Il!'|.liirtlaiii> (Observer Page B4 Celebrating 'OiCemitlf August 2. 2006 Doctors, Patients Struggle with Language Barrier Interpreters skyrocket ¿is diversity grows ( A P) —Interpreters trained in m edical term inology, especially those sp eaking Spanish, are in high dem an d as the c o u n try 's population becom es m ore and m ore diverse. T h e boom in H ispanic p o p u ­ lation has led to the Spanish dem and, but th e re ’s short sup­ ply o f speakers o f o th er lan ­ guages as well. In A lbuquerque, N .M ., N a­ vajo and V ietnam ese are in high dem and, w hile in the Pacific N orthw est, R ussian, V ietn am ­ ese, C an to n ese and C am bodian are needed. “C ertain ly in a m edical set­ ting, understan d in g is a m atter o f life and d eath ,” said Leni K irkm an, a sp o k esw o m an at U niversity H ospital in San A n ­ tonio, T exas w here interpreters in A sian languages are needed. C yraC om , a T ucson, A riz.- based language services p ro ­ vider, recently o pened an inter­ preter c e n te r in Las C ru ces, N .M ., ta p p in g th e S p a n is h ­ sp e a k in g p o p u la tio n o f th e M esilla V alley to fill the need fo r in te rp re te rs in h o sp ita ls across the country. S o m e h o sp itals are tak in g extra steps to attract bilingual em ployees. At Parkland M em orial H os­ pital in D allas, w orkers are e li­ gible fo r incentive pay if they speak an o th er language, said hospital spokesw om an L ynsey Purl. P arkland and the public health system in H ouston both offer in-house Spanish m edical Barbara Rayes assists a nurse in discharging Jaime Garcia (left) by translating between the nurse and Garcia's parents. Rayes is the coordi­ nator for Spanish Interpreters at Phoenix Children's Hospital. (AP photo) term inology classes. C ryaC om provides services in 150 different languages. If a patient goes into a hospital and officials there d o n ’t recognize the language, they can pick up a phone to access the voice-acti­ vated language id en tification function. Several services o ffe r inter­ pretation o v e r the telephone, a great help to em erg en cy Dr. A nthony V ita at the M edical C en ter o f M cK inney. He has access to S panish-speaking staff at his hospital but finds that the phone services are som etim es m ore efficient. “ S om etim es if it’s a big em er­ gency and (a patient is) w heeled in there, you d o n ’t have tim e to use that,” V ita said. “ Y ou have to pull som eone in to interpret.” For im m igrant adults w ho d o n 't speak E nglish w ell, c h il­ dren are som etim es the only o p tio n , said K evin H endzel, spokesm an for the A m erican T ranslators A ssociation. E u g en iaC h ien , 29, had to tell her grandfather in M andarin that he h a d c h ro n ic liv e r c a n c e r w hen she w as 17 years old. But children face heavy pres­ sure in those situations and som e­ tim es m isinterpret im portant in­ form ation because they a re n 't trained in m edical term inology, H endzel said. State health officials in C ali­ fornia and N ew Y ork are now considering a plan to encourage health care facilities to seek pro­ fessional interpreters and d is­ courage the use o f children. Intel Co-workers Recruit Diverse Workforce N etw ork o f A frican A m erican m ath, sc ie n c e and te c h n o lo g y . “ R eaching out into the c o m ­ E m ployees at Intel O regon. Participating students are also m unity is a key goal at Intel T h e stru c tu re d p ro g ra m w as given inform ation about Intel O reg o n ,” said C orey B ullard, a e sta b lish e d in 199 9 to help stu ­ scholarship and internship pro­ local netw ork m em ber. “ U rban d e n ts u n d e rsta n d th e ir c a re e r gram s. U pload is a rew arding w ay to do an d e d u c a tio n a l o p tio n s and In the p ro g ra m 's first year, th a t.” C o lle g e s tu d e n ts T a m a m e m p o w e r th em to c h o o se and 10 students from Jefferso n High M ost re c e n tly , U rban U p ­ W a ritu , C e d ia J a b b e , M att p u r s u e th e ir f u tu r e c a r e e r School participated. D uring the lo ad has fo c u se d on th e a s ­ M c C a u le y and T r in id a d p a th . S o m e o f the p ro g ra m 's 2005-06 school year, three high p e c ts o f e n tre p re n e u rs h ip as A lvarez-A g u irre are the latest fe a tu r e s a re s k ills tra in in g schools, B enson, Jefferson and stu d e n ts fo llo w the p ro c e ss o f beneficiaries o f the U rban U p ­ w o rk sh o p s, jo b sh adow s, guest De La Salle, w ith a total o f 21 c re a tin g th e ir ow n b u sin e ss. load p ro g ram created by the s p e a k e rs , an d e m p h a s is on students, participated. T e a m s d e v e lo p e d p ro to ty p e s o f new te c h n o lo g y p ro d u c ts and learned about supply chai n, p u rc h a s in g , m a rk e tin g , and A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! s a le s. T he N etw ork o f Intel A fri­ We currently offer: can A m ericans w as created in Microdermabrasion • Peels 1993 to increase co m m u n ica­ Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing tion betw een independent site Beauty Consultations • Cosmetics o rganizations and chartered as Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows an Intel C o rp o rate E m ployee Personal Care Products S u p p o rt g ro u p in D ec e m b e r Take yourself to the next level in beauty 1995. Call today! T here are approxim ately 40 to 60 participating m em bers rep­ 833 SE M ain S treet, S uite 108. P ortland, O R 97214 resenting a cross-section o f jo b s m ajor Intel sites in the U nited DIANE’S GEMS States. By focusing on recruit­ ‘Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!’ m ent, reten tio n , and cultural aw areness, NIA supports Intel’s Adopt students into ‘Urban Upload’ RSL Luxury Skin Care Diane Livingston, A.H’ Cedia Jabbe is one o f Intel's Urban Upload beneficia­ ries. com m itm ent to diversity and e x c e lle n c e w ith in th e w orkforce. R ecognizing that a diverse w orkforce generates new ideas, provides creative tensions, and leads to m ore m arketable c o n ­ cepts and products, the g ro u p ’s efforts are designed to assist Intel in achieving and m aintain­ ing this goal. T he netw ork is also a p rofes­ sional resource to assist e m ­ ployees in their adjustm ent to the com m unity surrounding Intel, and as a volunteer resource for c o m m u n ity -b a s e d p ro g ra m s which prom ote individual devel­ opm ent. 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