‘n”Jlnrthuiì»(Observer Page A6 C elebratim i 'D iv e r s ity August 2. 2006 Local Hire Strengthens Banking Team Jefferson grad committed to community Multnomah County Chair Diane Linn introduces Steve Bullock as interim Director of Emergency management. Tapped for Emergency Management County official promoted M ultnom ah C ounty C hair Diane Linn has appointed a local African American as Interim Di­ rector of Emergency Manage­ ment. Steve Bullock has been with the county for seven years, serv­ ing as a manager in the Business Services Office and as an admin­ istrator in the former Department of Community and Human Services. He helped establish the county's 24-hourand 7-day-a-week Mental Health Call Center and co-managed the county’s Mental Health Divi­ sion. Bullock holds a M aster's of Business A dm inistration and has worked for more than 10 years in p u b lic sa fe ty . He m oved to M ultnom ah County in 1999. from Phoenix where he worked as an efficiency expert with the Kroger Corp. For the past six months. Bul­ lock has coordinated daily op­ erations for the county Office of Emergency Management, serv­ ing as the point person with the Portland Office of Emergency Management, state and regional emergency managementofficials and other county partners. W orking For Your Customers And O reg o n ’s Energy Future W ith energy costs rising, now is a great time to become an Energy Trust trade ally contractor. W e offer cash M ark Yee, a life-long and cu rrent resident o f north P ort­ la n d w h o g r a d u a te d fro m Jefferson High School and P ort­ land S tate U niversity, has been hired as a senior vice president an d c h ie f len d in g o ffic e r at A lb in a C o m m u n ity B a n k , P o rtla n d 's m inority-ow ned fi­ nancial institution. “ A lb in a ’s m issio n o f c o m ­ m ercial rev italizatio n , building sm a ll b u sin e sse s an d c re a tin g jo b s in o u r local n eighborhoods se ts it a p a rt,” Y ee said. “ I 'm e x c ite d a t the o p p o rtu n ity to c o n trib u te my k n o w le d g e and p a ssio n fo r o u r local c o m m u ­ nity to su p p o rt th is m issio n .” Y ee w ill oversee the b a n k 's com m ercial lending team and help the bank m eet and exceed Mark Yee lending and deposit goals as a key m em ber o f A lb in a’s senior m a n a g e m e n t team . M ost re ­ cently, he served as senior vice presid en t and sm all b u siness region m anager w ith U.S. Bank. His nearly 25 years e x p eri­ ence in the banking industry began w ith a five-year w ork study program . H e has held a variety o f positions w ith U.S. Bank and the form er Portland T eachers C redit U nion. Y ee has also served on nu­ m erous boards and com m ittees, currently participating on the L eadership C ouncil o f O regon M entors, and is a m em ber o f the C hinese A m erican C itiz e n 's A l­ liance. A lb in a C o m m u n ity B ank opened in D ecem ber 1995. It is independently and locally ow ned through the N ortheast C o m m u ­ nity D evelopm ent T rust and in­ dividual shareholders in our com ­ munity. A s a fu ll-se rv ic e in d e p e n ­ den t c o m m e rc ia l b an k , A lb in a p ro v id e s so p h istic a te d b a n k ­ in g p r o d u c ts a n d s e r v ic e s , w h ile a ls o m a in ta in in g th e b a n k ’s m is s io n to p ro m o te jo b s , sm a ll b u s in e s s e s , and w e a lth in o u r lo c a l P o rtla n d c o m m u n ity . Attorney is Role Model for Integrity Resolving disputes brings career success L o c a l a tto rn e y S u sa n M. H a m m e r w ill r e c e i v e th e M u ltn o m a h B ar A sso c ia tio n P ro fe ssio n a lism A w a rd at the o rg a n iz a tio n ’s A w a rd s L u n ­ ch e o n on T h u rsd a y , Sept. 20 at T h e G o v e rn o r H o tel. T h e a n n u a l a w a rd g o e s to a local a tto rn e y w h o e m b o d ie s the h ig h e st e th ic a l sta n d a rd s and e x e m p la ry c o n d u c t in the p ra c tic e o f law and w h o m akes the p ra c tic e o f law m ore e n ­ jo y ab le. H a m m e r's w ork fo c u se s on Susan Hammer m e d ia tio n an d a rb itra tio n . A s u p p o rte r o f the a w a rd d e sc rib e d h e r “as a ro le m odel fo r y o u n g e r la w y e rs th ro u g h ­ o u t h e r c a re e r, w h o e x e m p li­ fie s the h ig h e st e th ic a l sta n ­ d a rd s and c o n d u c t in o u r p ro ­ fe s s io n . S h e h a s ta k e n h e r skills and attributes - both those she w as bo rn w ith an d th o se a c q u ire d o v e r h e r d e c a d e s o f p ra c tic e - a n d u se d th em to h e lp c re a te a m o d el fo r d is ­ p u te re so lu tio n in O re g o n th at has p e rm a n e n tly c h a n g e d , fo r the b e tte r, the w ay law is p ra c ­ tic e d h e re .” A n o th e r su p p o rte r sa id th at “S u s a n ’s a b ility to re a c h re so ­ lu tio n s in d iffic u lt situ a tio n s w h ile a d h e rin g to the h ig h e st p r o f e s s io n a l s ta n d a r d s h a s m ade h e r an o u tsta n d in g and w e ll-re sp e c te d m e d ia to r.” incentives on upgrades that make your customers' homes and businesses more comfortable and efficient. » Let us help you do the right thing for your customers and our natural environment. Call today. I-8 6 6 -E N T R U S T e n e rg y tru s t.o rg Energy Trust programs serve Oregon customers of Pacific Power Portland General Electric. 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