Il> 'Jbrtlanb© hseruer Page A8 c u k l ^^Jortlanb (Pbsmurr Attn". Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip t io n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : _______________ ___________ _ A ddress : T elephone : or email subscriptions® August 2. 2006 ODOT Study to Look at Diversity Goals I 503-288-0033 Subscribe’ Fill Out & Send To: Celebrating ‘D iversity Race-conscious contracting under review The Oregon Transportation Commission has approved con­ ducting a study that will pro­ vide information regarding its contracting activities involv­ ing disadvantaged businesses. “I’m delighted w e’re going to do this work because it is very important to the way we do business that we represent the diversity of the citizens of this state,” said ODOT Com ­ missioner Janice Wilson. “It’s critical that we be a leader in the state in making sure that we are representing all citi­ zens when w e’re spending all citizens’ money.” The move com es after a May 2005 decision by the U. S. Ninth Circuit Court that said a state department of trans­ portation could not have a race-conscious disadvantaged business program without a disparity study showing the inequality in contracting op­ portunities. A “disadvantaged business” includes small businesses that are at least 51 percent owned by women, minorities (Black Americans, Hispanic Am eri­ c a n s, N a tiv e A m e ric a n s, Asian-Pacific Americans and Subcontinent Asian A m eri­ cans) or other individuals on a case-by-case basis. o f contract dollars that the w inning co n tra cto r had to spend by subcontracting with disadvantaged businesses. N ow , O D O T in c lu d e s aspirational targets instead of hard goals associated with its contracts. "Inclusion of DBE firms is strongly encouraged, and we will work to assist DBE firms to identify and resolve barri­ ers to their participation in public contracts,” said ODOT Janice Wilson Director Matt Ciarrett in a re­ ODOT had operated a Dis­ cent memo to O regon’s con­ advantaged Business Enter­ tracting community. The Oregon Transportation prise program for more than Department will hire an inde­ two decades. Until the federal court ruling, the state included pendent consultant to conduct in its contracts, where appro­ the study, which may take one priate, a required percentage to two years to complete. T riM e t H ir e s N e w T ra n sit M a n a g e r organizations. He recently served as Vice President of Operations with US FtxxJService Inc in Mem­ phis, Tenn. "Cornelius Booker brings to TriMet fresh perspectives, pow­ erful analytical skills and rel­ evant experience in several in­ dustries," said Michael Ford, di­ rector of transportation opera­ tions. "1 look forward to work­ ing with Cornelius to strengthen our support of operators." His previous experience in­ Cornelius Booker has been named the new Transit Man­ ager forTriMet's Merlo Opera­ tions Center in Beaverton. In thisrole, Bookerwill lead nearly 300 employees and also help to continue todeliverahighquality o f service and performance through continuous staff in­ volvement. Booker comes to TriMet with more than 16 years of experi­ ence in operations, management, Cornelius Booker transportation and logistics in large L egal N otices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classlfle