|JnrtIanh (Observer Page A6 August 16. 2006 Who’s Campaign is it Anyway? continued JL from Front S h o rtly a fte r B a rn e tt d ie d . Johnson created the foundation to create awareness o f life-saving A u ­ tom ated External D e fib rilla to rs (A E D s), w hich she believes could have prevented Barnett's death. Earlier this year, Jammin launched a campaign to get AED s in area high schools, by designing and selling w ris tb a n d s w ith the w o rd s " I .ifeShock" on one side and " E B II" on the other. / said they could use the EBll logo as long as the foundation could get a percentage o f the sales and free advertising. -Christeen Johnson, mother of the late high school basketball star Eddie Barnett Jr. p r e lim in a r y d is c u s s io n s she granted approval fo r the E B ll logo EB II represents Eddie Barnett on the first batch o f 20,000 brace­ Jr., who collapsed and died in Feb­ lets. ruary 2(X)5 at the age o f 16. during The E B ll symbol Johnson has abasketball game at Madison High applied to register as a trademark School. has already found its way onto t- Some o f her early efforts paid o ff shirts, jeans and tattoos o f north­ w ith the passage o f a b ill to place east Portland youth. AED s in schools, and her partner­ " I said they could use the E B ll ship w ith Jammin 95 was the next logo as long as the foundation could step in raising money fo r her foun­ get a percentage o f the sales and dation. free advertising." Johnson said. "I Johnson met early this year w ith asked fo r Ashenden to put this in B ill Ashenden. general manager o f w ritin g and sign it. but it never the radio station's parent station. happened.” News Radio 750 K X L . Ashenden The campaign hit a snag when first proposed the bracelet design Portland School D istrict o fficia ls to her and Les Schwab, and after said they could not place AEDs in their schools. Ashenden. w ho said every Portland principal he con­ tacted said a policy must first be set, was soon approached by an­ other foundation. He has since successfully campaigned w ith the Clackamas County Eire D istrict to pul AED s in all ju n io r and high schools in Clackamas County. Now the radio station's Street T eam h e a v ily p ro m o te s the LifeShock campaign, which has appeared in several news broad­ casts, including a Eox 12 Life Shock blurb that airs Barnett's face but doesn't identify him. A Jammin 95 web page features the wristbands w ithout any men­ tion o f the E B ll logo. Ashenden KMHD's B lues for the M ove and D ixieland M ixer said his attorney authorized him to sell the bracelets w ith E B ll until they were sold out. "W e do not have any contractual commitments to work w ith one spe­ c ific foundation, but intend to maxi­ mize ourefforts through any partner­ ship," he wrote in a letter to Johnson. Jammin 95 executive Melissa K night said she hasn't tallied up bracelet sales in weeks, but that they’ ve sold thousands so far. "The bottom line is they’ re tak­ ing advantage o f me,” Johnson said. " I f this is not legal, it's very disrespectful, there's no mention o f w ho EB 11 was o r what it ’ s about.” Johnson recently received a let­ ter and a contract from Ashendon. w ho offered to provide an inform a­ tive sheet about the foundation w ith every bracelet sold, and to promote the foundation’ s events fo r rest o f year. Johnson, w ho has no more events slated fo r 2(X)6. said she d id n 't agree to the contract. “ A t this point, I d o n 't want any­ thing from him. It w as just so cut­ throat that I do n 't want to deal w ith him." Stormy Exchange Creates Frustration N oon— 4pm Trad Jazz Brunch with D r. Jazz fil The Interns and The Jim Beatty Band 5pm —2am The Jimmy Bowskill Band w/Special Guests TBA When: Friday, August 2 5, '0 6 Where: Beale Street NW 10721 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR Cost: $ 2 2 .5 0 To Purchase Tickets Call 5 0 3 .4 9 1 .7 2 7 1 The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC) Presents A n Old School Party 60 s & 70 s- Oldies but Goodies Saturday, September 23, 2006 Billy Webb Elk's Lodge 6 North Tillamook St.. Portland, Oregon 9PM-2AM Donation: $15.00 per person Music by: DJ Papa Chuck Best Dressed from the 60 s & 70 s WINS: $50.00 Northeast Police Precinct Commander Bret Smith defends the actions o f one o f his police officers who cited a women for walking in the street after she accused him o f racial profiling. PHOTO K V S arah B i . otnt / T he P ortland O hsi km h Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets- $1.00each Menu: Roast Beef, Baked Ham, Turkey, Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls Tickets Available at: AAMC Club Members Hair Creations: 503-281-1135 Cannon's Rih Express: 503-288-3836 One Stop Reeords: 503-284-8103 Exodus Spa: 503-288-31 (formerly EZ Nails) James & Johnnie Mayfield IVancouver): 