON'S Available at yo u r local b o o ksto re or fro m Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 Paperback • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours « 2004 BPi Alt Rights Reserved D iANtTKS is a trademark and service mark owned by Rei lg to us Technology Canter and is used with iti permission $8.00 9 I