Page B6____________________________ il!l |Jn rth n iù (© bseruer________________ am 1 August 9, 2006 s e rv e r 9 e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles 2006 Jaguar Super V8 bv K athleen C akk Super V Sdefines a stretched and powerful supercharged flagship for Jaguar with perform ance equip­ ment. It offers Style, Sophistica­ tion, Elegance, and Excellence all in one package. The Super V8 Portfolio isn’t acar tobechauffeured around in. Rather its 4.2-liter supercharged AJ-V8 engine was specifically designed for inspirational driving. Produc­ ing 400-horsepower and 4( 18 Ib-ft o f torque, 86 percent o f which is made from just 2,000 rpm, the Portfolio is able to perf orm, no m atter what the situation is. M atched to a six-speed Z F auto­ matic gearbox with adaptive shift technology, the Super V8 can dash to6 0 m p h in 5.2 seconds, and is able to reach an electronically limited top speed o f 155 mph. M eanwhile, front and rear alum inum double­ w ishbone air suspension and ad­ justable dam pers reportedly pro­ vide a com fortable yet firm ride ca­ pable o f coping with spirited driv- Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $91,995; Engine: 400 HP 4.2L V8; Transmis- sion: 6 speed automatic. ing. Steering is conducted through the famed ZE Servotronic system, w hile the brakes are high-perfor­ m ance four-piston calipers. Jaguar does ii the old-fashioned way, with opulent stitched leather and plenty o f polished w alnut ve­ neer. Instrum ents and controls are easy to see and use, even the stan­ d ard n av ig atio n sy stem . W ell- marked hard buttons around the screen, and soft buttons on-screen, make everything easy to under­ stand and use, unlike the single­ button interfaces found in some of the Super V8's com petitors. Heated, pow er-adjustable front seats are nothing out o f the ordi­ nary - although the Super V 8’s pro­ vide excel lent com fort and support, even lateral support - but heated, p o w er-ad ju stab le o utboard rear seats are. And since all o f the long- w heelbase stretch goes into the passenger cabin, rear knee room, not exactly cram ped in the short- w heelbase car, is increased by 4.5 inches. Add heat and an adjustable back angle, and a DVD entertain­ ment system with screens in the back o f each front seat headrest, and burled-walnut faced fold-down tray tables, and there is a strong tem ptation to hire a chauffeur and enjoy a life o f luxury in the rear seat. Super V8 Portfolio isa ca r built to meet the highest m odem standards, with a traditional image, em bodied with 21 st-century soul, and because o f this, its the hippest, trendiest Jaguar to set rubber to tarm ac. S ports A — Woods Captures 50th PGA Title State Farm1 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Blootninglon. Illinois 61/10 (AP) — Tiger Woods made a ca­ reer-high 28 birdies in a tournament and reached a season-low 24 under by shooting his fourth straight 6- under 66 for a three-stroke win over Jim Furyk in the Buick Open. The 30-year-old Woods became the seventh member to win 50 PGA Tour events, and at 30, the youngest. Woods has made 196 PGA Tour starts as a pro and 210 overall. Jack Nicklaus won his 50th title in 1973 at age 33. It was his 280th start overall - and 262nd as a professional. Sam Snead is atop the PGA Tour's career wins list with 82, ahead of Nicklaus (73), Ben Hogan (64), Arnold Palmer (62), Byron Nelson (52) and Billy Casper (51). Woods said he hopes he'll have enough success to catch Snead. "It's going to be a lifetime, a ca­ reer, to get to that point and attain something like that," Woods said. "It took me 10 years to get here, hope­ fully I can continue playing well over the next 10, 20 years." Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 9/217 503 286 1,03 Fax 503 286 1,46 errue lull li5mWSslate,arm com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Sunday Supper Time < Tiger Woods reacts to his putt on the eighth hole during the final round of the Buick Open g o lf tour­ nament Sunday in Grand Blanc, Mich. Celebrating our Customers! Liveat Cannon’s Rib Express Featuring Clouds Remain Over Blazer Franchise Allen rejects offers to buy Trail Blazers ow ner Paul Allen has pulled out o f negotiations to sell the team and the Rose Garden arena. A lle n , th e b ill io n a i r e c o ­ fo u n d e r o f M ic ro so ft, and P o rt­ land A rena M a n ag e m en t, w hich o w n s and runs th e R ose G ard en a re n a , had been w o rk in g to- g e