August 16, 2006 Ask ö bank account is another story. What do I do before this ruins my marriage which I see hap­ pening? -In su lte d Wife; On- Line Reader Dear Insulted: Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for its fearless approach to reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I work two jobs because my wife got laid off. She's never satisfied and when I think about it. I'm breaking my neck and she spends money left and right. I don't have a problem with this, but if she wants to have her glamorous lifestyle, she needs to get a job. When I approach her, she claims she can't find work but she’s not looking. I'm tired and want to rest but also want to keep my wife happy but d o n 't know how . --J o e l; Page A3 __(riu ^ìortlanò © bseruer You can solve this problem in five minutes and never leave your home. Call your telephone company and have your tele­ phone service disconnected be­ cause without phone service, your husband can’t access the internet. Be sure to have a cell phone handy and prepare for the storm. Take this opportunity to suggest counseling and if the phones come back on. your hus­ band has to choose between you or the cyber chicks. Dear Deanna! I made the mistake and tried to help a friend that got evicted from her apartment. She has three children and I feel as if I'm living in a tornado. These kids have no home training, con­ stantly spill food and are always dirty. I'm really losing my mind because you would think they were deaf the way the televi­ sion is on full blast. The way my home looks and the stress I feel Omaha, Neb. makes me willing to lose the friendship if I kick herout. What Dear Joel: Shut her down, close your wal­ do I do? —Anonym ous; Jack­ let and take the credit cards sonville, H a. immediately. If your wife won’t Dear Anonymous: work, then you need to make There may be more to the story her an item on the budget and of why she got evicted in the give her a monthly allowance. first place. If you value your Once her money runs out, then sanity and possessions, help her oh well, she’s stuck until the plan her next move. Be mature next cycle or until she gets a job. and have a discussion without This may not make your wife placing the blame on the chil­ happy but at least you'll still be dren and express your desire to around to see her. reclaim your space. Have a few Dear Deanna! applications available and some My husband is addicted to cash to speed the process. This internet pornography. I feel very approach should save your insulted because it's rude and friendship and also get the tiny disrespectful. W e've argued terrors out the door quick, fast often because I've asked him to and in a hurry. entertain himself with the com­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna puter when I'm not around. He M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: will access things on the screen askdeanna I or 264 while I'm in the room and I S. LaCienega filvd. Suite 128.1 c a n 't take it. The cos, and Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: charges on our credit cards and Diversity Reach Expands T h e C ascade A I D S P ro je c t is reaching out to minority popu­ lations with a growing mes­ sage of HIV prevention and ed u catio n by prom oting Kathleen I). Saadat as its Di­ rector of Diversity and Hu­ man Resources. Saadat is credited with en­ hancing CA P's outreach to the African-A m erican and Latino communities as manager of its Communities of Color ini­ tiative. She is a Reed College gradu­ ate who formerly served with the Multnomah County Depart­ ment ofCommunity and Family Services. She has served as a trainer, facilitator, public speaker and consultant specializing in diversity issues and once served Ingredients for life SAFEWAY O Sweet Northwest Corn 2’1 Choose white, yellow or Bi-colored corn. Club Price. 20e ea. SAVE up to $1.50 on 5 CLUB PRICE To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 2 8 8 0 0 3 3 Fax: 503 -2 88 001 5 e-mail: classifleds@ Club Price 50c ea SAVE up to $2 98 on 2 So Good You Can't Stop Thinking About Them! November vote scheduled schools beyond the base state funding, allowed communities to pass local option levies for their schools. Portland voters approved a local option in 2000; that fund­ ing expired in 2005. Portland Public Schools also lost a sig­ nificant source of revenue as a temporary local income tax expired. During the current school year, the City o f Portland, Multnomah County, the busi­ ness community and the state Legislature have cobbled to­ gether $ 2 1 million in one-time- only funding to maintain teach­ ing jobs and a full school year for 2006-07. The school district is also spending $12 million in reserves. The new local option would pay for teachers and classroom materials starting in 2007-08.. The proposed levy is $1.25 per $1,000 of assessed valua­ tion. A homeowner with a typi­ cal home assessed at almost $ 124.000 would pay about $ 150 a year. School leaders said the total property tax rate collected by PPS would remain lower than the rate paid in 2004-05, the final year of the previous voter- approved local option levy. Red or Green Bell Peppers CLUB PRICE Tax Would Pay for Teachers, Materials The Portland School Board on Monday unanimously de­ cided to seek voter approval for local school funding, referring to the November election ballot a five-year local option property tax levy. The tax would pay for 380 teaching positions and up-to-date books and learning materials for students and teachers. School district officials said maintaining teachers' jobs will prevent increases in class sizes, and help protect programs such as art, music and PE, vocational and technical education, sup­ port for struggling students and library services. The money for materials and training will help teachers and students in the classroom, such as science lab materials, math workbooks, literature and read­ ing texts. The local option mandates in­ dependent citizen oversight to ensure that the money is spent asthe voters directed. All money raised will be spent directly in the PPS schools, with no money spent on central administration and nt > mi mey distri buted tot «her parts of the state. The Oregon Legislature, rec­ ognizing that many communi­ ties might want to support their as stale director of affirmative action. Cascade AIDS Project Ex­ ecutive Director Jean Ann Van Krevelen also announced the promotion of Mary S. Marshall as Director of f inance and Op­ erations. Marshall isaCertified Public Accountant who has worked Kathleen D. Saadat with CAP since 2003. M ade fresh to o rd e r in the Deli «S a h w v O on our brands EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Post or General Mills Cereal Tropicana Pure Premium 11 to20.25-oz. Selected varieties. 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