Committed to Cultural Diversity v\ \v\\. port Youngest Ever Hoists Golf Championship Cup M etro The Women's Amateur event makes a star out o f 16-year-old Kimberly Kim ijjîortlanb 00b See Sports, page B6 SECTION om m unity a le n d a r Concerts at Blue Lake Enjoy w aterside entertainm ent with the 'M usic by Blue L ake’ s e rie s , f e a tu rin g th e g ro u p M oondance, Friday, Aug. 18 and the eclectic South African group Fools in Paradise, Friday, Aug. 25. Both concerts run from 6 p.m. to 8 1 p.m. at Blue Lake Regional Park, located between M arine Drive and Sandy Boulevard o ff N ortheast 223rd Ave. For more information, v isit w w w .m e tro -re g io n .o rg / bluelakeorcall 503-797-1850. Women’s Rights Day Join the Portland branch o f Radi­ cal W omen in a celebration o f women winning the right to vote, with a forum held Saturday, Aug. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Bread and R o se s C e n te r, 819 N. Killingsworth. A sum m er buffet will be available at 6p.m . for $8 to $10 on a sliding scale. For more information, call503-240-4462. Pet Adoption Events The Oregon H um ane Society will host adoption events on S atur­ day, Aug. 19 at Jantzen Beach Home Depot; Dog Star. 1313 NW K earney; and the W oodstock Neighborhood Picnic. For more in f o rm a tio n , v isit w w w .oregonhum G ram m y-w inner a n d Latin ja z z p ia n is t E d d ie P alm ieri will jo in h is o rc h e str a a t th e V ancouver W ine & J a zz Festival. Vancouver serves up a cultural event Golf Tourney Volunteers SEI is looking for volunteers for the Jeld-W en T radition at the Reserve Vineyards and Gold Club, Aug. 2 1 through 27. Roles include Expo Tent and Putt for Charity staffing, and caddy and standard bearers. V olunteers will receive a w eekly ticket to the tournam ent, as well as a SEI hat and shirt and f(M)d and beverage. For more in­ formation, call 503-249- 172 Lex- tension 264. Women’s Caregiving A free health forum ‘W hen is it Tim e to Take C harge? W om en j and C aregiving' will help partici­ pants recognize red flags, cope w ith caretaking and provide com - I munity resources every woman can use. It takes place Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at Providence St. j Vincent Medical C enter's Souther| I. Auditorium, 9205 S. W. Barnes Rd. For more information, call 503-513- 8404. YWCA Needs Advocates Clark County YW CA is looking for adults who can serve as m en­ tors for sexual assault victim s and d o m e s tic v io le n c e s u p p o rt groups, court-appointed ad v o ­ cates for abused and neglected children and volunteers for incar­ cerated women transitioning back into the com m unity. Fall training and orientation begins Tuesday, Sept. 2 from 6 p. m. to 8:30 p.m. For more inform ation, call 360-696- 0167. Family Fun at Irving Park Portland Parks and Recreation and First Steps Sports A cadem y w el­ com e all to Family FunDays, on Fridays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 18 and 25 at Irving Park, 7 N.E. Knott St. There will be food and entertainm ent, health screenings and more. Economic Empowerment PDX Confidential hosts DEED: Di­ versity Economic Empowerment Day, a conference to celebrate di- versity,explore individual skillsand I develop leadership in the global economy, Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Portland Hilton and Executive Tower, 921 S.W. Sixth Ave. The conference takes place from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., followed by a Mas­ querade Ball at 6 p.m. community service H arm onica m a n J a m e s C o tto n is s c h e d u le d for o p e n in g n ig h t o f th e three-d a y w ine a n d ja z z extra v a g a n za in Vancouver. Rosa Parks School Opening Set Achieving principal leads wav Registration for kindergarten through sixth-grade students started this week at Rosa Parks Elementary School, a new school opening Sept. 6 in the New C olum bia neig h b o rh o o d o f z *' V north Portland. The signups are taking place at the *** « B old Ball Elementary School. 4221 N. i ** W illis B lv d . | th ro u g h F rid a y , but will move tothe Tam ala N e w s o m e new school at 8960 N. W oolsey Ave. on Monday. Aug. 28. Registration is primarily for new students w ho reside in the recently constructed New Colum bia ncighborhtxxl. Students who at­ tended Ball Elem entary last year will attend Rosa Parks, and their school records have been sent. T am ala Newsome, an African Am erican educator honored for raising stu­ dent achievem ent at Ball, will serve as prin­ cipal at Rosa Parks. Fam ilies must provide the follow ing in­ formation when registering: two pieces o f proof o f residency, with address; one piece o f picture identification, different from the first tw o items; for kindergartners, an origi- continued on page US Excitem ent is building for the ninth Annual W ine & Jazz Festival, com ing to dow ntow n V ancouver for the w eekend o f Aug. 25, 26, and 27. O ver the past eight years, the event has becom e one o f the most important jazz festivals in the Northwest. T his y ear’s celebration is expected to attract more than l5,(X X )peopleenjoyingm ajorG ram m y-w inningjazzand blues artists, up-and com ing perform ers and regional jazz and blues greats from throughout the Northwest. Each year there is a com m itm ent to presenting inter­ nationally acclaim ed jazz artists, as well as local and regional jazz m usicians, said Dr. M ichael Kissinger, V ancouver W ine & Jazz F estival's artistic director. O pening the 2(X)6 edition on Friday, Aug. 25 is an “all blues evening, headlined by blues legend, seven-tim e G ram m y nom inee and harm onica man Jam es Cotton. Cotton began his career in 1944 at age 9, and has perform ed with great stars from Muddy W aters, Elvis, B.B. King and the Steve M iller Band. The lineup for Saturday, Aug. 26 includes SpyroG yra ( 11 million album s sold to dale I. R&B and G ospel diva Mavis Staples, and 4-tim e G ram m y-w inner and New O rleans jazz giant Dr. John. continued on page H5 M a vis S ta p le s , fre sh fro m a G ra m m y L ifetim e A c h ie v e m e n t Award, will ta k e th e W ine & F estival s ta g e a t E sth e r S h o rt Park in V ancouver. Neighbors Step Up for Livability Taking action to improve Dekum I :{*« jSSg •. C harity P rater F or T iii P ortland O bserver by Ross Danielson rem em bers when his wife, Annie, would arrive home upset after falling into deep pot­ holes as she stepped off the Tri-M et bus on N orth­ east Dekum Street. The holes that hid beneath overgrown grass were rem nants ol an unfinished thought o f trees lining the street. C om pounding those absentm inded pitfalls was the trash and graffiti plaguing streets in their W oodlaw n com m unity. Many o f these empty patches o f land between the street and sidewalks are the homeowners ’ concern, the city's concern, and Tri-Met's concern. -R o ss Danielson Several other neighbors agreed that the disre­ spectful behavior made Dekum an unsafe and un­ sightly route for transit riders. D anielson said when he approached the city of Portland and T riM et he was told there was no money or governm ent help available to solve the neighbor­ hood livability issues " I he city w ouldn't fill the holes or clean up the continued y^ on page US R o s s D a n ielso n (far right) ta k e s a s e a t o n a b u s s to p b e n c h bu ilt b y M a tt Cartwright ( s e c o n d from right) for th eir n eig h b o rh o o d on N o r th e a s t D e k u m S tr e e t in P o rtla n d 's W oodlaw n co m m u n ity . A lso p ic tu re d are n e ig h b o rs Z a c R e is n e r (far left) a n d J.L. Q uentin.