ilH |Jnrtlanb ffîbscrüer Page B2 Live Music Every Night Kick o ff your week with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3341 SE B elm ont) • P articipate in a m ixed-m edia open m ic night each M onday at the Back to Back Café (614 East Burnside) • The Thorn City Im prov, featuring m em bers o f O ldom inion, Q uivah.T he C hosen and The Black Notes, perform a, C o n an ’s (3862 S.E. H aw thorne) every T uesday a, 10 p.m . • C elebrate H um p Day at The R ed Sea ( 3 8 1 S. W. 3 rd A re) a fter work on W ednesdays, fro m 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch tow ard the weekend at the Candlelight Room (2032 SW 5th Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday • Celebrate Friday with M el Brown, who pla ys ja z z at S a lty 's on the Colum bia every Friday a n d Saturday, a n d Jim m y M ak 's on Tuesdays a n d Thursdays • Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W . Jefferson). PORTLAND PARKS & REG Healthy Parks. Healthy P o rtlan d Washington Parie Summer Festival 3 Linda Hornbuckle - blues/gospel 4 Broadway to Hollywood - musical theatre 5 Antonio Centurion Trio & Grupo Condor - 6 Portland Festival Symphony with Julianne R. Johnson, vocalist 7 ZD Craicmore - Celtic 8 Family Jubilee - traditional American roots 9 Portland Taiko - pan Asian drums 10 Under The Mango Tree: African stories, songs & dance with Obo Addy. Okropong & guests 11 o Reggie Houston & The Crescent City Connection - New Orleans jazz ZD 12 Celebrating Vietnamese Culture 13 Portland Festival Symphony with 3 Leg Torso 14 Mazeltov Orchestra with Israeli dancing 15 Jazz is Alive: Portland meets San Francisco 16 Portland SummerFest presents Opera in the Park - Barber o f Seville < 17 Melao de Carla: Cuban dance party 18 Rain date Hotzone brings an exciting night o f martial arts to the Rose G arden Saturday, Aug. 5 at 7:30 p.m. featuring O lym pic Silver M edalist Matt Lindland with five-ti me champion Randy Couture. Tickets are $28 to $ 168 plus service fees. For tickets or more inform ation, visit www a K iftu in n in orcall 1-877-789- ROSE(7673). G reen Grant, Adams and W ashington will host the Old School Jam, Saturday, Aug. 12 at the Sheraton Airport. T he Kirk G reen Band will provide en tertain m en t, w ith special g u ests the B eyons. T ic k ets are $25 in ad v an ce, or at the d o o r for $ 3 5 /in d iv id u als and $ 60/ couples, available at G en e v a's. R eflections, M e 'R a e 's , the P o rtland O b serv er or any co m m ittee m em ber. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call M ichael D onaldson at 5 0 3 -3 0 9 -6 5 5 6 or em ail JeffC lass74® 1 m . F r e ig h t i i n e r . U.C ‘T xlgeC olor Eight” at IECC Gallery -Theexhibit "Paperw ork: edge color light”, featuring three presenters w ho explore the nature and limits o f paper and it’s partnership with the artist, exhibits through Aug. 18 at the Interstate Firehouse C u l­ tural Center, 5340 N. Interstate. G allery hours are Tuesday through Friday 11 a.m . to 6 p.m. and Saturdays noon to 4 p.m. For more inform ation, call 503-823-4322. C om edy ‘P riv a te E yes - The lines between truth and love get crossed in the dark com edy 'Private E yes,’ playing through Aug. 12 at Theatre T h e­ ater, 3430 S.E. Belm ont St. T he story follow s M atthew and Lisa, a husband and wife rehearsing fo ra play in which they play an actress and director having an affair. Tickets are $10. For res­ ervations, call 503-232-5375. B rin g in g A n cien t G reece to Life — State-of-the-art technol­ ogy transports audiences back to the dawn o f dem ocracy and the birthplace o f W estern Civi­ lization in the new IMAX ad ­ venture “Greece: Secrets o f the P ast” . P o rtlan d 's O m nim ax T heater is located at the O r­ egon M useum o f Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. W ater Ave. Private E yes For tickets and show ti mes cal I 5 0 3 -7 9 7 -4 6 4 0 o r visit w w w .o m si.ed u /v isit/ omnimax. C all to A rtists — Local artists are encouraged to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Portland Open Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists are chosen from the m etro area to open their studios and becom e part o f an exciting regional art event. Visit for more information. R a re E bony S cu lp tu re s - Master carvers from the T anzania tribe M akonde have been carving ebony for centuries, and now the public can see some o f Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream & Talki's Souvlaki Thank you to our Good Neighbor Sponsors Arlington Heights Neighborhood Association. KINK fm 102. TriMet Avoid parking hassles Ride TriMet «63 or Max Blue Line to the zoo and Rose Garden shuttle. Details at www.PortlandParks org or 503-823-PLAY T r ip p in ' th ro u g h T ow n - Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip- hop and soul influencing Port­ land on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $ 7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Belly D ance C lasses - C ara­ van Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance an d m o re . V is it w w w - Jam Night, Port I and' s ever-popular com ­ edy and variety show is at C hristian Perform ing Arts Center, 8131 N. D enver Ave. Show s continue every Friday night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondem aj C atering next door to the show at6 :3 0 an d 7 :3 0 p .m . T im e to Jam H ip -h o p D an ce C lasses — V ancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­ tion, agility, co m b in atio n s and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform a­ tion, cal 1360-696-8236. Free Concerts at Washington Park C raicm ore, a C eltic m u sic a l group, ta k e s th e W a sh in g to n Park S u m m e r F estival s ta g e on M onday, Aug. 7. 20 E n t e r ia in m P resents The Latin A m erica n folk g ro u p G rupo C ondor p e rfo rm s Aug. 5 a t th e fre e W a sh in g to n Park S u m m e r Festival. SPOTLIGHT EVERYBODY WANTS I O BE A “STARA I YRICS the m ost valuable wood on the globe at the World Forestry Center. General adm ission is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for children, and m em bers are free. Beginning Thursday, Aug. 3 and for 15 consecutive nights, the W ashington Park Amphitheatre will host Portland Parks & R ecreation's 2006 Washington Park Summer Fes­ tival. The lineup offers a fabulous destination to thousands of fami- Picnic« welcome & food available for purchase from B o o k by K wik J ones August 2, 2006 15 consecutive nights planned Made Possible By S tudio S p o r tfig h t X V II; H o tzo n e — S portfight ating classes o f l974aretum ing50 this year, and to celebrate the mile­ stone, classm ates from Je ffe rso n , Latin American folk CO E sth er S h o rt R ecy cled A rts F estiv a l - Find (he fun in turning trash to treasure at the Clark County Recycled Arts Festival, Saturday, Aug. 5th from lOa.nt. lo b p.m. and Sunday. Aug. 6th from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. at Esther Short Park. -MX) W. 6th St. in Vancouver. O ver 40 artists will exhibit and sell w orks made from reclaim ed and recycled materials. Activities will be hosted by SC R A P and the Com m unity C y­ cling Center, with onstage perform ances by Taarka, Fools In Paradise, M udeye Puppet Com pany, Rose City Bluegrass, Sw ingin Amiss, D ylan-Thom as Vance. W hite Rhino, Trashcan Joe, and Eartha The Ecological Clown. O ld S ch ool Jam for 7 0 ’s G en e r a ­ tion -T h e gradu­ Amphitheatre Stage H ( J c lc b r 'iltlH i] ‘ C \ \ C r ^ l t l j BY M u s ic lies in the Portland area. For the second consecutive year, the concert series is being made possible by Freightliner, the Swan Island-based truck manu­ facturer. The lineup spans the musical arts spectrum - from jazz to bluegrass, from opera to Cuban dance. “We are thrilled to have such a tal­ ented and entertain­ ing lineup,” said K ristan A spen, sum m er concerts c o o rd in a to r for Portland Parks & by > ¿I S pank H opkins R ic k D ance K w ik J onfs B $ Hottie Cat Productions out ot At In cooperation with Rose City Mix Productions) f : L 1 J Food Fun & t Friend's J ■r * * , l n \ ltC3'\[C>H - * . (0 Recreation. “The Washington Park concerts are a beloved S a tu rd a y, tradition in Portland, and we are especially excited about this year." Opening night fea­ tures blues and gospel sin g e r L inda Hornbuckle. A musical theater performance of “Broadway to Holly­ wood” is on Friday, Aug. 4; Latin Ameri­ Ju lia n n e J o h n s o n can folk musicians An­ tonio Centurion Trip & Grupo Condo perform on Saturday, Aug. 5; the Portland Festival Symphony with pop and gospel singer Julianne Johnson play Sunday, Aug. 6; Celtic musical group Craie more perform Mon- ( i c i 'r g i a f . - - ” * , Ounce.the niiiht uw’iiy \CltIII'rort[fini 5 boitent IdHCC ttlHtHCl/IHti ■ 'The'Kirk,Creeu 'bun^ K wik J onls M usical [lime lO/nn-ftiM In tliedballreem A u c . ust 11 - 25, 2006 I nterstate F irehouse C ultural C enter day, Aug. 8. Concerts begin each evening at 6 p.m. A complete schedule of performers is available at TriMet will add bus service for festival concertgoers, mak­ ing easy connections with a spe­ cial event bus, running between the Washington Park MAX sta­ tion and Amphitheatre before and after the concerts. For trip­ p lan n in g a ssista n c e , visit tri or call 503-238-RIDE. To Place Your Classified Advertisement 5340 N. I niirsiatf A vfnue . P ortiand , O R rOR TICKET INTOR/WATION CONTACT (503) 4/3 6649 Contact: K athy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-m ail: classifieds@ $ 15.00 PfR PIRSON KirkiGreen M t di a J lic J ie liid if I m ix 9 « 1441 N : S ponsor C l| p •J J u rtk ittb ( O b s e r v e r Second Ave^ Portland. ÒR SaturdayMugust 5/200^ I A? A d v e r t is e w i t h d iv e r s i t y d P o r tia n i» in (O h -