th e r to se ll th e te a m an d the a re n a as a p a c k a g e . Several groups made public their intentions to bid, including an ef­ fort led by form er B lazerTerry Por­ ter and another by Mark W attles, w ho founded Hollyw ood Video. "M ultiple bids w ere received, a num ber o f w hich were in a range which PAM found acceptable," the aren a m anagem en t g ro u p said Thursday. “However, Mr. Allen has advised PAM that he does not wish to pursue a sale o f the team at this tim e, and the sale process has been term inated.” A lle n 's investm ent com pany, V ulcan Inc., issued a statem ent that said it had been unable to reach a m utually agreeable solution. Allen relinquishedow nershipof the RoseG arden in bankruptcy pro­ ceedings in 2004. G iving up rev­ enue from luxury suites and other arena sources contributed to the B lazers' financial losses. R eggie H ou ston ’s Box o f C hocolates Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar "ya never know what ya goin git" CANNON’S Sponsored by: RIB EXPRESS = = - NEW S E A S O N S m a r k e t ) Paul Allen MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Stun Gun Arrest Outrages Davis (A P) — Detroit Pistons center and former Portland Trail B lazer Dale D avis was shocked with a stun gun and charged with assault and dis­ orderly conduct in an altercation with Miami Beach police. Davis was arrested Aug. 1 at a Miami Beach hotel and accused of threatening police, security guards Dale Davis and shouting profanities, police said. Chubby W ells, D avis’ agent, said he plans to file a lawsuit against police for their treatm ent o f the 15- year NBA veteran. “ It was so ridiculous, it’s unbe­ lievable,” W ells said. “ W e’re go­ ing to take a stand." CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Police were cal led to the hotel by the security w orkers and D avis was repeatedly asked to leave, but re­ fused, according to the report. Police said Davis hailed his fists and began w alking tow ard officers in an aggressive m anner, and he was w arned that he w ould be hit with a T aser gun if he continued. Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL All Star Center Joins Blazers Jamal Magloire (right) dunks the ball over Kenny Thomas o f the Philadelphia 76ers in this Nov. 3, 2003 file photo. Magloire, an all-star center, was recently acquired by the Portland Trail Blazers in a trade that send guard Steve Blake, forward Brian Skinner and center Ha Seung-Jin to the Milwaukee Bucks. (A P) — Charles Barkley alw ays insisted he isn't a role model - but not everyone agrees. C ertainly not the roughly 1.600 people who cam e to see Barkley as he visited the Basketball Hal I o f Fame for the first time. Barkley, w ho would not com e to the Hall o f Fame before he was elected, toured the building Aug. 2 and addressed the crow d before Former NBA star Charles signing copies of his tw o most re­ Barkley speaks during a cent books, "I May Be W rong but special event at the Naismith I Doubt It" and "W ho's Afraid o f a Memorial Basketball Hall o f Large Black Man?" Fame. (AP photo) "The last tw o books have been ab o u t social issues and th in g s time All-Star said. "That's probably w hich mean more to me than the the thing I'm m ost proud of in my 16 basketball stuff." said Barkley, the years in the NBA because it started author o f five books. "I want to talk a great nationw ide debate." about serious stuff and try to make Still. 20-year-old T ripp Baker thinks Barkley is definitely som e­ a difference in these kids' lives." Barkley caused a stir when he one to look up to. Barkleyaveraged22.l points and d id a N ik ec o m m e rc ialin th e 1990s saying that he was not a role model. 11.7 rebounds per gam e during a "I told kids to listen to their par­ 16-year NBA career with Philadel­ ents and I still believe that," the I I- phia. Phoenix and Houston. i I STAIRS (with other service) Each Area $35.00 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) Barkley Addresses Social Issues Brings book tour to Hall of Fame $25.00 $1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO / BOAT/ R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA-------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT -------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 I ■ I I ■■ COUPON SPECIAL AN Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR 1 I , 1 I $135.00 ■■■ M B ■■■ | M B flBBB «■» ■■■ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949