Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 09, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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'Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!'
Diane Livingston, AJP
59V *
l4?» « 3 * t ’
Open Tuesday. Wednesday & Friday
f Suite 2O3B
4134 N Vancouver Avenue
Portland. Oregon 97217-2900
Store (503) 2X8-4584
T h e B ite o f O re g o n -- The Bite o f Oregon is a
stunning celebration o f O regon's food, people
andextraordinary quality o f life. G reat acts will
perform all weekend long at Tom McCall W a­
terfront Park, including F riday's headliners
Los Lobos, the triple-G ram m y winning East
Los A ngeles rock band influenced by Spanish
& M exican music. A dm ission is $7 for adults,
children 12 and under get
in free. For more inform a­
tio n ,
v is it
www. bi teoforegon .com
' LI- ¿ideas
August 9. 2(X)6
Æl’1 ^Jnrtlauh (0bseruer
Page B2
SMOKEHOUSE- A ^ - r f f
Specializin$ in Smoked ¿Meut.* b ivo/ooi
Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
L u n c h s t a r t i n g tit
Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey Sandwiches & More
'D i n n e r t J t tir tin t) tit $ 9 . 9 5
Daily Special also available.
Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $10.95
Open ¡1:30 -¡1:00 I'M Monday linn Saturday
4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414
L ittle W o m e n — "Little
W om en, the B roadw ay
M usical." based on Louisa
May A lcott’s tim eless tale
about the pow er o f family,
friendship and rom ance
featu res B roadw ay star
M a u re e n
M c G o v e rn .
“Little W om en” soars to
the stage. Tuesday, Aug.
15 through Sunday, Aug.
20at Keller Auditorium. For
tickets and show tim es,
visit portlandopera.org.
A d ec isio n ch an g es ev erything!
‘ Edge C o lo r L ig h t’ at I F C C G a lle ry -- The
exhibit "Paperw ork: edge color
light" features three presenters
w ho explore the nature and limits
o f paper and it's partnership with
the artist, is now show ing through
Friday. Aug. 18 at the Interstate
FirehouseCultural Center. 5340 N.
Interstate. G allery hours are T ues­
day through Friday 11 a.m. to 6
p.m. and Saturdays noon to 4 p.m.
< )ld School Jam fo r 79’sG e n c ra -
tion — T he graduating classes of
1974 are turning 50 this year, and
to c e le b ra te c la ssm a te s from
Je ffe rso n , G ra n t, A d am s and
W ashington will host the O ld
School Jam, Satur­
day, Aug. 12 at the
Maureen McGovern
S h erato n A irport.
F ree S u m m er C o n certs -
The Kirk G reen Band will pro­
The W ashington Park A m phitheatre hosts
vide entertainm ent, w ith special
Portland Parks & R ecreation's 2006 W ashing­
guests the Beyons. Tickets are
ton Park Sum m er Festival, with concerts every
$25 in advance, o ra l the diwir for
night at 6 p.m. through T hursday, Aug. 17. The
lineup spans the musical arts spectrum - from
available at G eneva’s, Reflec­
ja zz to bluegrass, from opera to C uban dance.
tions. M e’R ae's, the Portland
A com plete schedule o f perform ers is available
O bserverorany com mittee mem­
at portlandparks.org.
Kirk Green
ber. For more inform ation, call
M ichael D onaldson at 503-309-6556 o r em ail
Safew ay C lassic — The Safeway C lassic G olf
JeffClass74@ m sn.com .
Tournam ent W eek happens
M onday, Aug. 14 through
Sunday, Aug. 20 at the C o­
lum bia-E dgew ater C ountry
Club. 2220 N.E. Marine Dr.
The oldest continuous event
on the LPGA tour has raised
o v er $9 m illion for local
children's charities. For more
in f o rm a tio n ,
v is it
safew ayclassic.org.
A w ish changes nothing
m o re
in f o rm a tio n .
Dew A ctio n S p o rtsfo u r.co m .
Dew A ctions S p o rts T o u r —
W itness the pro tour o f ac­
tion sports, including skate­
boarding. BM X and freestyle Private Eyes
m otocross at the Dew A c­
tions Sports Tour, T hursday, Aug. 17 through
Sunday, Aug. 20 at the Rose G arden arena. For
to the daw n o f dem ocracy and the birthplace of
W estern C ivilization in the new IMAX adven­
ture "G reece: Secrets o f the Past". P ortland's
O m nim ax T heater is located at the Oregon M u­
seum o f Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. W ater
Ave, For tickets and show tim es call 503-797-
4640orvisitom si.edu/visit7om nim ax.
