Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 02, 2006, Page 9, Image 9

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    August2,2006_______________ ^ ''^ J u rtla n h
Celebrating ‘CiVcrsitAj _______________________ PageA9
© hacrtu-r
TV Hiring
Falls Short
con tin u ed
fro m Front
David Honig, executive director
o f the Minority Media and Telecom-
municationsCouneil based in W ash­
ington, D C ., said his office examined
ECC audits during the Clinton Ad­
ministration from 1994 to 1997, and
then agai n from 2003 to 2005, finding
the Bush Administration was ignor­
ing enforcement o f employment re­
lated issues.
On an annual basis, FCC lines for
equal employment opportunity vio­
lations fell 92 percent during the
Bush A dm inistration, with ECC
caseloads down 98 percent, the coun­
ci I reported.
“T here's been a purge now that
the FCC isn't regulating the rules,”
Honig said.
The ECC used to have more say in
req ui ri ng a d i verse work force at loca I
TV stations. But a significant non­
discrimination rule was thrown out
in 1998 when the W ashington D.C.
Court of Appeals said existing rules
unduly pressured em ployers to hire
minorities and women.
A Ball State university/Radio-
Television News Directors Asso­
ciation study shows an upward trend
of minorities at local TV news sta­
tions in 2(X)5, but also indicates a
decline in the percentage o f blacks at
local stations. The growth came al­
most entirely from an increase in
Hispanic and Asian Americans.
Dennis Wharton, spokesman for
the National Association o f Broad­
casters, said the organization has
several initiatives to improve the
number of minorities.
“We think stations are doing a
pretty good jo b at reflecting cultural
diversity," Wharton said. "Could we
do better? Certainly. The most suc­
cessful broadcasters reflect diver­
sity of com munity."
photo bv
FedEx Ground.
‘Zero Tolerance’ for H arassm ent
con tin u ed
fro m Front
fo r sexual harassm ent against all
fo u r w om en as w ell as racial ha­
ra ssm e n t a g a in st the A frican -
A m erican w om an.
T he bakery will also im plem ent
a d isc ip lin e policy for su p e rv i­
sors o r m anagers w ho en gage in
race or sex d isc rim in atio n o r h a­ sors, and to g iv e p eriodic reports
rassm ent and will base e v a lu a ­ to EEOC’ on co m p lian ce with the
tions for sup erv iso rs and m a n ag ­ term s o f the co n sen t decree.
ers on th eir co m p lian ce w ith the
T he term s o f the co nsent d e ­
com pany's EE O p o licies. It also cree will en su re that em p lo y ees
ag re ed to c o n d u c t m a n d a to ry w ill know th e ir rights and how to
annual discrim ination and h arass­ report d iscrim in atio n .
m ent train in g to all em p lo y ees,
“ It is unaccep tab le for em p lo y ­
including m an ag ers and su p e rv i­ ees to be harassed because o f
their sex or race," EEOC San Fran­
cisco D istrict O ffice D irector Joan
E hrlich said. “T he w ork force is
increasin g ly d iv erse and em p lo y ­
ers should find w ays to build on
the assets d iv ersity brings, not
su b ject em p lo y ees to illegal ste­
re o ty p e s."
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Director Spike Lee calls for his camera operator in New Orleans during filming earlier this year
about Hurricane Katrina and the election process. (AP photo)
Rights Group Faults Response
con tin u ed
.from Front
mittce has little pow er to force the
U.S. governm ent to make changes,
she believes that such reports can
improve human rights by influenc­
ing U.S. decision-m akers.
"W e believe having the U.N. on
our side will have a trem endous
effect on turning the U.S. govern­
ment around," she said.
The U.N. panel said it wants to
be inform ed o f the results o f inquir­
ies into the alleged failure toevacu-
ate inm ates from a prison, and into
allegations that authorities did not
allow New O rleans residents to
cross a bridge into Gretna, La.
It offered no further specifics
about problem s it found with the
Katrina response, or possible solu­
"I think the president and every­
one in the United States said that
Katrina was som ething that no one
was entirely prepared for and it did
raise huge challenges for the United
States," said Robert Harris, o f the
office o f the Legal A dviser o f the
U.S. State Department. "We're look­
ing at a large list o f lessons from
Katrina and trying to make sure that
the next time. G od forbid something
like that happens, we are better
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