Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 30, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 30. 2006
îl|e ^ o rtla n ù ©bscruer
Page B5
C lassifieds /B ids R eligion
New Song Shares Catch
Job Posting form:
Position: Administrative Assistant/
Office Manager needed by
nonprofit agency with mission to
promote and improve wellness
among African Americans living in
Oregon through health education,
advocacy and research.
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
openings. Seekin g d ep en d a b le,
well-groomed, positive individuals.
Essential Functions Performs as a $8 .50 ♦ starting wage
re ce p tio n ist and c oo rd in a tes Overtime/ advancement potential
administrative activities. Draft, Medical & Dental, 40 lk avail.
format, produce, and edit word- Drugtest/ Background check
Apply 12:00-1:00PM,
processed docum ents. Coor­
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri;
dinate appointments, meetings,
3:00 - 4:00PM Tues.
and travel for staff. Generate
City Center Parking,
office supply list. Assist with
130 SW Stark, Portland.
payroll. Coordinate work requests
and tra c k a s s ig n m e n ts and
F o o d S ervices
tim e lin e s .
T ro u b le -s h o o t.
o r A m e r ic a .
Organize files and perform other
clerical functions. Assist with
As one o f th e N W 's la rg e s t
c o o rd in a tin g m e e tin g s and
foodservice industry distributors,
special events.
we do much more than deliver
Min. Qualifications: E x c e l l e n t groceries. We pride ourselves on
communication and writing skills. the partnerships we form with our
Three to five years administrative customers and the role we play
experience. Associates Degree as an integral ingredient in their
re q u ire d : B a c h e lo r's d e gre e su c c e s s. W e are an equ al
p re fe rre d
e q u iv a le n t opportunity employer who fully
com bination of education and and actively supports the hiring
and advancement of all people
regardless of Race, Color, Religion,
Salary Range: commensurate Gender, Age, Sexual Orientation,
with experience
National Origin, or Disability. If you
like to advance your career
E xc e lle n t b e n e fits in c lu d in g
food distribution industry,
va c a tio n ,
e m p lo ye e
visit careers at Portland
retirement, medical, dental, life
www.fsafood.com for our
insurance and opportunities for
openings. Interested
o n g o in g
p ro fe s s io n a l
submit a resume
development. Preference given
in person from
to qualified persons of color or
individuals with experience in
Food Services of America
w ork in g with com m u nitie s of
350 S. Pacific Highway
color. Please send resume, cover
Woodburn, OR 97071
le tte r and ap p lication (obtain
application online at www.aahc-
portland.org} to th e A fric a n
American Health Coalition, Inc.
Position's open until filled. In your
cover letter, please reference
Administrative Assistant position
and d e scribe how you r sk ills
match the specific qualifications
listed above.
Apply to:
African American Health
Coalition, Inc.
2800 N Vancouver Avenue
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97227
Attn: Human Resources
Senior Management Analyst
The Senior Management Analyst
is responsible for designing and
c o n d u c tin g so lid s ta tis tic a l
research that results in policy and
procedural recommendations to
proactively assist the Portland
Police Bureau improve services to
th e p u b lic . D u tie s in clu d e
compiling data and providing well-
researched recommendations on
internal practices and procedures,
based upon best practices and
p re s e n tin g
re sea rch
re com m e n d atio n s e ffe c tiv e ly
both o ra lly and in w ritin g .
A d d itio n a l d u tie s
in clu d e
disseminating research results to
in te rn a l b ureau c u s to m e rs ;
performing strong quantitative and
qualitative research and working
as a manager on projects. The
Senior M anagement Analyst is
expected to carry out his or her
individual responsibilities with
in itia tiv e , in d e p en d e n ce and
creativity while exercising sound
p ro fe s s io n a l ju d g m e n t and
problem-solving skills.
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $4,763 - $6,359
Application deadline is 4:30PM,
Monday, September 11, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
SUN School .50 FTE w /b e n;
$ 11.96 to $ 1 3 .6 7 /hr. AA or
e q u iv; m in 2 yrs exp coord
v o lu n te e r a c tiv itie s . Good
communication skills. Assist SUN
Site Supvr. Send resume, cover
le tte r
o n lin e
(w w w .p o rtla n d im p a c t.o rg ) to
Portland Impact. Attn. HR BLM,
7211 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR
97206. EOE
Portland State University
Admissions Counselor
Portland State University is proud
to be the largest and most diverse
p u b lic u n iv e rs ity in O re go n .
