History Revealed Chief ranger tells story o f local Buffalo Soldiers R a is in g Y o u n g M e n Local poet, educator and single mom sorts out the issues See Metro section, inside ‘City of Roses' Volume XXXVI, Number 32 Sheehan Kicks Off Protest A nti-w aractivist C indy Sheehan c o n tin u e d h e r I p r o te s t near | President Bush’s ra n c h in for I Crawford, Texas. W h a J* On Tuesday, she released 18 bal­ loons with post­ cards saying she w anted to meet with the presi­ dent. S ee sto ry , page A2. -.c * ° o t. Bush Adviser Guilty A fo rm e r | W hite House a d v i s e r | pleaded guilty to th e ft F ri­ d a y , b rie fly breaking into te a r s as he | tried toexplain why he m ade phony returns at discount departm ent stores while earning $160,(XX) a year as a top aide to President Bush. See sto ry , | p ageA 2. Interest Rate Stays Put W iththeeconom y losingm om en- J turn, the Federal Reserve halted the longest unbroken stretch o f interest rate increases in recent history T uesday - a reprieve for | U.S. Tries to Stop Killing A s e rie s o f b o m b in g s an d shootings in Iraq killed at least 33 p eo p le T u esd a y , m ost in the Baghdad area, as more A merican soldiers patrolled the streets o f | the capital in a m ake-or-break bid to quell sectarian violence. See sto ry , page A2. Established in 1970 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • August 9. 2006 Self Enhancement Turns 25 e Review m illions o f borrow ers after more than tw o years o f rate pain. See .Metro section, inside Celebration Sunday at Unthank Park Self Enhancem ent, Inc. will host a “25 Years o f Soul” celebration Sunday, Aug. 13, at the SEI center and adjoining Unthank Park, 3920 N. Kerby Ave. Local neighbors and the greater Portland com m unity is invited to share in the free festivi­ ties from 1 p .m .to b p .m . T he 25,h anniversary event will feature activities for kids, a catered barbecue cookout provided by NW Natural, contests hosted by Jam m in’ 95.5, and giveaw ays and free hair­ cuts provided by Terrell B randon's B arber Shop. The main stage will feature live entertainm ent by Portland’s lead­ ing soul singer, Liv W arfield, the popular 10-piece band Soul V acci­ nation and perform ances by the SEI drum line and choir. As part o f the silver anniversary cam paign, SEI has constructed a photo journal by local photogra­ pher Julie Keefe, highlighting 25 program alumni sharing their com ­ pelling success stories and posi­ tive results from their participation in SEI. The photo project will be featured at the alumni booth, and SEI alumni will enjoy a special hos­ pitality area on the balcony o ver­ looking U nthank Park. From aone-week basketbal I camp in 1981,SEI h asev o lv ed in to a full- s e rv ic e o r g a n iz a tio n , g u id in g underserved youth, especially A f­ rican A merican and m inority chil­ dren, in realizingtheir full potential. W orking with schools, fam ilies and partner com m unity organiza- photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver L ifelong P ortland r e s id e n t Tony H o p so n m e n to r s local yo u th a t S e l f E n h a n c e m e n t. Inc., th e year-round e d u c a tio n a n d so c ia l se rvic e program h e fo u n d e d 2 5 y e a rs ago. SEI will h o n o r its silver a n n iversa ry o n S u n d a y with a ‘2 5 Y ears o f S o u l' ce leb ra tio n a t its north P ortland c e n te r a n d a d jo in in g U nthank Park. tions, SEI provides support, guid- ance and opportunities for children and young adults ages eight to 25. SEI provides num erous year- round services at the center, and has successfully evolved to offer: a charter m iddle school (SEI Acad- em y); in-school services (academ ic m entoring and tutoring) in 11 Port- continued on p age A 6 Israeli Threat Grows Israel shut dow n south Lebanon with a threat to blast any moving vehicles, as ground fighting in­ tensified near the Israeli border, airstrikes killed at leas, 19 civil­ ians and Arab governm ents called for a full Israeli w ithdraw al as a condition o f any ceasefire. BP Pipeline Corroded Shares in oil giant BP dropped and crude oil prices soared M on­ day as the com pany prepared to | shut down its P ru d h o e Bay