C a ll to A rtis ts -- Local artists are encouraged to
show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland
Open Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are
chosen from the metro area to open their studios
and becom e part o f an exciting regional art
event. Visit portlandopenstudios.com for more
T r ip p in ’ th ro ug h T o w n -- T ake a trip through
tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul
influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
O hm . $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan Studios offers
classes in belly dance, African dance and more.
Visit w w w .gypsycaravan.us.
l im e to J a m — Jam Night, P ortland's ever-
popularcom edy and variety show is
at Christian Performing Arts Center,
8131 N. D enver Ave. Shows con­
tinue every Friday night starting at
9 p.m. with dinner by M ondemaj
C atering i.-r t door to the show at
6:30and 7:30p.m .
H ip -h o p
C la s s e s
V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recre­
ation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-
hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
V arious lessons teach rhythm, tech­
nique. coordination, agility, com binations and
teamwork through urban dance moves. For more
C o m e d y ‘P riv a te E y e s ’ — in fo rm a tio n , call
T h e lines betw een truth and 360-696-8236.
love get cro ssed in the dark
R are E bony Sculp­
c o m e d y 'P r iv a te E y e s ,’
t u r e s - - M a s te r
p lay in g through S atu rd ay ,
c a rv e rs from the
A ug. 12 at T h eatre T h eater,
T a n z a n ia
trib e
3 4 3 0 S.E. B elm ont St. T he
M akonde
h av e
story fo llo w s M atthew and
been carving ebony
L isa, a h u sband an d w ife
for centuries, and
re h e a rsin g fo r a p lay in
now the public can
w hich they play an actress
see so m e o f the
an d d ire c to r having an a f­
most valuable wood
fair. T ickets are $ 10. For res­
on the globe at the
ervations, call 503-232-5375.
W orld Forestry Center. G eneral adm ission is $7
B rin g in g A ncient G re ec e to Life -- State-of- for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, and
the-art technology transports audiences back m em bers are free.
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Festival Brings Call to Action
Actor Jamie Foxx joins members o f 100 Black Men o f America in a call to action to help secure the future of
African American youth, by enlisting two million black men to mentor vulnerable young males. The large
gathering of political leaders and celebrities launched the campaign at last month's Essence Music Festival.
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
50th Birthday Celebration for the class of 1974
The Kirk Green Hand & The Beyons
Sheraton Aiqwtrt Inn
9:00 pm - 2:00 AM. August 12.2006
Call: Michael Donaldson at 503-309-6556
Sylvester on Mend from Surgery
accident April 27. There is a high
likelihood that S ylvester's left hip
will also need the same operation
before the end o f this year. Shoe­
maker said. Both of S ylvester'ships
had been partially replaced several
years ago.
G et well cards may he sent to
Norman Sylvester at P.O. Box 17538,
Portland, OR 9 7 2 17.
L o c a l ja z z g re a t N o rm a n
Sylvester is expected to need six to
eight w eeks o f recovery after un­
dergoing seven hours o f hip re­
placement surgery last week at Port­
land Adventist Hospital.
Rob Shoem aker, a m em ber o f
S ylvester's hand, said the doctor
was very satisfied with (he result o f
the operation. Both the right ball
and socket had to he replaced to
repair dam age from an autom obile
Norman Sylvester
Janet Jackson Türns 40
The Beyonce: (from left) Jeddy Beasley. Ira Hammond. Thurtis Channel. James Johnson.
James Tims. Ken Berry. Donnie McPherson
Janet Jackson on the cover o f
the September issue o f Vibe
(A P) — Janet Jackson has never
been afraid to expose some skin.
T h e 4 0 -y ea r-o ld sin g er, new ly
svelte after losing som e 60 pounds,
appears on the cover o f Vi be m aga­
zine wearing a skimpy bikini bottom
and a necklace m ade o f large shells.
Her right arm covers her breasts.
Will she ever stop prising for
sexy photos? "O f course. W hen I’m
80," she tells Vibe. "That's when I'll
call it quits.”
Jackson credits her boyfriend.
3 3 - y e a r- o ld m u sic p r o d u c e r
Jerm aine Dupri, forgiving her self­
esteem "a little boost."
Her new album , "20 Y.O.," is
slated for release Sept. 26. Dupri
produced a few tracks, and long­
tim e collaborators Jim my “Jam "
Harris and Terry Lewis pitched in
on the disc as well.
The pop star recently said she
had packed on extra w eight for a
role in the upcom ing movie “T en­
nessee," which she ultimately had
to pass on because o f her new
When asked if she'd rather have
a hit album or win an Oscar, she
says: "W in an Oscar. It's ju s, a
passion. But can't I have both?"