il,f|J o rtla n b © bseruer August 16. 2006 Page B3 Focus Short Stands ENHANCING THE OWNERSHIP EXPERIENCE. AFFORDABLE NEW Tall HOMES in PARKROSE 10 y e a r TAX a b a te m e n t. Garage, yard, porch A patio, NO common walls in 'Accepted' C olum bus Short stars with Justin Long in 'A ccepted,' Universal Pictures' socially sub­ versive com edy for anyone w ho has ever felt the sting o f rejection. The story follow s tw o graduating high school seniors w ho sm ooth-talked their way through the system and now are in a quan­ dary they ca n ’t charm their way out of: C ol­ lege Admission. Out o f desperation, the tw o create an “illustrious" institute o f technology with a few eccentric friends in an abandoned psy­ chiatric facility. U nder their care, the school becom es a place w here they can m ake their ow n rules, design curriculum and maintain com plete control over their education. The off-the-grid school appeals to scores o f college cast-offs w ho gratefully (and un­ Beautiful new homes loaded with great features! Convenient NE location to MAX. Bus.l 205. & I 84! Value at $218,750-5227,750 Selling in your neighborhood □ Û JolinC. Scott BEAI I www johnlscott com /karm enbi tS IA T l Top 2 % in P o rtla n d M e tro KELLER WILLIAMS Tony and Libby Kelly C o lu m b u s S h o rt s ta r s in th e n e w c o m e d y ‘A c c e p te d . ' M B A , M .Ed., Brokers. CRS. ABR, SRES expectedly) show up once they learn o f the "w e accept anyone" m entality o f this new university. A young African Am erican actor, choreogra­ pher and dancer. Short is making a nam e for himself. His previous film credits include roles in "W ar o f the W orlds" and "Y ou Got Served." His television credits include roles on ER. Judging Amy and T h ai’s So Raven. He has taken acting roles w ith pop superstars such as Britney Spears. Ashanti and Brandy. An Evening of Stars Salute Aretha headlines college fund special The United N egroC ollegeF und will present A retha Franklin, the undisputed “Q ueen o f Soul," its prestigious Award o f Excellence during the taping o f ‘An Evening o f S tars' television special next month. Franklin will be the first female artist to receive the award. Previ­ ous honorees have been Lou Rawls, Q uincy Jones and Stevie W onder. The three-hour concert tribute will air nationw ide in late January. Franklin will receive the honor for her longstanding and generous A reth a Franklin support o f the U N C F’s m ission to provide deserving students with philanthropy on behalf o f num er- access to higher education, as well ous other causes. as for her w ell-know n activism and A m u sic in d u s try le g e n d , Fran k I i n has con tri buted her fame, talent and money to num erous other causes and organizations,including the Dance T heatre o f Harlem, the NAACP, sickle cell ane­ m ia research and drunk driving aw areness and pre­ vention. "U N C F is d elig h ted to sh o w A re th a F ra n k lin som e o f the R -E -S -P-E -C - T that she has show n us for so m any y ears," said M ichael L. L om ax, p resi­ dent and C E O o f U N CF. "A s an artist, an en te r­ tain er, and a citiz en , her ca reer has estab lish ed a sta n d a rd o f e x c e lle n c e ex e m p lifie s the e d u ­ c a tio n a l d is tin c tio n to w hich o u r m em ber co lleg e s are d ed icated and to w hich they hold th e ir stu d en ts." As one o f the most revered art­ ists in the music industry, Franklin has earned 17 G ram m y awards, 17 No. I R&B singles, a Presidential Medal o f Freedom, a Kennedy Cen ter Honor, a National Medal of Arts, and was the first woman to be in­ ducted into the Rock anil Roll Hall o f Fame. H er long list o f hits includes "C h a in o l F o o ls," "Y o u M ake Me Feel (L ike a N atural W om an)," “T h in k ," “ Baby I Love Y ou," "T he H ouse T hat Jack B u ilt,"an d o f co u rse "R e sp e c t" her m ost fam ous hit song, w hich becam e a sy m b o l o f both fem in in e and black pride in the 1960s. F ra n k lin ’s last stu d io album . S o D am n H appy, w as released to critical acclaim in 2005. Her debut release on her very own A retha R ecords, "A W om an Falling Out o f L o v e," isc u rre n tly being rea d ­ ied fo ra January 2007 release date. Rap Superstar Adopts World Cause Jay-Z promotes ‘Water for Life’ campaign upon that, if the inform ation was out and young people knew that these problem s exist w hile we're having Poland Springs at Cipriani and things like that, that we'll get involved," said the 36-year-old rap­ (AP) - Jay-Z boycotted premium per. referring to the high-class res­ cham pagne Cristal at hisclubs after taurant chain. the brand's ow ner made some re­ Jay-Z, whose real name is Shawn m arks he didn't like. Now the rap Carter, said he had been looking for superstar has a new favorite drink: a way to help people, and when he water. visited Africa on tour he w as struck Jay-Z , president o f D ef Jam at how many o f the world's poor Records, team ed up with the United lacked such a basic necessity. N ations and MTV last week to get "As I started looking around children involved in the fight against and looking at ways that I could the w orldwide w ater crisis. He ci ted become helpful, it started at the first statistics that 1.1 billion people live thing - water, som ething as simple w ithout clean drinking w ater and as water," he said at a news confer­ 2.6 billion lack proper sanitation. ence at U.N. headquarters. "It took "I figure that once I stum bled very little, very little to see these Jay-Z num bers." MTV film crews will follow the rapperon his worldwide tour, which begins S ep t.9. "The Diary o f Jay-Z: W ater for Life" will feature first- person accounts o f m eetings with people around the world who lack water, MTV President Christina Norman said. Jay-Z said he wants to build I .(KM)"play pumps" in Africa by the time the tour is over. T he device features a rudim entary merry-go- round that pum ps w ater from a wel I into a storage tank as it spins. U.N. S ecretary-G eneral Kofi A nnan rec alle d how P resident Kennedy once rem arked that any­ one who could solve the world's water problems would get two Nobel Prizes - on»; for peace and one for science. "Together, we may yet inspire a young view er to take up President K ennedy's challenge, and claim both those Nobel Prizes," Annan said. WWW SellingPortlandRealEstate.«™ $03-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland, OR RSL Luxury skin care We currently offer: M icrixlermabrasion • Peels Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosmetics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products 7tiÀ:e yourself to the next level in beauty Call today! 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108, Portland. OR 97214 Bargain k I • ! I Jr H . ». . I , , #1 Wireless Store! No Credit Checks! We buy & sell used phones. We do Bill Pay (Cell Phones, Utility Bills) Service offered: Sprint, Nextel, T-mobile, Qwest, Dish Network, Comcast, prepaid. 35/7 N.E. M L K Bird. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-6061 Q w e it Sprint (J O Oregon Shakespeare Festival O rganized bus tours Aug. 3i - Sept. 2 Intim ate Apparel by Lynn Nottage The Two Gentlemen o f Verona Jazz Icon Welcomed Home Allan Jones at LVs Uptown L V ’sU ptow njazzclub,3l()S .W . Lincoln St., near Portland State U niversity, will w elcom e home drum m er, com poser and Portland jazz icon Alan Jones on Friday, Aug. 25, and Saturday Aug. 26. Jones will appear both nights with a stellarquartet featuring bass ist Tom W akeling. pianist Darrell ( iranl and special guest, award w in­ ning Canadian tenor saxophonist Plnl Dwyer. Shows are scheduled both nights at 7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. with a $5 cover charge. For reservations and information, call 503-221-0140. L V ’s Uptown features a com ­ fortable, intimate, non-smoking lis­ tening en v iro n m en t w ith great food, a bar and free parking. by William Shakespeare The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ($345/person double occupancy) Sept. 2 - 3 The Merry Wives of Windsor by William Shakespeare The W inter’s Tale by William Shakespeare ($275/person double occupancy) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FDR COMMUNITY SERVICES Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Sept. 2 9 - Oct. i Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Tere M athrrn Special Protects & Development tm @ tacs ory Ext 103 1001 SE Water St. Suite 490 Portland. DR 97214-2132 t 503 239 4001 J 503 236 8313 www tats org Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from THF MODFKN SCffNCI Paperback $8.00 Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours 2 0 04 BPI AN Rights Rrvnrvwd D IA N IT 1C S I t « tra d e m a rk an d s e rv k e m a rk o w n e d b y A»bg«»»\ Tech n olo gy C e n te r a n d is used w ith its p erm ission Intim ate Apparel by Lynn Nottage ($345/person double occupancy) Relax and Enjoy! The boytraf Htstneyetf factor hwhis (»005) f n semble inbmntr Apporci poo6) Cwendotyn Mulamba Tiffany A*1ams Rhotox Devtd Cooper and T C hades lt)tlr\on Round trip coach trip; dinner with OSF actors; indoor and BOOK NOW! outdoor performances; ( 5 4 1 ) 4 8 2 - 2 I I I , ext lodging in downtown hotels; shopping and much morel amyr»®osfashland org 240