luly 26. 2006 il’c JJortlanò (Dhseroer Page B3 Focus f fcCHNIC AL ASSISTANCE FOB C O M M U N IT Y SERVICES ‘Miami Vice’ Ascends to New Heights Jamie Foxx stars in feature film Miami's Casablanca allure, the undercover cops and the appeal of the form er television series have been enhanced with "Miami Vice," a large-scale feature film, starring Academy Award winner Jam ie Foxx as Ricardo Tubbs and Colin Farrell as Sonny Crockett. Universal Pictures will release the picture nationw ide on Friday, July 28th. Miami Vice liberates w hat isadult, dangerous and seductive about working deep undercover, espe­ cially when Crockett and Tubbs go on their ow n with no backup. They find themselves with a case that pushes them to the edge where identity and fabrication become blurred, where cop and player be­ come one. Foxx’s Ricardo Tubbs is suave sound, charism atic and flirta­ tious. However, he finds him self in dangerous territory when he gets rom antically entangled with Isabella, the beautiful Chinese- Cuban business partner o f the arms and drugs trafficker he is investigating. Isabella is played by the Chinese actress Gong Li, best known for her starring role in "M em oirs of a G eisha.” Hip Hop Lit 101 Rap weaves into sci-fi Hailing from the Bronx. New York, hip-hop cultures rap artist Nocturne breaks new ground with his first graphic science fantasy book, "Darkness Bleeds A Million Suns”. Nocturne’s book follows several success­ ful books recently released by well-known hip-hop and rap art­ ists. Nocturne uses musically rich prose and poetry in a nonlinear journey through the 21st and 22nd centuries, accompanied by gripping photos and drawings inspired by hip-hop, video games, film. Eastern philosophy, mystical architecture and con­ temporary street life. He joins literary hip-hop and rap artists Chuck D of Public Enemy, rap artist-activist Sister Souljah and the founder of the hip-hop click the W uTangClan group, “The RZA,” in turning to the medi urn of writing to express their creative vision. Ronn Davis, who produces hip-hop rap groups No False Lyricists (NFL). God Aku and G o ld e n C h ild , sa y s, "N octurne’s book is ’dope.’ It’s like one continuous rap w ith m any science fiction movies in it. W ow!” Organized in “tapestries" in­ stead of in chapters, “Darkness Bleeds A Million Suns” pre­ sents syncopated concepts in prose, poetry, photographs and illustrations to convey operatic perspectives on the human con­ dition. Nocturne says, "Every time I write a rhyme I push it to de-limit, cerebral motivator my soul doesn’t limit." He draws a comparison between today' s rap art and bebop jazz in the late 1950s. "B ack th en , John Coltrane. Charles Mingus and Sun Rabroke musical limits with new musical vocabularies and took ‘Giant Steps' (Coltrane) that expanded the entire jazz arena." By day, Nocturne works in Manhattan as a financial editor. "Darkness Bleeds A Million S u n s” is a v a ila b le at 1 3. 1001 SE Water St Suite 490 Portland, OR 97214-2132 I 503 239 4001 f 503 23b 8313 www tacs org PO R TLAN D ^^shufl/ SYMPHONY 1.4)05 Balogh Founder Muaic Director FREE C LA SSIC A L S U M M E R C O N C E R T S Wednesday, August 2, 6:00pm Peninsula Park Kevin Allen, Soloist Colin Farrell (left) and Jamie Foxx go deep undercover in the feature film Miami Vice' opening nationwide Friday, July 28. and dead smart. He lives with a gorgeous Bronx-born intel-analyst Trudy, played by British actress Naomie Harris, currently starring in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead M an's Chest.” Farrell’s Sonny Crockett seems to the untrained eye to be unor­ thodox. But procedurally he is R.SL Dar BI M illi 1ère Mathern Special Projects & Development tmttiacs org Ext. 103 Ambassador of the Bay On the heels of his recent suc­ cess with his latest album "My G hetto Report Card," Bay Area hip-hop mogul E-40 will be per­ fo rm in g liv e at P o r tla n d ’s Roseland Theater on Friday, July 28 at 8 p.m. Also on the bill are Portland's own Super Producer Bosko, M a­ niac Lok, Pricy, C