Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 16, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 16, 2006
’l JJortlanù CObseruer
C lassifieds
Start tomorrow $10-$22 p/h
Laborers, Carpenters, Concrete,
Landscapers, Clean up, Drivers,
Framers, Remodelers. HVAC
Cabinet makers Apply @
2700 SE Harrison #D
Milwaukie, OR. 8am-4pm M-F
Veh/ODL/UA 503-654-0021
A d m in istra tive Coordinator:
Three-quarter to full time
Administrative Coordinator for
Portland-based research projects
to assist Principal Investigator.
Responsible for day-to-day
editorial/graphic activities and
adm inistrative
coordinates high-end out-of­
house productions services;
coordinate preparation of grant
proposals, presentations, and
publications; organizes and
maintains multiple filing systems;
assists with budget management;
assists in the coordination of
a ctivitie s
Six years
experience or two years of college
and two years of related
experience or an equivalent
combination of experience and
training in research or related field
required. Excellent interpersonal
skills and service-oriented
attitude, excellent written/verbal
communication skills and the
ability to attend to high levels of
detail required. Familiarity with
African Am erican and other
minority communities in Portland
area preferred.
transportation, valid Oregon
d rive r's license, car lia bility
insurance, and good driving record
required for occasional travel in
and out of state. Must have
fle xib ility in regard to work
schedule. S tarting full-tim e
monthly salary from $2,466 to
$3,214, placement depends on
experience and qualifications.
Excellent benefits including
medical and paid vacation. Job
description and application
available at httb://www.oslc.org.
Subm it application, letter of
intent, and resume by Monday,
August 21, 2006 at noon: (1) by
mail to Oregon Social Learning
Center, Attn: Jon S; 10 Shelton
McMurphey Boulevard, Eugene
OR 97401, (2) by fax (541) 485-
7087, Attn: Jon S.; (3) by e-mail,
ions@oslc.org. or in person at
Job Opening
Police Officer - (Certified/
Lateral) and Recruit
$3422 - $4454/mo, DOQ Lateral
and $3248/mo Recruit (salary for
both positions currently under
review). Position performs all
aspects of police duties.
Requirements that must be met
in order to be considered as a
Lateral Police Officer include: two
years of law enforcem ent
experience: DPSST Basic Police
Certification or equivalent out of
state certification, (only state
certifica tion s recognized by
Oregon DPSST will be considered
must provide proof of certification at
a valid Oregon
driver's license (or ability to obtain
prior to appointment) and must
be 21 years of age and a U.S.
citizen. (The application process
for Recruit is to establish testing
eligibility) Prior to appointment,
successful candidate must pass
pre-em ploym ent screening.
Application packets (including Pre-
Employment Personal Profile
Questionnaire) are available at
West Linn City Hall, 22500
Salamo Road, West Linn, OR
97068, (503) 657-0331. The
completed application packet
must be returned to the Human
Resources Department no later
that 4:00 p.m. September 15,
2006. EEO http://www.ci.west-
time of application):
Nearly a year after Hurricane Katrina
submerged Xavier University's
campus in New Orleans under eight
feet o f water, Illinois Sen. Barack
Obama (left) joined university
president Norman C. Francis on
Saturday, to celebrate one of its
largest graduating classes. "Thanks
for allowing me to share in your
miracle," Obama said. Xavior, the
country's only historically black and
Roman Catholic college, reopened in
January. (AP photo)
A.M.E Zion Church Anniversary Held
I he com m unity is invited to
celebrate the 3 1 st anniversary o f
V a n c o u v e r's A .M .E .
Church, 3605 E. 13th St
Special church services under
the theme "T rusting in God is not
23 through Friday, Aug. 25; con­
eluding Sunday, Aug. 27 at 4 p.m.
an option are held at 7 p.m. each
night beginning Wednesday, Aug.
For more inform ation, ca ll 360-
Page B5
Rosa Parks School
Opening Set
from Metro
nal birth certificate: and an im m u­
nization record from a physician.
Some students liv in g in New
C olum bia w ill attend Clarendon
Elementary School.
to pps.k 12,or.us and c lick on Reg-.’
ister Y our Student" o r call Enroll-.*
ment Services at 5( »3-916-32(»5.
State Farm*
Providing In s ta n c e and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
9045 SW Barbur Blvri
Portland. OH 97219
Suite 109
503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757
michael harper cuik@ statefarm com
Mixing Fine Wines, Jazz
Kissingercalls the festival a com ­
plete cultural event.
“ T h is is not just fo r the jazz a fi­
cionado," he said. "It's fo r anyone
w ho loves great music, and wants
to hear outstandingjazz artists. But,
it's also fo r the person who wants
to have a wonderful lim e sampling
wine, eating good food, and maybe
from Metro
Headline acts on Sunday, Aug.
