ilîl ^Jortlanò (©bseruer August 9.2006 Focus PagcB3 ■■■■■■■■ Cheetah Girls Set Portland Date Tickets are now on sale at the Rose Gar­ den Arena for a Sept. 17 performance by The Cheetah Girls, featuring Adrienne ‘Chanel’ Bai Ion, Kiely ‘Aqua’ Williams and Sabina ‘Dorinda’ Bryan. The Cheetah Girls appeared on the scene in 2003 when a movie by the same name was voted the No. 1 Disney Channel movie by viewers. Tween girls across the nation have been hooked ever since. HMNMMMMMM Live, Funkyand Soulful A mutual love o f live, funky andsoulful music w illcom eto- gether w hen the San D iego band “On the O ne” com es to Portland’s Good Foot Lounge, 2 8 4 5 S .E . S ta rk S t., on W ednesday, Aug. 16. The group features a diverse arrayoftalents,includingdrum- mer John Staten and saxophon­ ist Jesse Molloy. guitarist Aaron B lew eiss and bassist M att Schumacher. O ne on O n e ’s show s are “get dow n like Jam es Brown" dance parties with hard hitting hip-hop beats. < Saxophonist Jesse Molloy (left) and drum­ mer John Staten blend soul jazz and high energy funk in the band ‘On the One,' playing Wednesday, Aug. 16 at southeast Portland's Good Foot Lounge. I Classic Romantic Comedy [f Doris Brockell as a young performer in 1920. Brockell shares her experiences as a longtime Portland resident in a documentary sponsored by the local Marie Smith Health and Social Center. A Spoken History continued from Metro community activist and edu­ cator and other pioneers, in­ cluding Mrs. Johnnie Maxey, who worked alongside her husband, the late Charles Maxey, operating the first A frican-A m erican owned barbershop in Portland. The film also features 98- year-old, Doris Brockell, a once accomplished dancer, who shares a story of being the 44th employee hired by Teklronics. To RSVP for the premier, contact Linda Munsey at 503- 3 35-9980 o r Im unsey @ v o a o r.o rg , or T iffany McKenna at 503-802-0453 or i The Rainmaker, a film made fa­ m ous by B urt L a n c a s te r an d K atherine Hepburn in 1956, is a delightful rem inderthat we all need to have faith in ourselves. A stage play production o f the classic rom antic com edy is now playing through Sunday, Aug. 27 at the W est End Theater. 1220 S. W. T ay lor St. Tickets are $ 15 for adults; SlO forstudents. To make reserva­ tions, call 888-287-6318. The local production is directed by D onna M cFall, w ho most re­ c e n tly p ro d u c e d an d d ire c te d Desdemona; A Play About A Hand­ kerchief at the CoHoTheater. Nicole Snyder leads the cast as the com ­ plex and susceptible Lizzie Curry, Patrick D izney as the seller of dreams. Starbuck, and Wi 11 iam Tate The classic romantic comedy 'The Rainmaker, ' now playing at as Lizzie’s patient father. the West End Theater, downtown. Local Poet Publishes Book continued from Metro herself, having brought up her 23-year-old son Danny, while working full-time as a middle and high school teacher and earning a Master's Degree in Education. She said she doesn't make any definitive statements in this book, saying she’s just a person who has seen the trauma in young men without fathers, and wanted to bring this discussion to the community. "I don’t want people to think I have the solution,” she said. "Because the solution is in the process.” "Fatherless Boys and Moth­ ers On Their Own" is available at and will soon be available at Port­ land booksellers. Live Music Every Night Kick off your week with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk (3341 SE Belmont) • Participate in a mixed- media open mic night each Monday at the Back to Back Café (6 /4 East Burnside) • The Thorn City Improv, featuring members of Oldominion, Quivah. The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at Conan’s (3862 S.E. Hawthorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m. Kelly Top 2°/o in Portland Metro KELLER WILLIAMS Hurt! and Fran tele Tony and Libby Kelly MBA, M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ADR, SRES WWW SellingPortkmdReall'state.iom 503-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland, UR rsl Featured Agents on HGTV’ h “House Huniers L w x iu y s f c in » We currently offer: M icroderm abrasion • Peels Facials* Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty C onsultations • Cosm etics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products Take yourself to the next level in beauty Call today! 971-227-9044 Notorious B.I.G. Murder Re-examined rapper Tupac Shakur in Las Vegas six months earlier. The investigators also are pur­ suing allegations that W allace was killed by a Blood gang member hired by M arion "Suge" K night, the ow ner o f Shakur's record label. Knight has denied any involve­ ment in the killing. Probe follows civil lawsuit (A P )~ Six veteran hom icide d e­ tectives are leading a new police task force investigating the un­ solved 1997 killing o f Notorious B IG . According to the Los Angeles Times, the new probe com es in the face o f a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the rapper's mother, Voletta W allace, and other relatives, who claim rogue police officers were involved in the killing. The lawsuit ended in a mistrial last year when it was discovered that a police detective intentionally hid statem ents by a jailhouse infor­ mant linking the killing totw o former officers. A judge ordered the city to pay $1.1 million in legal fees and other expenses to the rapper's family. A new trial was set forearly next year. There was no new evidence that prompted the formation of the task force. But evidence discovered by 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108. Portland. OR 97214 Bargain ♦r » IT I Jr»»* »•!><• trfrnh: #1 Wireless Store! No Credit Checks! Notorious B.I.G. the task force could help the city in its argument against the fam ily’s claims. B .I .G ,, b o rn C h r is t o p h e r W allace, was 24 w hen he was g u n n e d d o w n M a rc h 9 ,1997,while leav in g a party at a Los A ngeles m useum . T he New York rapper, also know n as B iggie Sm alls, was o n e o f the m ost influential hip- h o p artists o f the 1990s. The investigative team isexplor- ing the theory that W allace was killed by a m em berof the Southside Crips gang as part of a hip-hop feud that that involved the slaying of TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE I FOR COM MUNITY SERVICES Tere Malheni Special Projects & Development tm@tacior% Ext 103 We buy & sell used phones. We do Bill Pay (Cell Phones, Utility Bills) Service offered: Sprint. Nextel.T-mobile, Qwest, Dish Network, Comcast, prepaid. 3511 N.E. MLK Bird. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 282-6061 1001 SE Water St Suite 490 Portland, OR 97214-2132 I 303 239 4001 I 503 236 8313 www tacs org Qwtu * wwvt b4rg