Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 26, 2006, Page 6, Image 6

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    íl?e ortlanh COhserucr
Page A6
luly 26. 2006
Shining a Light on HIV
con tin u ed
fro m Front
Not a safe community
A nother factor for the disparity o f A f­
rican A m ericans being at risk of HI V is the
often cited refusal o f many people to d is­
close their sexual orientation . CD C reports
show a significant num ber o f African
A merican men who have sex with men
identify them selves as heterosexual in­
stead o f gay or bisexual.
"They d on’t identify with gay culture,
w hich they see as w hite and effem inate,"
said Phil W ilson, executive director o f the
Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles, in an
article for the San Francisco Chronicle.
"A nd when they do venture into gay
com m unities like San Francisco’s, which
are predom inantly white, they feel unw el­
com e, according to several studies o f gay
men o f color,” he said.
The CD C is exam ining hom ophobia in
the black com m unity and the phenom ­
enon o f being on the "down low," m ean­
ing men having unmentioned sex with
men, then spreading the disease to black
The Center says most black w om en are
infected through heterosexual contact, but
many d on’t know how their partners were
The down low phenomenon
is com plex, M och said, be­
cause it could erro n eo u sly
place blam e on gay black men
for spreading the disease.
“ I think the down low dis­
cussion is one the black com ­
munity needs to have," he said.
“W e get bits o f sensational­
ism, but we haven’t had hard­
core d iscu ssio n s o f u nder­
standing these factors.”
S e p a ra tin g ste re o ty p e s ,
both racial and sexual, from
H IV/AIDS is what Brother to
Brother is about. Moch says
the o rg an iz atio n cre ate s a
space for the black com m unity
to be with itself.
Daryl! M och is e x e c u tiv e director
o f B ro th er to B rother, an organi
za tio n fighting HIV a n d AID S in
th e African A m erica n c o m m u n ity.
Responding in Portland
P o rtlan d ’s statistics a re n ’t
nearly as alarm in g as larger
cities like C h icag o and San
F ra n c isc o , w h ere A fric an
A m erican s are ex p erien cin g ep id em ics
that could d ev astate the com m unity.
M och said even though there are sig ­
n ific an t gaps in serv ices for people o f
co lo r in Portland, o u r sm all size co u ld be
co n d u civ e to d issem in atin g p rev e n ­
tion inform ation.
"The numbers are small right now ," he
said. "W ith a concerted effort we could
begin to elim inate the problem .”
But reaching out to Portlanders with
H IV/AIDS who fall through the cracks is
som etim es a challenge.
“ It’s an arduous task, given our re-
New support by the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation will ac­
celerate the pace of HIV vaccine
development at Portland’s Vac­
cine and Gene Therapy Institute
and the Oregon National Primate
Research Center at Oregon Health
& Science University.
The foundation announced 16
grants last week totaling $287 mil­
lion to fund an international team of
scientists studying HIV.
Eleven of the grants will pay for
highly collaborative vaccine re­
search, including research in Port­
land. The other five grants will
fund five central facilities to evalu­
ate the immune responses of the
vaccines developed through the
research group.
While the exact total is not
known, new' funding for the Port­
land projects will likely exceed $ 10
sources and funds,” