August 2. 2006 il!l JJnrtlanò (©bseruer C elebrating ' CVv’c /'5 Ì Ì l/ Focus KMHD's B lues for the M ove and D ixieland M ixer Second Wife Divorces Prince Unpublicized union ends after five years publicly about his marriage to Testolini, 29. They tied the knot in 2(X)I inaceremony in Hawaii, with Testolini taking the Purple Rain' singer’s little know last name. It is Prince’s second marriage. He was previously married to backup singer and dancer Mayte Garcia. The pair wed on Valentine's Day in 1996 and had a son w ho was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a rare skull disease. He tragically died shortly after being bom. Prince and G arcia’s union was eventually annulled in 1998. ManuelaTestolini Nelson, soon to be the woman formerly known as Mrs. Prince, has filed for divorce from the pop superstar. Prince’s attorney confirmed. Patrick Cous­ ins, his general counsel, said that the case was pending. The case was filed May 24, and a court administrator told the AP the case was sealed on July 11. Prince, full name Prince Rogers Nelson, and Testolini. a former employee at the star's Paisley Park charitable foundation, were mar­ ried for five years. Prince, 48, has rarely spoken Noon—4pm Trad Jazz Brunch with Dr. Jazz fil The Interns and The Jim Beatty Band 5pm—2am The Jimmy Bowskill Band w/Special Guests TBA When: Friday, August 2 5 , '0 6 Where: Beale Street N W 1 0 72 1 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR Cost: $ 2 2 .5 0 < Prince with his soon-to-be ex-wife M anuela Testolini N elson a t the A cadem y Awards in February 2 0 0 5 . To Purchase Tickets Call 503.491.7271 Aussie Bluegrass Artist Attracts Wide Audience Award-winning blues singer/ guitarist Fiona Boyes will perform two shows in Portland on Tuesday, Aug. 8 at Alberta Street Pub, 1036 N.E. Alberta St. and Wednesday, Aug 9 at Music Millennium, 801 N.W. 23rd Ave. B oyes w on the B lues Foundation’s 2003 International Blues challenge, becoming the first Australian and the first woman to win the acoustic division of this prestigious event. She has toured the U.S., per­ forming at the Blues Hall o f Fame Induction Ceremony, the Chicago Blues Festival, and P ortland’s Waterfront Blues Festival. Boyes has also toured her native Austra­ lia with some of Blues’ most leg­ endary artists, including Alvin Youngblood Hart, and How lin’ P a g e B3 O Wolf guitarist Hubert Sumlin. Sumlin said of Fiona, "She’s got it, Tm tellin’ you... you know what I’m talkin' about. I’ve played with them all, and she’s got it.’’ Boyes' new album. Lucky 13, comes out Aug. 8, featuring electric blues, swing, rockabilly, and every style of blues in between, with spe­ cial guests including Marcia Ball and "Steady Rollin’" Bob Margolin. The Alberta Street Pub perfor­ mance begins at 8 p.m., and the Music Millennium performance begins at 6 p.m. Oregon Shakespeare Festival« O r g a n iz e d bus tours Aug. 31-S e p t. 2 Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottoge The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde ($345/person double occupancy) S e p t.2 -3 The Merry Wives of Windsor < by William Shakespeare The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare Fiona B oyes brings Portland a b lu e s style from down under. ($275/person double occupancy) Sept. 2 9 - Oct. 1 Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand Soul Singer to open B.B. King celebration Portland’s leading soul chan- teuse Liv W arfield will perform at legendary electric guitarist B.B. K ing’s 80th Birthday Celebration C o n c e rt, M o n d ay , A ug. 7 at M cM enam ins Historic Edgefield M anor in Troutdale. King, a 14-time Grammy winner and reigning king o f the blues, hails as one o f the most influential electric guitarist o f the 20th cen­ tury. As a goodwill am bassador and innovative bluesm an. King co n tin u e s to to u r e x te n siv e ly worldwide. W arfield’s captivating rock and soul performances capture the emo­ tional standard and artistic integrity o f influences Etta Jam es, Patti LaBelle and TinaTumer. Her debut album “Embrace Me," is scheduled fora Sept. 9,2006 release date. Visit The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde for more in­ form ation. and stay tuned for W arfield’s new website, launching this month. T ickets can be purchased at Ticketmaster outlets and at the Crys­ tal Ballroom box office. Reserved seats run $65 .