Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 09, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 9. 2006
C lassifieds
< jö > Community
PCC's Diesel Service
Technology program will from students os
i Caterpillar technicians in partnership with '
I Caterpillar Inc. Requirements include 5
I years experience in equipment/diesel or
automotive service Industry as technician or
teaching m some area(s) or combination
position details and to apply online,
pleose visit our website:
p « .« 4 u
or ca ll us at 5 0 3 9 7 8 5 8 5 7
Programming Analyst
The Program m ing Analyst is
responsible for designing,
developing implementing and
maintaining the most complex
enterprise server based solutions
and business objects for the
Bureau of Technology Services.
Duties include working to
accomplish citywide goals of e-
Commerce, Web Services, and
the integration of GIS systems, in
both the client and server side
development of object oriented
application server platforms such
as .NET and Java. Experience with
high volume, secure e-Commerce
solutions and 5 years of
experience providing code level
support to production applications
is strongly desired. Additional
duties include participating in
assistin g in defining tasks,
developing timelines, and project
Approxim ate M onthly Salary
Range: $5,004 - $6,696
Application deadline is Monday,
August 21, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Equipment Mechanic Trainee
Equipment Mechanic Trainees
are responsible for learning and
perform ing
maintenance, repair and general
overhaul work of a mechanical
nature designed to ensure the
function in g
equipm ent including, trucks,
heavy equipm ent, special
apparatus, cars and other
vehicles. Training will be
accomplished by on-the-job and
in a classroom environment about
the following: engines (gasoline
and diesel), transm issions
(manual and autom atic),
hydraulic systems, differentials,
steering, suspension, brakes (air,
electric and hydraulic), cooling
system s, heating and air
conditioning systems, electrical
systems and basic oxy-acetylene
welding and cutting, and arc
welding. Trainees are required to
have a fundamental knowledge
and skill of related equipment
appointment. Upon successful
com pletion of the three-year
training program, employees will
be appointed as a Vehicle and
Equipm ent
Candidates with a two-year college
level vocational program (diesel
or autom otive) degree and
exposure to trucks and heavy
equipment are preferred.
Approxim ate M onthly Salary
Range: $2,709 - $3,841
Application deadline is Monday,
August 21, 2006.
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.Dortland.or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
O bservador
(A P) — Shakira dedicated her
seven MTV V ideo M usic Aw ards
nom inations to the L atino com m u­
nity in the United States.
“ I too am one o f them ," the 29-
year-old singer said Thursday as
part o f her "O ral Fixation" world
Shakira is up for seven aw ards
for the video o f her smash single
"Hips D on’t Lie,” tying the Red Hot
Chili Peppers for the m ost nom ina­
tions. She is the first Latina to he
nom inated for seven aw ards.
The 2006 MTV V ideo Music
Awards, scheduled to air live on
M TV will take place T hursday,
Aug. 31 at 8 p.m. at Radio City
Music Hall in New York.
Shakira has been singing mostly
in S panish w hile touring Latin
A m erica but will sw itch largely to
English when the U.S. leg o f the
tour opens Aug. 9 in El Paso, Texas.
She also plans performances in New
York, Miami and Los Angeles.
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Colombian pop singer Shakira speaks to the press during the
presentation o f her new album, "Oral Fixation" in Mexico City.
(AP photo)
Beautiful new homes loaded with great features!
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U.S. Asked Not to Interfere in Cuba
Desmond Tutu,
other activists
sign plea
(AP) — Leftist intellectuals and
human rights activists from around
the world pleaded with the United
States on M onday not to interfere
with Cuba while Fidel Castro recov­
ers from intestinal surgery.
M any o f the 400 signers o f the
open letterare from Latin America,
and num erous Nobel Peace laure­
ates are listed, such as form er A rch­
bishop D esm ond Tutu o f South
A fric a and a c tiv is t R ig o b e rta
M enchu o f G uatem ala.
