Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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August 16. 2006
f|Jn rtla n b © bseruer
Sculptures Depict an Arduous Passage
a 19-foot crocodile. E agle's View
M anagem ent Co. and West Coast
Bank sponsor the exhibit.
T he W orld Forestry C enter
D iscovery M useum is a non­
profit organization located five
m inutes from downtow n Portland
in W ashington Park, just off High­
way 26. The C enter is accessible
by MAX light rail line.
General adm ission is $7 for
adults. $6 for seniors, $5 for ch il­
dren and infants tw o and under
and free for members.
Despair, strength
captured by artist
Artist A loisa M uvanta has cap­
tured the raw em otion o f a slavery
passage to America in his interna­
tionally famed Slave Boats ebony
carvings, on display w ith a collec­
tion o f M akonde ebony sculptures
at the W orld F o re stry C e n te r
through Sept. 17.
Ebony (Dal hergia melanoxylon)
is the one o f the hardest and most
valuable wixxls in the world. Most
o f us are fam iliar with its use on
piano keys, but its versatility goes
far beyond that application.
The hark o f ebony is tan and
generally light in color, w hile the
sapwood is a soft while. It is the
inner portion of the tree that is fine­
g ra in e d . d e n s e , n e a rly b la ck
(blackw ood is one o f its com m on
names), strong and heavy, anil has
been prized for centuries.
The rare ebony collection of
approxim ately 60 pieces, on loan
from Mr. Chaim Sil. includes the
w orld's largest M akonde carving -
Artist Aloisa Muvama began
carving his internationally
famed ebony log slave
boats in 1970. An ebony
carving of a slave boat that
weighs 900 pounds is on
display through Sept. 17 at
the World Forestry Center.
be provided.
Since 1970 the group has been
giving free Shakespeare sum m er
perform ances in area parks. The
show moves from park to park each
'B ung a picnic and bring the
family to laugh at the Bard's not-so-
desperate housew ives," said en ­
semble board m ember Kelly Bums,
flic mission o f the Portland Actors
Ensem ble is to bring financially
accessible classical theater to
P o rtla n d an d s o u th w e s t
W ashington com m unities in a
nontraditional environm ent.
Clara-Liis Hillier, *
Daniel Shaw and Marga­
ret Darling perform in
‘The Merry Wives of
Windsor' at the Washing­
ton State University
Vancouver amphitheater.
^5 'L l-fu rio u s
SMOKEHOUSE A rib tpi id
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Dew A ctions S p o rts T o u r - W it­
ness the pro tour o f action sports,
including skateboarding. BMX and
freestyle m otocross at the D ew
A ctions S ports T our, T hursday,
Aug. 17 through Sunday, Aug. 2 0 at
Maureen McGovern
the Rose G arden arena. For more
inform ation, visit D ew A etionSportsT our.com .
Dolls and Teddies C om e to Portland A rm ory - R ediseoveryour youth
at the C rossroads Doll and Teddy Bear Show, returning to Portland
Saturday, Sept. 2 from 10a.m. to 4 :3 0 p .m . at the National G uard Armory.
N F 33rd Drive at M arine Drive. The event includes antique dolls and
vendors and doll m aking classes and dem onstrations. A dm ission is $6
for adults with children/senior discounts.
‘EdgeColor Fight’af IFCCGallery -T h e ex h ib it "Paperw orkredgecolor
light" features three presenters w hoexplore the nature and lim itso f paper
and it’s partnership with the artist, is now show ing through Friday. Aug.
18 at the Interstate Fi rehouse Cultural C enter. 5340 N. Interstate. G allery
hours are T uesday through Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays noon
to 4 p.m.
op e
ro je e
tK * X
re ”
c’ iPca/ooc
sp e cia lizin g in L'lttokcL
Free S um m er C oncerts — The W ashington Park Am phitheatre host
Portland Parks & R ecreation’s 2006 W ashington Park Sum m er Festival
with concerts every night at 6 p.m. through T hursday, Aug. 17. The
lineup spans the musical arts spectrum - from jazz to bluegrass, from
opera to Cuban dance. A com plete schedule o f perform ers is available
at portlandparks.org.
