Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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    August 23, 2006
Page A6
KMHD's B lues for
the M ove and
D ixieland M ixer
N oo n— 4pm
Trad Jazz Brunch with
Dr. Jazz fit The Interns
and The Jim Beatty Band
5p m — 2am
The Jimmy Bowskiil Band
w/Special Guests TB A
Friday, August 2 5 , '0 6
Beale Street N W
1 0 7 2 1 NE Sandy Bivd
Portland, O R
$ 2 2 .5 0
To Purchase Tickets Call
5 0 3 .4 9 1 .7 2 7 1
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Members of Northeast Portland's Highland United Church of Christ hold a First Service Celebration Sunday with Rev. Dr. 14/. G.
Hardy at their new Christian Center at 7600 N.E. Glisan St., the former site o f New Beginnings church. A formal dedication for
Highland's multicultural congregation is coming this fall. See story and photo, front page.
Community Weary of Jefferson Changes
July 27-August 29
M a r Goman & Shira Loa
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Pictured above: Mar Goman "Angel" fabric, thread & metal
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fro m Front
K en to n , M eek , W h ita k e r and
Kennedy. It has reorganized other
feeder schools like Boise-Eliot and
H arrietTubm an.
In April, Superintendent Vickie
Phillips proposed to close nearby
Humboldt Elem entary, but a wave
o f protest from parents and com ­
munity resulted in a reprieve forthe
school. W hitaker was closed two
years ago and students were trans­
ferred to H arriet Tubm an, which
will become a girl’sacademy in 2007.
Follow ing the press conference,
the Jefferson advocates m arched
20 I MIRIAINAMM P rislnis
photo by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
Steve Kayfes, vice president o f the Jefferson Parent Teacher Student Association, issues a
report card giving the Portland School District a failing grade in its actions to help Jefferson
High School.
S pant , H o p i , ins
Rie h D anc i
to North K illingsw orth to stage an
all-day vigil in front o f the North
Portland Library. M any attended
the school board m eeting M onday
night in an unsuccessful attem pt to
rescind its decision to reorganize
the school for a fourth tim e in six
The school advocates w ant to
increase and im prove course offer­
ings at Jefferson, reinstate the popu­
lar television production program
an d stu d io , an d e m p o w e r the
Jefferson Site Council as the pri­
mary dec i sion m aker for the school.
Jefferson’s new principal Leon
Dudley did not com e outside to lis­
ten to or address M onday's protest.
He took up his post Aug. 14,
having been recruited from Dallas
In d e p e n d e n t S ch o o l D is tric t’s
Roosevelt High School, w here the
student body was mostly minority
and low-incom e.
D udley will be theeighth princi­
pal that Jefferson has hired in the
past 10 years.
Enjoyment For The Whole Family
h u ll,
Au< ,usi
I n n RM A ll
2S. 200b
< ill MIRAI
< I Ml R
’»'10 N
lu i!
I m ih m m i A vi v ii . P okiimme ». ( )H
IK Id I INI ( »I: MAIK )N CONIACI (SOU 1/1 6649
’|. I', 0 0 UK Kilts, a
W lhlA
S ponsor
(The jJ u ith n h (Û hsi'tiirv
11:00am- 5:00pm
Saturday, August 26, 2006
78th & NE Glisan
Portland, Oregon
\ Highland Hav.n Prngrnm