August 23, 2006 ÎIk'JjJortlanh (ßhseruer C lassifieds / B ids Neighborhood Programs Portland State University Admissions Counselor Portland State University is proud to be the largest and most diverse p u b lic u n iv e r s ity in O re g o n . Faculty and staff at Portland State e n jo y an e n v iro n m e n t th a t is re c o g n iz e d fo r its c o m m u n ity involvement, diversity and vibrant urban location. Portland State University invites a p p lica tions for the position of A d m is s io n s C o u n s e lo r. R e s p o n s ib ilite s in c lu d e : (1 ) re p re s e n tin g th e U n iv e rs ity to p ro s p e c tiv e s tu d e n ts and the general public through a diverse array o f outreach; (2) engaging and interacting with prospective a n d c u rre n t s tu d e n ts ; (3 ) developing leadership and skills th ro u g h c o lla b o ra tiv e w ork in planning and im plem entation of re c ru itm e n t e v e n ts ; (4 ) o th e r d u tie s as a s s ig n e d . M inim um q u a lific a tio n s in c lu d e : a B accalaureate degree; one year of experience in student services at th e co lle g e le ve l; e xc e lle n t written and oral com m unication s k ills ; s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l, presentation and organizational skills; cre a tive p roblem -solvin g a b ility a nd c u s to m e r s e rv ic e o rie n ta tio n . P ositio n re q u ires frequent travel, as well as evening and weekend hours. T h is p o s itio n is an u n ra n k e d a c a d e m ic p ro fe s s io n a l appointm ent which is renewable and based on a part-tim e starting FTE o f .7. T h is p o s itio n w ill becom e a .5 FTE som etim e within the next tw o years. A p p lic a tio n s w ill be re vie w e d im m ediately and the position will rem ain open until fin a lists are identified. To apply: S ubm it a letter of interest, resum e, one- page customer service philosophy s ta te m e n t and nam e, add re ss and telephone num ber of at least three (3) references to: b Linda Etter Office of Admissions, Registration and Records Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207-0751 Fax: 503-725-5595 E-m ail: counsadm @ PSU is an AA/EO institution and, in keeping with the President's d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e candidates and candidates who support diversity. Radio immediate opening: B u s in e s s M a n a g e r- 5 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . S e n d re s u m e : A tte n tio n Hum an Resource Departm ent, 0234 SW B a n c ro ft S tre e t, P o rtla n d OR 97239. No phone calls. EOE Page B5 Coordinator R eligion T h e N e ig h b o rh o o d P ro g ra m s C o o rd in a to r is re sp o n s ib le for w o rk in g w ith n e ig h b o rh o o d associations, d istrict coalitions a n d o th e r c o m m u n ity -b a s e d organizations to provide a variety of services, which include contract Floyd McCorvey m a n a g e m e n t, te c h n ic a l A home going celebration was a s s is ta n c e on n o n -p ro fit held Friday, Aug. 11, 2(M)6, in g u id e lin e s , le a d e rs h ip and Morning Star Missionary Bap­ o rg a n iz a tio n a l d e v e lo p m e n t tist Church in Portland for Floyd training. Duties include organizing McCorvey, who died Aug. 4 at and p la n n in g e ve n ts, m eeting age 80. A concluding service with c o o rd in a tio n and fa c ilita tio n , m ilitary honors was held at d e v e lo p in g th e c o n te n t for an Willamette National Cemetery. o u tre a c h d a ta b a s e of Mr. McCorvey was born Dec. n e ig h b o rh o o d b u s in e s s 13, 1925, in Okemah, Okla., and associations, developing outreach raised there and in Chicago. Dur­ and m a rk e tin g m a te ria ls and ing World War II. he served in the p ro v id in g lim ite d te c h n ic a l Army. In 1971, he moved to Port­ support and guida nce to other land, where he was a security b u re a u s ' p u b lic in v o lv e m e n t officer for Harbor Security. He efforts. Additional duties include the developm ent of custom ized p ro g ra m s , s tra te g ie s , a n d / o r w orkshops th a t are focused on b u ild in g th e c a p a c ity a n d Bruce Edward Carter Services were held Monday, increasing interaction between Aug. 21,2006, in Vancouver Av­ und er-rep re se nte d g rou p s and enue First Baptist Church in Port­ neighborhood associations. The position will be required to attend land for Bruce Edward Carter Sr., c o m m u n ity m e e tin g s in th e who died Aug. 12 of a heart attack at age 49. evening and on weekends. Home Going Celebration was a longtime member of Morn­ ing Star and spoke at churches around the country. He had been a stand-up comedian. Boy Scout leader and former member of the Chicago School Board. In 1992, he married Rabbi