L ittle W om en - "Little W omen, the
B ro ad w ay M u sic a l," b ased on
Louisa May A leott's tim eless tale
about the pow er o f fam ily, friend­
ship and rom ance and featuring
Broadway star Maureen McGovern,
soars to the stage through Sunday,
Aug. 20 at Keller A uditorium . For
tic k e ts an d show lim e s, v isit
Kids 10 to 12 Years!!!!!!!!!
C lassic R om antic
C om edy - A stage
play production of
the classic romantic
com edy The Rain­
maker, a film made
fa m o u s by B urt
L a n c a s te r
an d
Katherine Hepburn
in 1956, is a delight­
‘The Rainmaker"
ful rem inder that we
all need to have faith in ourselves. Perform ances through Sunday, Aug.
27 at the W est End Theater, 1220 S.W . T aylor St. Tickets are $15 for
adults'. $10 for students. T o make reservations, call 888-287-6318.
Safew ay C lassic—T he Safeway Classic G olfTournam ent Week happens
through Sunday. Aug. 20at the C olum bia-Edgew ater Country Club. 2220
N.E. M arine Dr. The oldest continuous event on the LPGA tour has raised
over $9 million for local ch ild ren 's charities. For more inform ation, visit
safew ayelassic.org.
‘Merry Wives9 at WSU Vancouver
The Portland Actors Ensemble
will offer tw o perform ances of
Shakespeare's "T he Merry Wives
o f W indsor" at W ashington State
University Vancouver's A mphithe­
ater. 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave.,
at 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Aug. 26 and 27. A dm ission is free.
The group will also offer a w ork­
shop for young actors at 2 p.m.
Several children will be invited to
join the performance. ( 'ostum es will
S C R A P Iron Artist Seulpt-O ff' -- SCRA P'S (School and Com m unity
Reuse Action Project) Iron Artist, a com m unity event com bining art.
music and team competition takes place Saturday, Aug. 19 from 12:30p.m.
to 8 p.m. on the co m er o f North V ancouver and Failing. For more
inform ation and team applications, visit scrapaetion.org/iron06 or visit
SCRA Pat3901 A N .
W illiam s Ave.
223 NE Russell Si
Portland. Oregon
(5 0 3 )2 8 7 -4 9 1 4
Open M-F9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm
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Bringing Ancient G reece to Life — State-of-the-art technology trans­
ports audiences back to the daw n o f dem ocracy and the birthplace o f
W estern Civilization in the new IM AX adventure "G reece: Secrets of the
Past". P ortland's O m nim ax T heater is located at the Oregon M useum ot
Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. W ater Ave. For tickets and show times
eall503-797-4640orvisitom si.edu/visit/om nim ax.
Call to Artists — Local artists are encouraged to show o ff their talent by
becom ing a Portland ( )pen Studios Artist. Each year. 96 artists are chosen
from the m etro area to open their studios and becom e part o f an exciting
regional art event. Visit portlandopenstudios.com for more inform ation.
T rippln' through Tow n -- Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest
poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
Belly D ance C lasses -- Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance.
African dance and more. Visit w w w .gypsyearavan.us.
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\d\ertise with diversity
'a ll
Tim e to Jam -Ja m Night. P ortland's ever-popular com edy and variety
show is at Christian Perform ing Arts Center, 8 131 N. D enver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondemaj
Catering next door to the show a, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
Hip-hop D ance C lasses - V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recreation is
hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes fo ra g es 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordination, agility, com binations
and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call
Live Music Every Night
Kick off your week with livejazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk
(3 3 4 1 SF Belmont ) • P articipate in a m ixed-m edia open m ic night each
M onday a t the Hack to Hack C afé (614 East Burnside I • The I horn City
Improv, featuring m em bers of O ldom inion,
Q uivah. T he Chosen and The Black Notes,
perform at C onan's(3862 S.E. Hawthorne)every
Tuesday at 10 p.m. • Celebrate H um p D ay at
The R ed Sea (381 S. W. 3rd Ave) after work on
W ednesdays, fr o m 5 to 9 p.m . • Inch tow ard the
weekend at the ( andlelight Rix>m ( 2032 S W 5th
Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each T hursday. • Celebrate
Friday with M cl Brown, who play s ja zz at S a lty's on the Colum bia every
Friday a n d Saturday, a n d Jim m y M ak s on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
• Round off your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at
M ontego Bay. ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson).