Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 02, 2006, Page 15, Image 15

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    August 2. 2006
Jînrtlanh ©bseruer
Celebrating ' Oí\'erüitlf
Principal Hired for Jefferson
vice to the Superintendent. That
panel included students, teachers,
em y o f A rts and T ech n o lo g y and parents and representatives o f the
the A cad em y o f S c ie n c e and PTSA and the com m unity.
T ec hnology (both to open this
Dudley has a master's degree in
S eptem ber), and the A cadem y for educational adm inistration at the
Y oung Men and the A cadem y for University o f North Texas and is a
Y oung W om en (to open in S ep ­ doctoral fellow in the Cooperative
tem ber 2007).
Superintendency Program at the
The Jefferson Design Team rec­ University o f Texas. He replaces
om m ended that Portland Public Larry D ashiell, Jefferson principal
Schools actively recruit candidates since 2002.
nationally for Jefferson’s princi­
Cynthia Harris, a school adm in­
pal. T op candidates were inter­ istrator from C ontra C osta Unified
viewed by a panel that offered ad- School District in California, has
co n tin u ed
fr o m M etro
also been hired as anew area direc­
tor for all schools in the Jefferson
She will w ork to integrate the
high school refo rm s into the e n ­
tire v isio n fo r Je ffe rso n are a
sc h o o ls. T h at v isio n in c lu d es
n u rtu rin g a p o w erfu l arts and
te c h n o lo g y s tr a n d th r o u g h
O ckley G reen A rts S chool ( K-8),
d ev elo p in g the city 's first k in d er­
garten through high school In­
te rn a tio n a l B a cc ala u reate p ro ­
gram . building on the elem en tary
sch o o ls' su ccesses as they ex-
p and to K-8 and in stitu tin g a c u l­
ture o f ex c ellen c e in teaching and
Harris also will work withelemen-
tary and middle schools in South­
w est P ortland's W ilson cluster,
supporting the principals in further
developm ent o f the arts em phasis
there and continuing to drive stu­
dent achievem ent higher.
Harris has worked as principal of
an inner-city elementary school. She
began her career as an elem entary
teacher in the O akland U nified
School District.
Oregon Northwest Jurisdiction
Church o f God in Christ
UZ1 £
S u p e r v is o r C e le b r a tio n
W orking-class A frican-A m eri­
can s are being shut out o f the
legal p ro fe ssio n b ec au se they
c a n n o t a f f o rd to a tte n d law
schools w hose tuition is kept high
by c o stly e x p e n d itu res m andated
on them by the A m erican Bar
A sso c ia tio n .
The tuition at a private ABA law
school currently is about $30,000 a
year — far beyond the m eans o f a
w orking-class fam ily, according to
a book on the subject.
“ D e m a n d in g e x t r a v a g a n t
w ages, w orking co n d itio n s, and
lifesty les for law p ro fe sso rs, and
d em an d in g plush fac ilities and
libraries, the A BA stan d ard s re-
own Commission on Racial and Eth­
nic D iversity in the Legal Profes­
sion found m inorities w oefully un­
der-represented in the legal profes­
sion. A ccording to the rep o rt's
author El izabeth C ham bliss, a New
York Law School professor:
"The legal profession already is
one o f the least racially integrated
professions in the United States
when all four m inority groups (A f­
rican-A m erican. H ispanic, Asian
American, N ative A m erican) are
aggregated,” C ham bliss said. “A f­
rican-A m ericans, too, are repre­
sented at low er levels than in many
com parable professions.”
She said in 2000 A frican-A m eri­
cans made uponly 3.9 percent o f all
lawyers, com pared with 4.4 percent
o f physicians, 5.6 percent o f co l­
lege and university professors, 7.8
percent o f com puter scientists and
7.9 percent o f accountants and au ­
Students Benefit from Ethnically Diverse Schools
They feel safer,
less bullied and
less lonely
Middle-school students are more
likely to feel safer, less bullied and
less lonely when they are in ethni­
cally diverse schools, says a new
study by UC Davis and UCLA psy­
The study offers new em pirical
ev idence for the psychological
benefits o f integrated schools, say
the researchers, A drienne N ishina
o f the UC Davis D epartm ent o f
Human and C om m unity D evelop­
ment, Jaana Juvonen o f the UCLA
D epartm ent o f P sychology and
Sandra Graham o f the UCLA D e­
partm ent o f Education.
