August 9, 2006 Page A6 Tony Hopson, Self En­ hancement, Inc. chief executive officer, is sur­ rounded by local SEI youth in front o f the organization 's expansive SEI learning and commu­ nity services center on North Kerby Avenue that serves Portland's underserved youth and fam ilies. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by SEI Turns 25 continued fro m Front land Public Schools; working rela­ tionships with 46 schools in the M ultnomah County; after-School program m ing; academic sum m er program s; basketball camps; and post-high school assistance to SEI alumni and family resource services. The SEI model has been repli­ cated in Miami at the Overtow n Youth C enter sponsored by bas­ ketball star A lonzo M ourning. SEI President, CEO and Founder. Tony Hopson Sr. states, “ As we celebrate the 25 year mark, I am most proud o f the fact that our organization has grown from a one- week basketball cam p in 1981, to now touching the I i ves of over 2 ,(X X) youth and families annually. W e're graduating over 95 percent o f the kids in our high school program, and the future looks bright for us as we look to impact even more fam i­ lies and com m unities." For more inform ation about the f e s tiv a l o r p r o g ra m s , v is it w w w .selfenhancem or call 503-249-1721. Ingredients for life SAFEWAY © RANCHERS Rancher’s Reserve Angus Beef Petite Sirloin Steak Bone-in. Boneless. SAVE up to $2.50 lb. SAVE up to $1.30 lb. Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Shoulder Blade Roast 3 $139 lb Leanest! Colossal Grilling Shrimp Leanest Ground Beel 13 Io 15-ct. Raw Shell-on Or Cooked 21 to 25-ct Shrimp Frozenithmd SAVE op Io $5.«D lb. 93% Lun, Z% Fat. SAVE up to St 5A lb It’ll be just like old times when Clay Aiken (left) and Ruben Studdard go head to head on the pop charts with the release of their new albums. Jumbo Cantaloupe (A P )— T w o form er “American Idol” rivals — second-season w in­ ner Ruben Studdard and runner-up Clay A iken— will battle again when their new album s are released next month. A iken’s third album, “A T hou­ sand Different W ays,” will be in stores Sept. 19. The new CD com ­ bines 10 cover versions o f well- known songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s with four new songs. S tu d d a rd 's“The Return” will be released Sept. 26 on J Records. It follows his 2004 gospel album, “ 1 Need an Angel.” S tu d d ard narro w ly b eat o u t Aiken to win the “American Idol” contest in May 2003. Their debut album s — A iken's "M easure o f a M an" and Studdard’s "Soulful" — were released later that year. The first track on Studdard’s new C D is “The Return o f the V el­ vet Teddy Bear," the 27-year-old singer said. Tracks on A iken’s new disc in­ clude Bryan A dam s’ “Everything I D o (ID o Itfo rY o u ),” Celine D ion’s “Because You Loved Me" and Elton John’s “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest W ord.” Contestants dance as they enter the Rose Bowl at the Los Angeles area auditions for the 6th season of the ‘American Idol' television talent competitionTuesday. (APphoto) I Whole Melons. Club Price: $1.00 ea. SAVE up to $1.50 on1 ‘Idol’ Rivals to Battle Again Both plan album releases Large Hass V Avocados Club Price: $1.00 ea SAVE up to 79» on 1 Recipes. Tools. Ingredients. It's all at Safeway! Find everything you need but the grill. r e d i 11 a grilling Pick up our Cedar-Planked Salmon recipe and any o f our 15 other Great Grilling recipes at the Great Grilling Center in our meat department «M We fry in Doritos T o rtilla Chips CapriSun Drinks or Kool-Aid Jammers 13-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 49 on 2 10/6 75-oz pouches. Selected varieties Club Price: $1.75 ea. SAVE up to $2 00 on 4 Saleway SELECT Ice Cream M arie Callender's M eals 18-Pack Budweiser M iller or Coors 1 75-qt Selected varieties Club Price: $2 50 ea SAVE up to $2 9S or 2 12 to 21-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE up to »2 21 12-oz. cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $4 30 Arrowhead W ater Trans BUY O N E. G ET O N E 24-pack, 0 5-llter bottles SAVE up to $2 00 Fat-Free L Oil J Country Recipe Fried Chicken Thousands Flock to New ‘Idol’ T housands o f "American Idol" vice ce n te r, w as am ong th o se hopefuls show ed up at the Rose quickly dism issed from the tryouts. Bowl in Pasadena. Calif, on T ues­ Fox publicity representatives were day with w ide-eyed dream s o f be­ more sensitive, saying he "w as not com ing the top-rated show 's next moving forward." "This is just a stepping stone for singing sensation. After waiting all night and stand­ me and I'm looking past it." said ing in line for hours, most contes­ Taylor, w ho asked an observer if he tants got less than a m inute to sing could sing a few notes to d em on­ strate his talent. He had a nice soul­ a few bars - and then the boot. M ichael T aylor, 21, of El Monte, ful style - but obviously not nice w ho w orks at a custom er call ser­ enough. In the Deli 2 Each: Breasts ' Thighs, Legs. Wings. SAVE up to $2.00 ea. BUY O N E . G ET O N E Lucerne Large S h o p at H o m e W e Deliver. s a fe w a y .c o m A l l IJM1TS ARE PER HOI'SEHOIO, PER DAY total Satemy «orei No « 1 « in Jealen, reuauranu nr mairuncm Soln m reuil rpuntmn only CXiani i comet all pnntrd «non On Buy On«, Gel One Free (T O G O -) offer«. cotlomer m u « pun hcv the h lufacturen' coupon« may he u«ed on purchased nemr only - nor on tree item» C2006 Safeway Store», $