íl!e 'Porthxnh ©bseruer August 9. 2006 Page AS L egal N o tices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288 0015 e-mail: £lassifieds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y photos b i July 2.7-August 29 M a r Goman & Shira Loa S arah B i oi nt / T hf P o rtland O bserver Pictured above: Mar Goman Angel" fabric, thread & metal Alex Hopkins sits down for a breakfast break outside of the Native American Youth Association's new Family Center, site o f the former Whitaker-Lakeside Middle School at 5135 N.E. Columbia Blvd. • Changing M o n th ly E xhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop • Custom Fram ing Native American Family Center Opens continued from Front OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • www.guardinogallery.com have the highest dropout rates and lowest college completion rates of any ethnic group in the country. T o close the achievem ent gap, NAY A plans to adopt an early col­ le g e e d u c a tio n a l m o d e l w ith courses that prom ote a strong cul­ tural identity. Students will focus on math, science and Native A m eri­ can culture. Juniors and seniors will be able take high school and com m unity college courses, pre­ senting them with an opportunity to earn a high school diplom a or an associate’s degree. M aher said cultural courses will in tegrate traditional, ecological know ledge with practical applica­ tions. “ Kids have learned that math and science have nothing to do with them ,” she said, "but the real­ ity is our people have been doing math, science and technology for thousands o f years, in a different w ay.” The student body will exhibit the diversity found in hundreds o f na­ KMHD's B lues for the M ove and D ixieland M ixer Noon—4pm Trad Jazz Brunch with Dr. Jazz « The Interns and The Jim Beatty Band A youth and family center for Native American youth is now utilizing part of the former Whitaker- Lakeside Middle School on Northeast Columbia Boulevard. Adjacent to the site are wetlands thought to have once been a historic Native American village. tive c u ltu re s - NAYA serves more than 3(M)of the 738 tribes within the United States. M aher said the school will rec­ ognize diversity by teaching stu ­ dents to honor and value their tribes, while at the same time honoring other tribal perspectives. NA YA is taking a year to plan the new high school, looking at successful Native urban schools in M inneapolis and Santa Fe and char­ ter schools on reservations. Enroll­ ment will start at 110 students and increase every year. NAYA has financial support from Portland Public Schools. Portland Com m unity College, and a grant from Antioch University Seattle through the Bill and M elinda G ates Foundation Early College Initiative. Public Health Scholars Program Grows ( AP) — The Bill & M elinda Gates Foundation says it will add $58 million toexpand its $ I billion M il­ lennium Scholars program to target low -incom e and m inority students seeking graduate degrees in public health. It's the first tim e the foundation has added money to the scholar­ ship program since it was estab­ lished in 1999. T he program has already given scholarsh ip s ,0 m ore than 10,000 stud en ts for u n d erg rad u ate e d u ­ cation in th e irc h o ic e o f m ajor and for graduate work in public health, edu catio n , science, m ath, e n g i­ neering and lib rary science. The f o u n d a ti o n , w h ic h planned an an n o u n cem en t about the program on M onday, says it will help 2 0.(MM) stu d en ts o v er 20 il!r J l l u r t h u t h Jenkins Headlines Roundtable B ro a d c a s t v e te ra n A n g e la Jenkins, longtime manager and head o f program m ing at m inority-owned radiostation KBMS 1480 AM. will headline this m onth's Black Entre­ preneurs o f Clark County business round table and netw orking event. The free session will take place from 5:30 ,0 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24. at the Jim Parsley C om m u­ nity C enter, 4100 Plom ondon St. in Vancouver. Jenkins, a V ancouver resident w hose m edia-industry experience incl tides nearly 3( I years w ith K B MS ow ner Kris Bennett Broadcasting Inc., will discuss adaptation to market changes and the push to continue innovating. Black Entrepreneurs o f Clark County, a free monthly business round table and netw orking group, works toexpand em powerm ent and close opportunity gaps through ad vocacy. contacts, fellow shipand theexchange o f expertise and ideas. y ea rs. minorities pursuing graduate d e­ T h e U n ite d N eg ro C o lle g e grees in epidem iology, biomedical Fund ad m in isters the G ate s M il­ science, tropical disease, public lennium S cholars program , w hich health practice and nutritional sci­ has g iven m oney to stu d e n ts in ence. e v e ry s ta te an d W a s h in g to n , The G ates Foundation spends D .C ., and has helped send them most of its money on fighting dis­ ,0 m ore than 1.300 co lleg e s and eases around the w orld and on u n iv e rsitie s. public health, so the scholars could T he new scholarship m oney will potentially end up w orking for the be used to increase the num ber of foundation in its other projects. (D b s i'r u i'r Established 1970 USPS 959-680 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 EmruR-ifi-Ciun. I’t r u s h e r : C h a r lo H. W ashington E oiroit.-M ichael L e i g h t o n D is t r ih it io n M a n a g e r : M a r k W a s h in g to n C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r : P a u l N e u f e l d t D im e M a n a g e r : K a t h y L i n d e r R eporter : Sarah Blount Subscriptions are $60.00 per year 503-288-003.1 FAX 503-288-0015 news@Dortlandobserver.eom \ iibseripiions@portlandobserver.eom ads@porllandobserver.com elassirieds@portlandobserver.eom Washington Park Summer Festival, nnz Amphitheatre Stage • FREE • 6:00 pm Aug. 3-17 £ (Observer Atnv. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 -------------------------------------.-------------- -- ----------------------------------------- s uh vc t i p i io n s tire j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) ame :-------------- ---------------------------- T elephone : 3 Linda Hornbuckle - blues/gospel 4 Broadway to Hollywood - musical theatre 5 Antonio Centurion Trio 8. Grupo Condor - 6 Portland Festival Symphony with V v Ö Latin American folk Julianne R Johnson, vocalist z> 8 Family Jubilee - traditional American roots 9 Portland Taiko - pan Asian drums 10 Linder The Mango Tree: African stories, songs 11 Reggie Houston & The Crescent City Connection - 12 Celebrating Vietnamese Culture & dance with Obo Addy. Okropong & guests 0 ! 1 Subscribe • ’ 503-288-0033 Out Fi"O u t’ cliP ! & Send To: 1 J J N PO RTLAND PARKS & H e a lth y P a rk s 7 Craicmore - Celtic r——- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----------1 i To Purchase Tickets Call 503.491.7271 CO The Portland Observer—Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication—is a member o f the National Newspaper Association--Eounded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York, NY. and Ehe West Coast Black Publishers Association. Serving Portland and Vancouver. I I When: Friday, August 2 5 , '0 6 Where: Beale Street N W 10 7 2 1 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, O R Cost: $ 2 2 .5 0 Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0Box3137, Portland, OR 97208 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. 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