360-576-8519 Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program The A frica n American M en's C lub is a non-profit organization continued from Front Both T a ylo r and Z yla w y have long histories in the neighborhood, shaping the way they interacted during their meeting. T a ylo r, 58, is a grandm other and veteran childcare provider. She has no crim inal record and has lived in northeast Portland for several years. She started a new jo b in July at Project N etw ork, a Life W o rks NW center providing drug and alcohol counseling fo r women. In the past she has worked for Portland Public Schools and C hild Development. Inc. at their North Skidm ore Early Head Start offices. Z y la w y . w ho ca lls h im s e lf “ Z - M a n ," has p a tro lle d the n o rth ­ east pre cin ct fo r the b ulk o f his 16 years at the bureau. For the past fiv e years he's been assigned to D is tric t 640. an area know n fo r drug tra ffic k in g and gang v io ­ lence, w here he stopped and questioned T a y lo r. Smith credited him for being aware o f illegal activity in the neigh­ borhood and for having the “ kn o w l­ edge o f who the people are and the areas that have been problems." In his report, Z yla w y said he saw a woman he d id n 't recognize ap­ pear to come from a house on Rodney Avenue that is strongly associated w ith drug activity. W hile there was no question in Smith's mind that the stop and cita­ tion were not related to race, Tay lor doesn't see it that way. ” 1 always see [Z y la w y ] and he alw ays sees me." she said. "So w hy is he bothering me. giving me a ticket? He's just being a b u lly ." It w asn't the first time she had felt singled out. She never forgets a negative experience she had with Portland police in June 2004 when she was falsely accused o f exiting a stolen ear. She said she filed a com plaint o f the incident, hut no action was taken. G e ttin g questioned again up­ set her at the tim e she was stopped, causing her to h old up her hands in exasperation, say­ ing "lo o k at m y fin g e rn a ils , look at my hair. I'm clean and yo u can te ll I show ered." That could have been the end o f the interaction for both parties. But distrust, misperceptions and frus­ trations can rule the day. And it was these conditions that prevented Aug. 4 from being an­ other ordinary day, where T a ylo r continued her walk to w ork, even i f her path w as o ff the curb o f a sleepy street, and where Z y la w y patrols fo r a ctivity that beckons law en­ forcement. S tudio 20 E nieriain / w P resents SPOTLIGHT EVERYBODY WANTS T O BE A “STARA” B o o k by K wik J ones L yrics by K wik J onfs M usic by S pank H opkins R ic k D ance Korean American Advocate Appointed Circuit Judge Youlee Y im You. a board mem­ ber o f the Korean A m erican C it i­ zens League and mem ber o f the Portland P lanning C om m ission, w ill f i l l a vacant p o sitio n on the w ill bring experience, fairness and in te lle c t to the bench Y o u c u rre n tly w orks as a Se­ n io r A ssistant A tto rn e y General in the appellate d iv is io n o f the M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C ir c u it C ourt. G ov. Ted K ulongoski made the appointm ent F riday, saying You O regon D epartm ent o f Justice, w here she handles the defense o f state c rim in a l co n victio ns. D u rin g her ca re e r she has w orked as both a prosecutor and death penalty s ta ff attorney. She has experience as a tria l attorney fo r the Oregon D epartm ent o f Justice and as a p u b lic defender in Portland. She lives in Portland w ith her husband. Thomas T u rn b u ll, and th e ir tw o ch ild re n . K w ik J ones M usical A uc , u $ t 11 - 25, 2006 Police Review Board Openings The Independent Police Re­ view D iv is io n o f the Portland C ity A u d ito r's O ffic e is accepting ap­ p lic a tio n s fo r volunteers to serve on the C itizen Review Com m ittee. C andidates must he Portland re sid e n ts o r business o w ners, w ith a lack o f real o r perceived c o n flic ts o f interest, and he able to make a substantial tim e c o m ­ m itm e n t. in c lu d in g m o n th ly e v e n in g m e e tin g s o f se ve ra l h o u rs. Due to access to c o n fid e n tia l law enforcem ent reeords. c a n d i­ dates must he able to pass a c rim i­ nal background cheek. The a p p lica tio n fo rm is a v a il­ able in the IPR o ffic e at 1221 S.W. Fourth Ave.. Room 320, by phone at 5O 3-823-O I46 o r o n lin e at p o rtla n d o n lin e .c o m /a u d ito r/ip r. O fficia ls said every attempt w ill be made to select q u a lifie d per­ sons w ho represent the dem o­ graphic and e thnic d iv e rs ity o f Portland. I nterstate F irehouse C u iiij r a i C fnter 5340 N. I nterstate A v in ij . P o r tlan d . O R FOR TICKET INFORMATION CONTACT (503) 4/3 6649 $ 1 ').0 0 PER PERSON Mi dia S ponsor (Elie JJnrUanb (Observer i