(Tbi August 2. 2006 ^ o rtla n h (©bseruer C e le b ra tin g ‘ C í\'c r > itlf Page B7 LifeWorks Barbecue Celebration Tamara Goldsby (from left), Sherrilyn Blanton, Delores Taylor, Olivia Jeffries. Jackie Strong and Elizabeth Betts cel­ ebrate during the LifeWorks NW sum­ mer barbecue held July 18 at Peninsula Park to honor clients of the organization's King, Project Network and Concordia sites. LifeWorks NW is a community-based agency providing mental health and addictions services. t’s Who You Know at Say Hey, NW! Meet and greet for professionals of color In the biz and new to the city? Join Say Hey, NW! - Oregon and southw est Washington's multicultural meet andgreet for professionals o f color. Partners in Diversity invite you to attend a Say Hey reception, Thursday, Aug. 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland Ballroom, 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Say Hey, NW is a reception held quar­ terly to honor and welcome new profes­ sionals of color, who have arrived to the area in the past 18 months. contact Vicki Nakashima of The event brings together Partners in Diversity at 503- these professionals with a 516-3505 or em ail more established “welcom­ nakashimav@mac.com. ing brigade”. Attendees in­ Say Hey packets con­ clude community leaders, tain information and spe­ corporate and government cial goodies, and provide representatives, community opportunities to learn about organizations and individu­ the community as a way als willing to help make the for the new (and not so honorees feel welcome and new) to learn about w hat’s more connected with their going on. lfy o u r organiza­ new community. ■RTS'/',« '. I \ tion would like to include Everyone is welcome and something in the packet, encouraged to attend. If you Vicki Nakashima send an e m ail to are new, or know someone new, please nakashim av@ m ac.com . (AP) - Danny Glover helped launch a campaign to rally Puerto Rico's hotel workers to join a local branch of “Unite Here” a (large U.S. labor union in a bid to gain better pay and benefits. Glover, a resident of Port­ land, whose movie credits in­ clude "The Royal Tenenbaums" and the "Lethal Weapon" se­ ries, joined leaders of a Puerto Rico union, which represents about 2,100 employees at nine hotels in the U.S. territory, to call for the island's hospitality workers to unite under a single banner. "The union's fight is to con­ struct a world in which we want to live," Glover said at a news c o n fe re n ce S unday at the Condado Plaza Hotel & Casino in the capital of San Juan. Glover, 59, has long been in­ Danny Glover (center) joins hotel workers in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Sunday to help volved in political activism. organize a labor union and increase local wages. (AP photo) African Coalition Dinner The African Community Coali­ tion of Oregon board of directors will host their first annual Summer Dinner and Party fundraiser Satur­ day, Aug. 5 from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. at 10534 N.E. Sandy Blvd., second floor. All area residents are invited to the festivities which will begin with cocktails, followed by a program at 8 p.m. and party at 10 p.m. Volun­ teers are still needed. Eor more in­ formation, please call Regena Jones of the African Community Coali­ tion of Oregon at 503-761-0243 (days)or 503-254-4888 (evenings). $ THÍ N tw ró d « W IN IU I4 N C I Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent 9 9045 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper cuik@ statefarm com ÎZùeazxi jB a t& tx ¿Síiofi Here when you need uet A.D . W illia m s 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR »7212 8 am-6 pm Tues.-Sat. Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-308-4488 Glover Campaigns for Workers A Stale Farin'* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Experience the master's touch A.J. Davis — The Original . . "Master Barber" at Achievers ¡barbershop 518 S.E. M orrison St., Portland. OR 97214 Phone: (503)232-3842 Cell: (503)887-5740 S p ecializing in T e x iu ri/c rs and Iailured Cuts fo r Men M» Women Since F92Ä www.achieversbarbershop.com • achieversbarbershop@ hotmail.com M onday - Friday 9am to 6pm. Saturday by a ppointm ent Experienced with all types of hairi Curtis & Shelby Lawn Services Need Work Done Services Provided: • Yards • Moving • Painting • Edging • Hauling • Handyman Work Call Now for a Reasonable Price Quote Ask for Curtis @ (503) 781-0696 We do the work so you don’t have to! Northwest Voice forChrist Training M in is try ' M Rev. H.L. Hodge, Ph.I) . Founder I’astor/Teacher, Motivational Speaker. Revivalist. Vocalist Anointed and Appointed by God $ ANO iMlfMMAttONAl MSTSFllfk Invites you to come and study the Word o f God. Dianetics can help you live minea ilil a better and happier life. UJILLLLV Lili Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. (P** z /v iH io n (OP*K IA VI M f W a f H Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from T H Í MOOEAN SCIENCE OE MENTAL HEALTH Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours www.dianetics.org An IlluminatingStudy through Corinthians "Corinth: Then and Now" ( This study will transform your understandiny of this New Testament Book.) Thursday. August 3rd, 2(X)6 (continuing every Thursday) 6:00 PM Located at: Alberta Simmons Plaza 6611 N E M L K .Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon Open to the Public A 11 are Welcome!!!! Telephone: (503)334-6239 Paperback $8.00 C 2004 RPl AM Rights Reserved DtANC TK$ Is a trademark and service mark owned by Reltgicus Technology Center and M used with its permission www.nwvctramingministry.com