Faculty and staff at Portland State
enjoy an environ m en t th at is
recognized for its com m unity
involvement, diversity and vibrant
urban location.
Portland State University invites
applications for the position of
A d m is s io n s
C o u n se lo r.
R e s p o n s ib ilite s in c lu d e : (1)
representing the University to
prospective students and the
general public through a diverse
array of outreach; (2) engaging
and interacting with prospective
and c u rre n t s tu d e n ts ; (3)
developing leadership and skills
through collaborative work in
planning and implementation of
recru itm ent events; (4) other
duties as assigned. M inimum
q u a lific a tio n s
in c lu d e :
Baccalaureate degree; one year
of experience in student services
at the college level; excellent
written and oral communication
s k ills ; s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l,
presentation and organizational
skills; creative problem-solving
a b ility and c u sto m e r se rvice
orientation. Position requires
frequent travel, as well as evening
and weekend hours.
U tility Maintenance Specialist -
Temporary. Portland Expo Center.
Duration: 4 - 6 months, $18.04/
hour, PT. D e a d lin e : 9 /5 /0 6 .
Performs semi-skilled repair and
maintenance tasks, and assists
in the set-up and dismantling of
shows and exhibits; maintains
parking lots and grounds.
Event Custodians, Portland Expo
C enter. M u ltip le p a rt-tim e
temporary and part-time regular
positions available. Entry pay:
$9.70/hour. Deadline: 9/5/06.
Assures that rest rooms, lobbies,
open flo o r sp aces and other
public/non-public areas are clean,
orderly and properly maintained.
P hoto by M ark W ashington /T hf P ortland O bserver
To a c c e ss th e co m p le te jo b
an n o u n ce m e n t and required
application m aterials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
J O \.
David. Michael and Dustin of New Song Community Church. 2511 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
Bivd., prepare a delicious meal of Alaskan halibut and cod. The annual "Dinner-on-the-Ground'
fish fry. Aug. 20. was a free celebration for neighborhood residents.
In Loving Memory Derwain Anderson
A m emorial service will be
held Saturday. Sept. 2 at 11 a.m.
at New Hope M issionary Bap­
tis t C h u rc h fo r D e rw a in
“Lapearl” Anderson.
Executive Management
$3,403 - $4,135 / month
Closes September 11, 2006
$5,858 - $7,120/ month
Open Continuous
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
our website: w ww .co.washing-
ton.or.us. County application and
supplemental application forms
required. Women, minorities, and
p e op le w ith d is a b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Asphalt Raker
Approx hourly salary: $19.00 at
entry, to $20.42 after 6 months.
The City of Portland is recruiting
qualified candidates for Asphalt
Raker, responsible for m aking
repairs on City maintained streets;
setting up jobs with proper traffic
safety control devices; dumping
asphalt, raking to grade, and
c o m p a c tin g hot m ix u s in g a
vibraplate; com pleting activity
re cords for each jo b as it is
finished; preparing and paving
potholes, utility cuts, overlays,
base repair, and cold m illing
projects; spreading tack coat; and
Th is position is an unranked
operating screws on drag boxes
a c a d e m ic
p ro fe ss io n a l
and self-propelled pavers. See
appointment which is renewable
complete job announcement for
and based on a part-time starting
requirements and application at
FTE o f .7. Th is p o sitio n w ill
w w w .c i,P o rtla n d .o r.u s / io b s / .
become a .5 FTE sometime within
Completed applications must be
the next two years.
received by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
A p p lica tio n s w ill be review ed Sept. 11, 2006. City of Portland
immediately and the position will is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
remain open until finalists are
identified. To apply: Submit a
letter of interest, resume, one- Perform repairs and maintenance
page customer service philosophy on our electromechanical office
statem ent and name, address products in Portland. Position also
and telephone number of at least available in San Francisco and
S a c ra m e n to .
