Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 23, 2006, Image 1

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    T1Week ¡n
The Review
Marines Recalled to Duty
The U.S. M arine Corps said Tues-
day it has been authorized to re­
call thousands o f Marines to ac­
tive duty, p rim a rily because o f a
shortage o f volunteers fo r duty in
Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no
cap on the total number o f M a ­
rines w ho may be forced back into
service for an anticipated long
war on terrorism, the m ilita ry said.
Oregon’s War Toll Rises
The deaths o f a Portland soldier
and a M arine from Bend were re­
ported M onday, raising to 67 the
num berof m ilita ry personnel w ith
ties to Oregon kille d in the M id d le
East. S ee story, page A2.
Spike Lee Documentary
Film m aker Spike
Lee said he hopes
h is new H B O
do cu m e n ta ry on
Hurricane Katrina
and the aftermath
w ill bring attention back to the
region, where it’s needed. "People
are still in dire straits. We want to
put the focus back here,” he said.
See s to ry , page A2.
piioto by
Russian Jet Crash Kills 170
A Russian passenger je t carrying
at least 170people— including45
children — crashed Tuesday in
eastern Ukraine after sending a
distress signal, k illin g all aboard,
authorities said. A uthorities ruled
out terrorism saying there was
bad weather in the area at the time
o f the crash.
Highland’s First Service Celebration
Multicultural church
has new home
Ramsey Confessor Held
John M a rk K a rr
agreed Tuesday to
be sent to C o lo ­
rado to face first-
d e g re e m u rd e r
charges in the slay­
ing o f 6-year-old
JonBenet Ramsey. A t a hearing in
Los Angeles, K arr, dressed in an
M ark W asiiington /T hk P orti ani » O bserver
Rev. Dr. W.G. Hardy (center) welcomes worshipers to the First Service Celebration at the new Highland Christian Center, the former New Beginnings mega­
church property at 7600 N.E. Glisan St. Pictured with Hardy at Sunday's service is Deacon Barry Taylor and his wife Trina (left) and congregation member
Nykeisha Gardner. See additional photo, page A6.
H ig h la n d U n ite d C h u rc h o f C h ris t, one o f
P o rtla n d ’ s m ost h is to ric m u ltic u ltu ra l c o n g re g a ­
tio n s , has m o v e d fro m 1737 N .E . A lb e rta to the
fo rm e r N o v B e g in n in g s C h ris tia n C e n te r, a m ega
tant to b e co m e the m o st e ffe c tiv e ch u rc h s e rv in g
c h u rc h p ro p e rty at 76(X) N .E . G lis a n St.
p e o p le o f a ll c o lo rs , not the biggest.
R e v . D r. W .G . H a rd y a n d h is w if e A l i w e l­
T h e ne w lo c a tio n w ill p ro v id e space fo r m e n ’ s and
c o m e d th e c o n g re g a tio n to a F ir s t S e rv ic e C e l­
w o m e n ’ s g ro u p s, b ib le stu d y, d is c ip le classes, a
e b ra tio n S u n d a y at th e n e w ly n a m e d H ig h la n d
b o o k s to re and h o u sin g . A fo rm a l d e d ic a tio n is c o m ­
C h r is tia n C e n te r.
in g th is fa ll, and those interested can c a ll 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -
H a rd y to ld his p a rish io n e rs that it w as m ore im p o r-
9 5 6 7 fo r m o re d e ta ils.
Turning Two
Years into 20
orange prison ju m p s u it, spoke
ca lm ly and q uietly to a ffirm his
decision to confess to the crime.
Heart recipient Luther
Lockett going strong
by S arah B lount
T he P ortland O bserver
T w o milestones are on the horizon fo r trans­
plant recipient Luther Lockett, 73. He w ill cel­
ebrate his 50th wedding anniversary in 2(X)9, bu,
first comes the 2(Xh anniversary o f the hear, he
received in Feb. 1987.
Little Leaguers Advance
O regon’ s firs, entry into,he L ittle
League W orld Series since 1958
advanced to sem ifinal rounds,
w in n in g its second straight game
M onday after an in itia l tourna­
ment defeat in South W illiam sport.
Pa. See story, page B6.
continued y ^ on page A5
Anchorman Sues OHSU
Ken Ackerman, a form er Portland
T V anchorman is suing Oregon
Health & Science U n ive rsity fo r
wha, he described as a botched
surgery that left him partially para­
lyzed. The trial began on Tuesday
in M ultnom ah C o u n ty C irc u it
photo by
Community Weary of Jefferson Changes
w ithout feedback from the Jefferson com ­
give district
‘failing’ grade
"H o w many re-re-redesigns do we
need?" asked Steve Kayfes, vice presi­
dent o f the Jefferson PTSA.
The pressure to make Jefferson attrac­
tive to new students is
even more dire than in pas,
years because school dis­
tric t administrators have
p u b lic ly
ta rg e te d
Jefferson fo r consider­
ation o f closure in 2(X)9 i f
e n ro llm e n t doesn’ t in ­
o S
3 O\
• Í
C 'c
5 Í
honest comm unications w ith the school’ s
“ Portland Public Schools, you get an
F.” Kayfes said.
The schools that feed into Jefferson
make up the largest geographical high
* The schools that feed into
Jefferson make up the largest
geographical high school district in
Portland Public Schools, but the
district has closed several “feeder"
elementa ries and middle schools.. \
S arah B lount
T he P ortland O bserver
s/) in
M ark W ashington ZT he P ortland O bserver
Neighborhood Schools Alliance member Cindy Young refers to a map held by Jefferson student Rebecca Smith,
pointing out recent school closures in the Jefferson attendance area during a protest Monday in front o f the school.
It’ s still summer break, but the Jefferson
H igh School campus in north Portland
was fu ll o f a ctivity M onday, as form er
and current students, parents and inter­
est groups gathered at the school to
protest a series o f design and curriculum
changes fo r Oregon's second oldest high
school. This fa ll Jefferson w ill operate as
In a turn o f the tables,
the parents group pre­
sented a report card fo r the district, c r iti­
cizing them forcurriculum cuts at Jefferson
that hurt enrollm ent, a lack o f equity in
educational resources toward the school,
an inconsistency in a learning environ­
ment fo r students and an absence o f
tw o seperate academies.
A host o f speakers, organized by the
Jefferson Parent Teacher Student Asso­
ciation, made it clear - they are weary o f
more committees and recommendations
school district in Portland Public Schools,
but the d is tric t has clo se d several
“ feeder" elementarles and m iddle schools
over the years, in clu d in g Applegate.
continued y f on page A6
phot «» by
S abah B i ount /T he P ortlani » O hserver
Heart recipient Luther Lockett, at home
with wife Marie, recalls the phone call he
received in the same chair nearly 20 years
before, alerting him that a new heart
awaited him at OHSU.