27 include 2005 Grammy winners
Spanish Harlem Orchestra, and
seven-time G ram m y-w inner and
Latin jazz pianist Eddie Palmieri
w ith his orchestra.
The festival also features re­
gional a world-class event for wine
lovers, w ith over 200 individual
wines from 35 wineries. Wines
can be sampled throughout the
weekend by the I-ounce taste,
and purchased by the glass,
bottle o r case. Last year, nearly
30,000 glasses o f w ine were
poured during the three-day run.
The festival is also about fine
art, said Fine A rtis t M anager
Linda Marsh.
"W e select a lim ited group o f
50 artists from a pool o f hundreds
o f applicants through a com peti­
ti vejury process" Marsh said. "T his
year we have outstanding artists
from W ashington, Oregon. Idaho,
C a lifo rn ia and A rizona exhibiting
and selling their art at the festival."
Here when you need us!
A.D. Williams
Shop 503-282-2920
Cell 503-309-4488
purchasing a nice piece o f fine art.
( )u r goal is to bring people together
to experience a complete artistic
event— and hopefully, they w ill
leave w ith a greater appreciation
fo r jazz music.”
The Festival is held at Esther
Short Park in the heart o f dow n­
tow n Vancouver. Advance Tickets
are $ 16 per day o r $20 at the gate.
C hildren under 12 are free w ith a
paid adult. Tickets are available at
the gate , o r at a ll S a fe w a y
TicketsW est outlets.
from Metro
trash," he said.
Danielson's response was fill
¡ng the holes himself, feeling it was
"M a n y o f these em pty patches
o f land between the street and
sidewalks are the homeowners'
helped," Danielson said, “ From a
homeless man to a couple kids
heading to school."
concern, the c ity 's concern, and
Ir i- M e t's co n ce rn ," Danielson
said. "Since they are all semi-re­
sponsible, they are all semi-aban­
doned as w e ll.”
The stop's central design in ­
cludes a w ooden bench c o n ­
not that big o f a jo b , and building
an alliance w ith other local resi­
dents to improve liv a b ility issues.
Most o f the concents were over
The neighbors and volunteers
the poor upkeep o f public spaces were soon united in a bus stop
on Dekum between M artin Luther project targeting (he main problem­
K ing, Jr. B lv d a n d Northeast I5th atic area near the Dekum Triangle.
The central concent was to create a
Some o f the neighbors tried to sale and clean place for his neigh­
keep up w ith the stray trash by bors and w ife to wail for the bus.
collecting it themselves and took
M any volunteers donated their
money from their own pockets to tim e, money, and materials to cre­
paint over the unfailing g ra ffiti near ate and maintain a bus stop unique
their homes. But they were over­ to the W oodlawn com m unity.
whelmed in the process.
” A v a rie ty o f people have
structed from a 2( M »-pound donated
industrial cable spool made by M alt
C artw right. C artw right has been a
volunteer fo rC ity Repairand other
projects since 1999.
" I do it fo r the volunteer and art
opportunities," he said.
Local artist and W oodlawn resi­
dent C hristy Fish designed an ad­
jacent red rose sidewalk mural,
sym bolic o f Portland's most noto­
rious (lower.
The art was inspired by the de­
s ire to u n ite a d iv e r s ifie d
W oodlawn com m unity.
213 N.E Hancock
Portland, OR 97212
9 am-« pm Tuee.-Sat.
N o rth P o rtla n d B ib le C o lle ge
4905 N. V ancouver Avenue
Portland, OR 97217
email: npbccollegeadm « ((»est.net
website: iiorthportlandhibleeollege.org
A Concert of Prayer and Praise
Saturday, August 19,2006
3 -5pm
Neighbors Step Up for Livability
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
3138 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland, Oregon
A T im e o f P ra ye r for:
Public School Systems'
Board of Education
student's protection
student's education
North Portland Bible College's
financial status
increase of instructors
increase of students
Missions in Africa and Haiti
p R s r S e R v ic e C e ie ò R à r io n
Sunday, Aug. 20th, 2006
11:15 AM & 6 PM
ö tf.
L egal N otices
Need to publish a court
document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly
and efficiently? Please fax or
e-mail your notice for a free
price quote!
Fax: 5 0 3-2 88-0 01 5
The Portland Observer
at Highland's New location, New Beginnings
7600 NE Glisan Portland, Oregon 97213
**** F re e to A ll ****
For more information call 503.287.9567
Rev. Dr. W. G.
A li H a r d y
Formal Dedication Coming in the Fall, 2006
For more inform ation on n e ig h - 3
borhood school assignments, go