R espon d
three (3) references to:
customer requests for repair and
Linda Etter
perform scheduled maintenance
Office of Admissions, Registration of equipment. Technical Reps are
and Records
issued a company van as well as
Portland State University
all necessary tools and training.
PO Box 751
M ust have 2-5 ye a rs o f
Portland, OR 97207-0751
experience in the service repair
Fax: 503-725-5595
of electrical and/or mechanical
E-mail: counsadm@pdx.edu
equipment. Must be able to lift 60
PSU is an AA/EO institution and, lbs. regularly.
in keeping with the President’s
d iv e rs ity in itia tive , w elcom es ACCO offers an excellent pay and
a p p lic a tio n s from d ive rs e ben e fit p a cka ge . For m ore
candidates and candidates who inform ation or to apply, go to
www.accobrands.com. EOE M/F/
support diversity.
D /V
He was bom Aug. 9, 1956 and
died Aug. 23,2006.
New Hope is located at 3725 N.
Gantenbein, between North Fail­
ing and North Beech St.
This is a strategic position within ODOT, working directly with the
Agency Director as a member of the Executive Team.
The TDD Administrator exercises leadership and vision in directing
efforts to develop an efficient, safe transportation system that
enhances Oregon's economic competitiveness and livability.
The Agency is seeking a dynamic professional with a proven track
record of strategic policy-making and the ability to develop and
support a creative and innovative environment.
The annualized equivalent of the monthly salary range extends
from $70,536 to a negotiable current maximum of $103,884
based upon qualifications, skills, and experience.
Please visit the ODOT website for additional information about this
exciting opportunity, including application instructions and a full
position description.
Log on to www.odotjobs.com - Search for Announcement #0CDT6304
Voices Benefit
Local students concerned for
social ju stic e have o rganized
“ Portland V oices for D arfur",
Sunday, Sept. 10 from 7 p.m. to
9 p.m. at Congregation Havurah
Shalom. 825 N.W. 18th Ave.
The event will include com ­
p ellin g sp eak ers and p e rfo r­
mances from local musicians and
sin g e rs to ra ise m o n ey and
aw areness for hum anitarian re­
lie f and advo cacy e ffo rts in
Darfur, Sudan.
Itafari Foundation president
Victoria Trabosh will serve as
emcee, and guests include acous­
g u ita r is t
S te p h a n ie
Schneiderm an, reggae and A fri­
can groove group The Million
Voices Band, C eltic-folk duet
George and Heather Penk and
special guest, Sudanese refugee
worker Jean D ’Arc Cam pbell.
For more inform ation, visit
This position is considered open until filled: however, the application
screening process is expected to begin on or about September 12,
2006. M aterials received after 5:00 pm (Pacific Tim e) on
September 12,2006 may not receive consideration at the Agency’s
Happy Birthday
Oregon's Transportation Department is an Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. We value a well-trained,
diverse workforce as a strategic advantage in serving our customers
and stakeholders.
@Whitman Elem .80 FTE for 11
mos. w/ben; $11.96-$13.67/hr.
AA or equiv; min 2 yrs exp in
vo lu n te e r m gt., so c ia l w ork.
Computer skills. Bilingual Span/
Eng required. Send resume, cover
le tte r
o n lin e
(w w w .p o rtla n d im p a c t.o rg ) to
Portland Impact, Attn. HR BLM,
7211 SE 62na Ave, Portland, OR
97206. EOE.
Academic Teacher, Part-time
($15.38 per hour)
C an didate is re sp on sib le for
academic instruction to young
adults in an employment training
program and must have the ability
to teach multiple levels of math,
from basic math to pre-GED math.
In struction al experien ce with
algebra preferred. Must have a
bachelor's degree and State of
Oregon Teaching Certification with
one year instructional experience
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
9045 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 109
Portland. OR 97219
503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757
michael harper cuik@statefarm com
Own Investment Properties
with No Money Down!
Get 100% financing available
for those who qualify
Multi-family properties are
a great way to start your
in vestment portfolio.
Please send letter of interest and
resume by September 8,2006 to:
Human Resources
E. Historic Columbia River
Troutdale. OR 9706 0
As an affirmative action employer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fe m ale, ve te ran and d isa b le
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
from your family
(barlette Martin
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.
Suite 115
Vancouver. WA 98684
36O-X23-14 4 1