Ina survey o f more than 70 sixth-
g rade classro o m s in 11 public
middle school s serv i ng poorer com ­
m unities in Southern California, the
researchers com pared classroom s
with low er and higher classroom
diversity am ong African A m eri­
cans, Asian and Pacific Islanders,
C aucasians and Latinos.
"O ur study focused on the ef­
fects o f ethnic diversity on Latino
and A frican-A m erican students,"
said Nishina, an assistant profes­
sor o f human developm ent at UC
"H ow ever, we expect that stu­
d en ts from o th e r eth n ic b ac k ­
grounds would experience sim ilar
Ethnically diverse schools offer psychological benefits for
students, according to a new study.
benefits. O ther research at the col­
lege level has found that students
from all ethnic backgrounds may
benefit from ethnically diverse en ­
vironm ents."
Latino and A frican-A m erican
w ere the tw o ethnic groups repre­
sented across all the classroom s in
this sample o f public middle school
youth in the Los Angeles area.
The study also has im plications
for student harassment.
"B u lly in g hap p en s in every
school, and m any students are con-
cerned about their safety," said
Juvonen, lead author o f the study.
"H ow ever, our analysis show s stu­
dents feel safer in ethnically d i­
verse classroom s and schools."
N ishina says that the study has
w ider im plications beyond the psy­
chological benefits for students.
"We know that when students
have positive social and psycho­
logical experiences at school, they
do better academ ically," she said.
Citing a recent Suprem e Court
decision on ethnic diversity on
50th Birthday Celebration
fo r the classes o f 1974
"Old School Jam"
A guest appearance by
college cam puses, the other co ­
author. G raham , underscored the
role o f ethnic diversity on college
cam puses as a way to prom ote bet­
ter learning.
"The skills needed for young
people to successfully negotiate
to d a y 's in c r e a s in g ly g lo b a l
econom y can best be developed
through exposure to very diverse
people, cu ltu res, and points o f
view," Graham said. "Diversity ben­
efits everyone: in fact, it iscritical in
contem porary Am erica and espe­
cially in states like California, where
the population ischangingdram ati­
The psychologists found in their
study that the more ethnically d i­
verse classroom s were, A frican
American and Latino students felt
safer in school, less harassed by
peers and less lonely. T hey also
had higher self-w orth.
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Are you a mother with
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Are you an African Amercian woman
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Inquiries: call Michael Donaldson @ 503-309-6556
T his research is being conducted by the Oregon C enter for Applied Science. Inc. with funding
trom the N ational Institutes o f H ealth. There arc no sales or m arketing lists involved.
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Tuition Shuts Door to Law Careers
Prices far
beyond means
of many
M other B eti y J. G reen
August 19, 2006 @6pm
fr r
w rites. T he stan d ard s also thw art
in n o v ativ e new sch o o ls, such as
the M assachusetts S chool o f Law
o f A ndover, M ass., w hich strive
“to keep co sts and tu itio n s low .”
ABA standards regulate every­
thing from how many hours' law
school professors may teach to their
pay, sabbaticals and faculty num ­
bers, building and classroom size,
entrance exam inations, and even
the num ber o f books in the library,
Hagan notes.
Pointing out how great pow er is
concentrated in the hands o f the
D eb b ie H agen
nation’sonem illion lawyers, Hagan
q u ired en o rm o u s fin an c ial re ­ reports lawyers make up 53 percent
so u rce s,” au th o r D ebbie H agan o f U.S. senators, 37 percent o f co n ­
ch arg es in her book "A g ain st T he gressm en, 46 percent o f state gov­
T id e .”
ernors, and 17 percent o f state leg­
T his d riv es up co sts and tu ­ islators. Except forafew traffic court
itio n s “d ra m a tic a lly " and e x ­ m agistrates, all judges are lawyers
clu d es “the w o rking class, m i­ and lawyers wield great influence
norities, and (individuals m aking) in C orporate America.
m idlife ca reer ch a n g es,” H agan
Last year, the report o f the A B A 's
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