o ilf ie ld in A la s k a , th e biggest oilfield in the United States, follow ing the discovery o f | a corroded pipeline. Fewer Hurricanes H u rric a n s e a s o n s h o u ld be slightly less active than originally predicted, federal forecasters said Tuesday. T here have been only three tropical storm s and no hur­ ricanes so far, bu, A ugust through O ctober are typically the most active m onths o f the season. < Native American Family Center Opens Whitaker site thought to have been a historic native village by S arah B i . oint T he P ortland O bserver The dust is settling at a new fam ily cen terfo rth e Native A m eri­ can Youth A ssociation, as staff and com m unity settle into the form er W hitaker- Lakeside M iddle School in northeast Portland. T raffic zoom s by the 20,(XX) square-fee, building that faces a bleak industrial stretch o f C olum ­ bia Boulevard, but cultures collide w hen visitors circle the building - where 20 acres o f wetlands and the Colum bia River Slough beg to be explored. throughout, but NAYA has spent a busy sum m er painting and trans­ forming the space. The change com es at an oppor­ tune time for the growing organiza­ tion, even though their relocation follow ed som e unsettling experi­ ences at its form er headquarters on North M ississippi Avenue. T h e M is s is s ip p i n e ig h b o r ­ hood’s new bars, restaurants and s p e c ia lty sh o p s tr a n s f o r m e d N A Y A ’s former home intoadistricl that becam e culturally, if not al­ ready physically, inaccessible to many in the native com m unity. Kids have learned that math and science have nothing to do with them, hut the reality is our people have been doing math, science and technology fo r thousands o f years, in a different way. — Nichole Maher, NAYA executive director o —‘ c 2 -C -- 5/J O' £ = O' -*7 1 JC .J — M ♦ O c O W 3 11) The best part - N A Y A ’s new M aher said some business ow n ­ site is thought to have once been a ers took an unfriendly stance with historic M ultnomah Chinook N a­ the non-profit's presence, and rac­ tive A merican village. ist graffiti was left on the cen ter's “T he site has historical and c u l­ van las, year. Even so, she said tural significance to,he native co m ­ they had great relationships on the munity, and w e'v eal ways incorpo­ avenue and left with no bad feel­ rated w etlands restoration and en ­ ings. vironm ental sciences into our c u r­ NAYA has received a warm w el­ ricu lu m ," said N ichole M aher, com e from its new Cully neighbor­ NA Y A 's executive director. hood. an area m idw ay between Evidence o f the iconic school Interstates 5 and 205. The central that once served generations of location increases accessibility to northeast P ortland kids lingers the estim ated 38.IXX) Port land-area / photo by S arah B i . ount /T hl P ortland O bserver John A n d erso n a n d o th e r s u m m e r c a m p p a rticip a n ts clim b in to a N ative A m erica n Youth A s s o c ia ­ tion van a t th e n e w NAYA Family C e n te r in n o r th e a s t Portland, b e fo re h e a d in g for a field trip d a y o f clim bing n e a r F o rest Grove. natives, w ho make up the ninth largest Native American com m u­ nity in United States. “W h at's great about this loca­ tion is we serve a lot o f people who live in N ortheast, St. Jo h n 's, outer Northeast and Southeast, Parkrose and G resham ," she said. NAYA formed as a grassroots, parent and volunteer-run organiza­ tion 32 years ago, and has grown significantly since 1990. The new th ere's been other native organiza­ center, with a staff o f nearly 50. tions that have expressed an inter­ continues to o ffe r youth and family est in sharing the building. services, housing and jo b place­ NAY A 's future alternative high men, and cultural identity and edu­ school will target the country’s most cation for P ortland's native co m ­ impoverished ethnic group. Half of munity, and will open a high school Portland's Native American popula­ at the site in the fall o f 2007. tion lives 2(X) percent below the fed­ The organization has a five-year eral poverty level, and Native youth lease at the W hitaker site, which continued on page AS they 'd like to make perm anent, and