August 2, 2006 Page AIO African American Chamber of Commerce Top 80 A a ro n J o h n s o n A d rie n n e L ivin g sto n A d rie n n e N e lso n B a ru ti A rth a re e B e rn ie F o s te r B o b b ie D o re ' F o s te r Policy Advisor Office of Commissioner Randy Leonard - City of Portland Interim Director ■ Black United Fund of Oregon Circuit Court Judge Providence Health Systems Publisher • The Skanner News Group The Skanner Newspaper Group Portland-Seattle B ru c e W a ffs Trlmet Senior Director C a rl T aiton Chairman Portland Family of Funds D e e n a P ie ro tt C h a rle s A. W ilho ite C h a rle s Jordan C h a rle s M cG ee C h a rles W a sh in g ton C o ri S te w a rt C o rlis s M c K e e v e r Partner and Director Willamette Management Associates Former Portland City Commissioner Charles A. McGee Coordinator. Black Parent Initiative Publisher - Portland Observer Newspaper Owner of Avalon Flowers President - African American Health Coalition President - Portland State University D e rric k Foxw orth Portland Chapter President National Forum Black Public Administrators Dr. C a lvin 0 . H enry Dr. W.G. H ardy D r.A lg ie G a te w o o d E a rl Ford Eleza F. F a iso n Faye B u rch Comm. Uason for Dlv. Initiatives Center for Academic Excellence - Academic Affairs Portland Police Commander Southeast Precinct Oregon Assembly for Black Affairs Highland United Church President of Portland Community College Cascade Campus NAACP President Vancouver Washington Owner of A.J. Java F.M. Burch and Associates F rank T ho m p so n Garfield de Bardelaben. Ph.D. G e ra ld B a ugh G reg B row n Correctional Superintendent Santlam and Mill Creek Correctional Facilities Founding Principal of Interpersonal Relations International. LLC Manager of Business Development City of Vancouver WA Albina Community Bank Ed W a sh in g ton V G reg W olley H a n k M ig g in s H a ro ld J o h n s o n H a ro ld W illia m s Small Business Marketing Coordinator - City of Portland Bureau of Purchases Discover Mortgage - Citizens Crime Review Committee Business Development Manager Office Depot Business Services Division Chairman of the Board Portland Community College Is s a c E. Dixon. SPHR J a c k ie S tro n g J a m a a l F o lso m J a m e s Taylor J e w e ll Logan J o a n B ro w n -K lin e Joe N unn J o e l B a rk e r Unltus Community Credit Union. VP Human Resources LifeW orks NW . C oun selor Assistant to Commissioner Erik Sten - City of Portland Vice President Commercial Real Estate. Bank of Clark County Broker - Pete Anderson Realty Executive Director - Girl Scouts Greater Portland-Vancouver Area Retired Educator / Chair Educational Committee AACCO Controller Hilton Hotels Jo yce H arris K a l J. R o b e rtso n K a ra n ja Crews K a th le e n S a d a t Kay Toran K e ith E dw ards L o le n zo Poe L o re tta S m ith Director of the Equity Center at Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Director of EMT Program Portland Community College President of Speak Ufe Education and Consulting Cascade Aids Pro|ect Community Activist & Mentor President and CEO of Volunteers of America Oregon International Rep for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Multnomah County Field Representative - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden M e lv in D. O den-O rr M e lv in 0 . B ro a d o u s M ic h e lle H a rp e r N a th a n H a m ilto n O bo A d d y Broker - Remax Equity Group Realtors City Wide Collaborative Services Manager Portland Parks & Recreation African American Chamber Leaders of the Future Marketing Executive - Coca Cola Co-founder/Artlstlc Director of Homowo African Arts & Cultures L e w F re d e rick M a rio D e P rie st Dr. D a rre ll M illn e r Writer Host of Web and Satellite Science Series: “Rediscovering Biology" Entertainer Vocalist Professor of Black Studies PSU O p h e lia M oo re Americans United for the Success of Af. Americans Inc. Wash. County Com. Chaplain f Co-owner with wife Geneva of Genevas Shear Perfection Barber and Beauty Salon Roy Jay R u d y W illia m s President African American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon Deputy Director - Oregon Uquor Control Commission Principal attorney Oden-Orr, LLC. R ita M cC a in -W a lke r R o a n n e H a rris R o b e rt B o ye r R o b e rt W illia m s R o g e r G roves R o sa C o lq u itt Homeownershlp Coord. Portland Dev. Commission Neighborhood Housing Program Senior Credit Analysis - Boeing Federal Employees Credit Union Community Activist,Union Rep. Former State Senator Member ol the Metropolitan Tri County Transportation Board (Tri Met) Professor Lewis & Clark Law School President and CEO Aklll Training Associates S.H . W a tkin s. Sr. S a m B ro o k s S e n a to r A ve l G ordly S e n a to r M a rg a re t C a rte r S h e ry l A. D a sh Owner • Watkins PC Services Publisher JazzUSA.Com and BlackUSA.Com President - S. Brooks a Associates State of Oregon State of Oregon Human Resource Analyst DHS Recruitment 4 Retention S. R en e e M itc h e ll Oregonian Columnist ■ Poet - Author Battered Women’s Activist t * Tony H o p so n T yrone H enry Vera P oole V e m e ll W e st V icki B e ll V icki N a k a s h im a Yugen F ardan R a s h a d P re s to n P u llia m s President and CEO of Self Enhancement. Inc. Portland Development Commission Multnomah County Sheriffs Department President VWest Consulting Broker. Vicki Bell Real Estate Services Founder of Diversity N.W. Program Coordinator African American Tobacco Prevention Education Network. LifeWorks NW District President Portland Community College <