A. Kendrix White. Survivors include his wife; son, Floyd Jr.; stepson, Pierre White; sisters, Leslie Patterson, Dorothy J. Stewart, Norma J. Harris and Lois Nathan; and three grand­ children. Arrangements by Rose City Funeral Home. I»’ Congratulations ! C u rtis & J o y c e W a te rs State Fanti1 Providing Insurance and Financial Services L o c a l M u s ic ia n R e m e m b e re d Mr. Carter was born Dec. 28, 1956, in Portland. He graduated from Grant High School. As a teenager, he formed the Application deadline is Monday, band Franchise, which later Septem ber 4, 2006. merged with another band to be­ come Pleasure, a band that re­ To learn m ore about this position, corded several albums, toured or to apply online, visit our website nationally and had the 1979 hit at or A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry Range: $4,111 - $5,481 pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 Education Coordinator li: You are hereby notified that Yirka Jiri, Krejci the trustee for a trust nam ed "YIR K A JIRI K R EJCI" is void for fraud. I affirm that I never intentionally accepted the role of trustee, nor bailed any properly into said trust for another's benefit. I will no longer accept personal liability for any breach of duty, or other tort associated with said trust. This notice is for all obligations past, present, and future until, and unless further notice. 130.175 UTC 406. Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress or undue influence. A trust is void to the extent the creation of the trust was Induced by fraud, duress or undue influence. (2005 C.348&26) 130.845 UTC 1010. Lim itation on personal liability of trustee. (1) Except as otherw ise provided in the contract, a trustee is not personally liable on a contract properly entered into in the trustee's fiduciary capacity in the course of administering the trust if the trustee disclosed the trustee's fiduciary capacity in the contract (2) A trustee is personally liable for torts com m itted in the course of adm inisteringa trust for obligations arising from ownership or control of trust property, including liability for violation of environm ental law, only if the trustee is personally at fault. (3) The follow ing claim s may be asserted in a judicial proceeding against the trustee in the trustee's fiduciary capacity, w hether or not the trustee is personally liable for the claim . (a) A claim based on a contract entered into by a trustee in the trustee's fiduciary capacity. (b) A claim based on an obligation arising from ow nership or control of trust property. (c) A c la im b a s e d on a to rt c o m m itte d in th e c o u rs e o f adm inisteringa trust. (4) This section does not im pose personal liability on a trustee solely because the trustee holds property under an instrum ent that show s title in the nam e of the trustee but does not state that the tru s te e h o ld s th e p ro p e rty in a re p re s e n ta tiv e c a p a c ity . (2 005C.348& 92) Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland, OR 97217 503 ?Rfi 1,03 Fax 503 286 1146 etnie hill h5mtx®statefanu com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® T o p 2°/o John Ronald Bronski L ó e o /n J B a i/r « Asphalt Raker Approx hourly salary: $19.00 at entry, to $20.42 after 6 months. The City of Portland is recruiting qualified candidates for Asphalt Raker, re sp o n s ib le for m a kin g repairs on City maintained streets; setting up job s with proper traffic safety control devices; dum ping a s p h a lt, ra k in g to g ra d e , and c o m p a c tin g h o t m ix u s in g a vib ra p la te ; c o m p le tin g a ctiv ity re c o rd s fo r e a c h jo b as it is finished; prep a ring and paving potholes, utility cuts, overlays, b a se re p a ir, and co ld m illin g projects; spreading tack coat; and operating screws on drag boxes and self-propelled pavers. See com plete jo b announcem ent for requirem ents and application at Tony and Libby Kelly M B A , M .E d ., B ro k e rs , C R S , A B R , SR E S* 503-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland. OR P r o je c t A.D. Williams Shop 503 282-2920 Cell 503-300-4488 H o p e 223 NE Russell St Portland, Oregon (503)287-4914 Open M-E 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm FURNITURE SALE 50% -70% A ll The Time 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 87212 9 am-6 pm Tuaa.-SaL Help Support The Youth M W V O « TtfMS AMO iMTfRNATIONAl M tT tfU tR D ia n e tic s can h elp you live a b e tte r an d h a p p ie r life . > Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. , aHgr ' Ttfr^Unn cop*« tr. V> \ ETICS : MODERN SCIIHCI OF M IN T A l HIAETH Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours Paperback $8.00