August 2. 2006 ,l $tnrtlanh ©bseruer C c/c6 /7 f£ ZÏRf * 0 ¿ V C /'5¿ t \ f Page A3 Diverse Team Leads PCC I i Portland Community College District President Preston Pulliams administers the oath of office to Jamie Lim. PCC board vice chair. Diversity? Williams ends term as chair We’re all about that. The Portland Community Col­ lege Board of Directors named Doreen Margolin its 2(X)6-07 boardchairduring its July meet­ ing. The board also voted fellow board member Jaime Lim to serve as vice chair. Margolin, appointed in 1999 and elected in 2(X) 1, represent­ ing southwest and southeast Portland in Zone 5, replaces 2005-06 board chair Harold Williams, an African-American leader from north and northeast Portland who remains on the board. Lim, appointed in 2004 to rep­ resent east Washington County and southwest Portland in Zone 6 is the publisher of the Asian Reporter newspaper, with of­ fices on North Killingsworth Portland Community College embraces the value of diversity in every workplace and educational institution. As President of the Portland Community College District, I am committed to increasing access to faculty and staff employment at PCC for all Oregonians. It is critically important to our educational institution that our diverse students are motivated and encouraged by a diverse team of qualified faculty and staff role models. Doreen Margolin Harold Williams Street, across from the PCC Cascade Campus. He is a reg­ istered professional engineer li­ censed in Oregon and Wash­ ington. Margolin is an attorney in private practice in Portland, spe­ cializing in domestic relations. She is past president of the Or­ egon Community College As­ sociation, a professional asso­ ciation of community college board members and presidents. The PCC Board is composed of seven members, each elected by different geographical cov­ ering all or portionsof fivecoun- ties. The board is responsible for setting the overall policy for operation of the college, includ­ ing hiring the college president, adopting the budget and approv­ ing contracts with employee groups. PC C S u ccess R elies on A ccess Pulliams has pulse on students, community From urban cam puses to high-tech facilities, Portland Com m unity C ollege’s three campuses and five centers are key to our businesses and com ­ m unities. As their facilities grow, school leaders are pro­ active in reflecting the broad mix of students and the sur­ rounding communities. District president Preston Pulliams is committed to work­ ing with faculty and staff in the five-county district. “ PCC cares deeply about the people we serve," Pulliams said. “We are proud to be the largest and most accessible |J n rt la ttò Preston Pulliams institution of educational op­ portunity in our community, assisting more than 90,000 in­ dividual students annually at cam puses and c e n te rs throughout the metropolitan a re a .” Pulliams recognizes PCC’s special responsibility to pro­ Established 1970 vide quality education to a di­ verse population by way o f a diverse educators and college employees. “ Diversity in faculty and staff encourages an open and welcoming educational envi­ ronment, where complex is­ sues can be discussed from many perspectives," he said. “This also provides success­ ful role models for students." Pulliams’ strategic vision for PCC includes ensuring access for all students and em pow er­ ing students to maximize their success; collaborating with businesses and industries to build partnerships; partnering with them to stream line ser­ vices; growing PCC Founda­ tion scholarship resources so no student will be denied ac­ cess to PCC for financial rea­ sons; and enriching the diver­ sity of the PCC staff and fac­ ulty work force. Send address changes to Portland Observer. PO Box3137. Portland. USPS 959-680 ______ OR 97 20 8 Jr. Bivd., Portland. OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E o ironM ichae l L e ig h to n D is t k im t io n M anagf . k : M a rk W ashington C keative D ikcctok : P a u l N e u fe ld t O ffice M anage * : K a th y L in d e r RtroFTFjt: Sarah Mount F. mtok in -C hief , P c h . is h u : Dr. Preston Pulliams, District President Portland Community College, Oregon An Equal-Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution y X Portland Community College We’re all about your future. w w w .p c c .e d u P ro v id e n c e H e a lth System — Committed to diversity "I applaud Providence for their leadership in supporting minority businesses in their vendor relationships. They recognize that these are good business practices that benefit communities and the health care industry." - Faye Burch, FM Burch & Associates At Providence Health System, we seek out women- and minority- owned businesses as candidates for vendor and construction contracts. Diversity is woven into our mission of serving the community and supporting your health care needs. 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