hef Boy R Bangerz, Six & Mikey Vegaz, Majr D, and Tacom a's Mr. D.O.G. E-40, “The Ambassador of the Bay," has recorded 12 albums over the past 15 years, three of them gold and one of them platinum. With his latest album, he once again re-in­ vents himself by introducing the nation to a movement that has been bubbling in his native Bay Area for the past few years - Hyphy. Like Crunk in Atlanta or Screw music in Houston, Hyphy music brings a Luxury skin cure We cu rren tly offer: Microdermabrasion • Peels Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing Beauty Consultations • Cosmetics Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows Personal Care Products Take y o u rs e lf to the n ext leve l in beauty Call today! 971-227-9044 833 SE Main Street, Suite 108, Portland, OR 97214 Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiroprac tic Physician Bay Area hip-hop legend E-40 will be performing live at the Roseland Theater on Friday, July 28. sonic component of the energy of Admission is $25 in advance and Bay Area youth and dancers who $30 at the door. Tickets are avail­ compete with each other for domi­ able at all Ticketswest locations or nance of the crowd. at 50th Birthdays Invitation appreciate this stage of our life, organizers said, “We are 50 years old and with this decade comes more community ex­ pectations, wisdom, tra n s fo rm a tio n , The graduating Classes growth, as well as of 1974aretuming50years ends and begin­ old this year. To cel­ nings. And we're ebrate this milestone ready for the chal­ c la ssm a te s from lenge!" Je ffe rso n , G rant, T he “ hom e- Adams and Wash­ coming" is an in­ ington have planned vitation to class­ a tri-fold event to in­ mates near and far. clude a celebration, fa m ilie s and homecoming "Old School Jam" and friends of theClasses of the ‘70’sto recognition on Saturday, Aug. 12. take a trip down memory lane, to Entertainment will be provided revisit the many places and events by the Kirk Green Band with a spe­ that molded and shaped who they cial appearance by the Beyons. are today. The “celebration” is an event to The event will also publicly ac­ ‘Old School Jam’ for 70s Generation knowledge the folks who cared about this generation and made a significant difference to the youth of Portland, Oregon. "The messages that we want to share with all of the classes is that you can always come back home to the place where you started... we’ II be can always come home! And that w e're ready to ac­ cept the challenges that 50s will bring.” The event will be held at the Sheraton Airport. Tickets are $25 in advance. $35 or $60 a couple at the door. Tickets can be purchased at Geneva's, Reflections, Me’Raes, and the Portland Observer or from any committee member. For more inform ation, call Michael Donaldson at 503-309-6556 50th Birthday Celebration We are lo ca ted at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Bfvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 ' ll~ L.ÌCÌCH4S SMOKEHOUSE ¿rill S p ecia lizin g ill S ltic h c ì ¿ M e a ts ( ’ S c a /c c i Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lunch starting at $5.95 Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey Sandwiches & More 'D inner S ta rtin g at $9.95 Daily Special also available. Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $10.95 Open 11:30 -1 1 :0 0 PM M onday thru Saturday 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 United We Funk All-Stars fo r the classes o f 1974 "Old School Jam" featuring The KIRK GREEN Band & guest appearance by The BEYONS Sheraton A irp o rt Inn 9:00 pm until 2:00 am August 12, 2006 Inquiries: call Michael Donaldson @ 503-309-6556 Barkays, Confunkshun & I)azz Band When: Saturday. July 29th 2(X)6 Where: New mark Theatre 1111 SW Broadway Portland. Oregon 97205 Cost: $45.00 25 & O lder A ffair * Dress to Im press I fours ( )|M-n at K:00pm P urchase T ickets @: tic k e t M aster, T errell B ra n d o n B a rb ersh o p 13 30 N F A lberta and 1‘e rfo n n in y Arts ( e n ter 11 11 SW B roadw ay