Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    August 16, 2006
Page A5
Aerospace Industry Inspires Learning
Chris Myers plots a flight using real-world pilot maps.
Local kids recruited to
after school program
The countdow n has begun to
start a new and special after-school
program for kids, beginning mid-
Septem ber at Port land Com m unity
C o lleg e's Skill C enter on the C as­
cade Cam pus in north Portland.
The aerospace based curriculum
is sponsored by the Centers for Air­
way Science and is designed to in­
spire extracurricular learning o f ap­
plied math, science.engineering and
com puter technology. It’s also free.
"T his has been the program 's
policy from the outset so as not to
Daniel Santiago uses a flight simulator to simulate the flying o f a Cessna 82RG.
exclude a child or fam ily for lack of
resources" said Robert Strickland,
program founder.
State-of-the-art (light simulation
equipm ent, plus upgraded software
and (light modules are made avail­
able to the students as they dis­
cover aviation skills. The program
has Financial support from the Black
United Fund of Oregon and the
A lbina Rotary.
Schixil officials are accepting
applications now for elem entary
and middle school students. Eli­
gible kids and parents will be sched­
uled for interviews starting the first
week o f Septem ber to fill approxi­
m ately 30 slots.
Classes take place at K 'C 's Tech­
nology Education building. Stu­
dents will take part in a num ber of
activities including learning (light
m echanic and principles o f (light.
The (light sim ulators use real world
Ilight planning and com munication
techniques for precision air traffic
control and navigation.
The second phase o f the pro­
gram exposes kids to aircraft d e­
sign and construction skill require­
ments through radio control model
building and (lying.
A pplications are available at
PCC C ascade, by calling CA S at
5( )3-292-4542or down loaded on I i ne
at airw ayscience.org.
T he Centers for A irw ay Science
is a non-profit organization serving
th e P o rtla n d , V a n c o u v e r an d
U illsborocom m unities.
Youth Entrepreneurship
The Oregon Association of
Minority Entrepreneurs will host
a Youth Entrepreneurship Con­
ference this week at the OAME
C ascad e P laza, 4134 N.
Vancouver ( com er of Skidmore
& Vancouver).
A reception kicks off the an­
nual event on Wednesday, Aug.
16 from 4:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Aug. 17 begins the
day of business training and
entrepreneurship, business dis-
cussions, team playing, games,
contest, prizes, a mini-business
exposition and much more.
Guest speakers and corpo­
rate sponsors include represen­
tatives from the Portland Trail
Blazers. Providence Health Sys­
tems. Brooks Staffing. Metro
regional government, Bank of
the West and Hoffman Con­
For more information, please
call OAME at 503-249-7744.
Housing Help Directed at Families
Idea is to keep
children in
local schools
T heC ity o f Portland has taken
its first step to address the Port­
land School D istrict's declining
enrollm ent by adopting an "O p­
eration Home" cam paign to in­
crease hom eow nership am ong
com m unities o f color and keep
fam ilies with children in the city.
T he Bureau o f H ousing and
C o m m u n ity D ev e lo p m e n t a n ­
nounced the details o f plans T hurs­
day. The m ove is part o f the Port­
land City Council’s “Schools, Fami­
lies, H ousing" strategy, originally
form ulated and proposed by C om ­
m issioner Erik Sten.
“ In o r d e r to h a v e h e a lth y
schools, we need to provide afford­
able and appropriate housing op­
tions for fam ilies," Sten said.
Smooth Jazz Is Here!
The Portland C om m unity Land families with this initial investment.
Trust, in partnership with the Afri­
Under the state wide school fund­
can A merican A lliance for Home ing fo rm u la , P o rtla n d P u b lic
O w nership, will receive $294,(MX) Schools receives about $5.700 a
and the Portland Housing Center year for each child enrolled in the
will receive $206,(MX) to provide fi­ district.
nancial assistan ce to first tim e
"A ffordable housing for fam i­
hom ebuyers in neighborhoods next lies is one part o f a more robust
to schools where enrollm ent needs strategy that will continue to be
to be stabilized.
unveiled,” Sten added. "The larger
These organizations will work strategy will include parks, plan­
with eligible households to help ning. school lunches, and neigh­
them purchase homes through tools borhood-based com m unity devel­
including land trusts or an interest opment. We will not walk away
rate buy dow n program. The City from o u r p are n ts, c h ild re n or
expects to assist as many as 25 schools. There is more to com e."
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