(X) and general admis­ sion tickets are a vailable for $37.50. Gates open at 5 p.m. and the show begins at 6:30 p.m. Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage ($345/person double occupancy) The Tragical History o f Doctor Fauctui (ZOOS) Fnsemble Relax and Enjoy! Intim ate Apparel (2006) Gwendolyn M ulamba, TtMjny Adams Photos David Cooper and T Charles Fnckton Round trip coach trip; dinner w ith OSF actors; indoor and outdoor performances; lodging in downtown hotels; shopping and much more! BOOK NOW! (541) 482-2111 , ext. 240 Liv Warfield ‘Men of Honor’ Diver Dies at 75 Navel hero immortalized in Hollywood film (A P )-C a rl M. Brashear, a na­ val hero who was immortalized in a Hollywood film, died July 25 at age 75. Brashear was the first black U.S. Navy diver, portrayed by Cuba G ooding Jr. in the 2000 film “Men of Honor.” Brashear, a native o f Sonora, Ky., died at the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth of respiratory and heart failure, the medical cen­ ter said. Brashear retired from the Navy in 1979 after more than 30 years of service. He was the first Navy diver to be restored to full active duty as an am putee, the result of a leg injury he sustained during a salvage operation. In 1966, Brashear was tasked with recovering a hydrogen bomb that dropped into waters off Spain when tw o U.S. Air Force planes collided. During the mission, Brashear was struck below his left knee by a pipe that the crew was using to hoist the bomb out o f the water. Brashear was airlifted to a naval hospital where the bottom o f his left leg was am putated to avoid gangrene. It later was replaced with a prosthetic leg. The Navy was ready to retire Brashear from active duty, but he soon began a grueling training program that included diving. Carl M. Brashear running and calisthenics. “Sometimes I would come back from a run, and my artificial leg would have a puddle of blood from my stump. I w ouldn't go to sick bay because they would have taken me out o f the program ," Brashear said in 2002 when he was inducted into the G allery of Great Black Kentuckians. “ In­ stead. I'd go hide somewhere and soak my leg in a bucket o f hot water with salt in it — th a t's an old remedy I learned growing up." After completing 6tX)-fix>t to I .(XX)-foot-deep dives while being evaluated for five weeks at the Ex­ perimental Diving Unit in W ash­ ington, D.C., Brashear became a master diver in 1970. Brashear faced an up­ hill battle when he joined the Navy in 1948 at the age o f 17, not long after the U.S. military desegre­ gated. "I went to the Army office, and they w eren't too friendly," B rashear said in 2002. "B ut the Navy recruiter was a lot nicer. Looking back, I was placed in my calling." Brashear quickly d e­ cided after boot cam p that he wanted to becom e a deep-sea diver. “G row ing up on a farm in K entucky, I alw ays dream ed o f doing som e­ thing c h a lle n g in g ,” he said. “ W hen I saw the divers for the first time, I knew it was just wha, I w anted." In 1954. he was accepted and graduated from the diving pro­ gram, despite daily battles with discrim ination. “ Hate notes were left on my bunk," he said. “They didn’t want me to make it through the pro­ gram." He went on to train for ad ­ vanced diving program s before his 1966 incident. Brashear m arried childhood friend Junetta W ilcox in I952and had four children - Shazanta. DaW ayne, Phillip and Patrick - before their divorce in 1978. He later married Hattie R. Elam and Jeanette A. Brundage. Uewatthe2oo Cougar Crossing M a p , supp.xt for t.ouqar Crossing provided by the W eyerhM user Compuny foundation AUGUST 25 sponsored by D airy Farm ers OF OREGON U TILLAM OOK CHEESE DAY! MQQ M e e t T illie ! AT THE Z ( ® ® ) AUGUST 19 • 10-4 1 • Learn all about cows at the zoo’s Trillium Creek Family Farm • Get your milk mustache picture taken • Meet the Oregon Dairy Princess! i---------------------------------- - X W IN ® WONDERS 2 0 0 ADMISSION IS FOR MEMBERS! PPCC SHOWS DAILY 11 A.M . 12:30 P.M. • 2 PM. THROUGH LABOR DAY 10 A M. - 4 PM. pr^nM tyAwM W w 5 “m T V & u tttff& M a n badc.! Join today «1 OREGON w w w oregon zoo org ZOO <-OMF BY tWMf *>0 CENTS O* F •>0.3