A nnouncing the letter at a news
conference, leading Cuban w riter
Roberto Fernandez R etam ar said
Cubans are convinced that C astro’s
handover o f pow er to his younger
brother and defense m inister. Raul
Castro, is only tem porary.
T hat optim istic assessm en t has
been rein fo rced by sta te m en ts
from Fidel C a s tro ’s in n er circle
and Latin A m erican allies, w ho
karm enb®
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Are you behind on your house payments?
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Experience the master s touch
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Children in Havana, Cuba take a break near a banner Monday
that reads "Long Live Fidel, 8 0 more" referring to Cuban leader
Fidel Castro's upcoming 80"’ birthday. (AP photo)
say the C u b an lead er is re c o v e r­ governm ent,” he said M onday.
ing w ell from surgery for internal
On Sunday, Secretary o f State
b leed in g .
C o n d o le e z z a R ice d e n ie d the
In recent days. President Bush United States is contem plating an
has tried to m otivate anti-C astro invasion o f the island in the wake o f
activists to push for change.
C astro's illness but said the U.S.
"O ur desire is for the Cuban wants to help Cubans prepare for
people to choose their own form of dem ocracy.
Local Musicans Promote Cause
A m usical ex trav ag an za and an
e d u c a tio n a l fu n d ra ise r fo r the
P ortland C entral A m erican S o li­
d arity C o m m ittee w ill be held
S unday, A ug. 13 at 7 p.m . at the
Red & Black C afé, 2 138 S.E. Di v i­
sion St.
Original N icaraguan paintings,
authentic double sized quality ham-
503 380-3315
Selling in your neighborhood
l2 l
mocks and other various N icara­ involved.
guan art w orks will be available
Entertainm ent includes the in­
through a silent auction that will no v ativ e P o rtlan d -b ased bands
last until 9 p.m.
Not Yeti and Red Tractor (with mem­
M ultiple presentations will be bers from the Blue Cranes).
displayed throughout the venue
D onations are requested at the
describing current N icaraguan po­ door. No one will be turned away.
litical cam paigns, issues and elec­ For information about the solidar­
tion updates, as well as w ays to get ity com m ittee, go to pcasc.net.
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Curtis & Shelby Lawn Services
Need Work Done Services Provided:
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W e do the w ork so you d o n 't have to!
N o rth Po rtlan d Bible College
9 Killed Fleeing Border Patrol
(A P) — A sport utility vehicle
cram m ed with suspected illegal
immigrants rolled over in an attempt
to outrun Border Patrol agents in
Arizona, killing nine people and
injuring at least 12 others, officials
Five o f the injured were in critical
co ndition. S h e riff's M aj. Leon
W ilmot said.
The large SUV was carrying up
to 22 people when the driver had
tried tocircum vent a checkpoint on
the highway. Border Patrol spokes­
man Lloyd Frers said.
With Border Patrol agents in
pursuit, the driver attem pted to
make a U-turn and rolled over, Frers
said. He did not know how fast
either vehicle was traveling.
"The suburban was grossly over­
loaded. and it ’ sdifficult to handle on
that kind of (dirt) road," Frers said.
Wi I mot said the car had swerved
to avoid a spike strip put out by
Border Patrol agents.
Scores o f illegal im m igrants die
each year while crossing the M exi­
can border into Arizona, many in
car crashes. Sm ugglers often Bee
from authorities at high speeds or
overload vehicles, w hich makes
them difficult to control.
4905 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland. OR 97217
email: npbccollegeiKlm'a qwest.net
website: northportlandbibleeollege.org
A Concert o f Pmyer and Praise
Saturday, August 19,2006
3 -5pm
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church
3138 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland, Oregon
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We need tour guides and gift shop
clerks. One shift per month is all
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volunteer coordinator.
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A Time of Prayer for:
Public School Systems'
Board of Education
student's protection
student's education
North Portland Bible College's
financial status
increase of instructors
increase of students
T i l t PRAYER
Missions in Africa and Haiti
5 :1 6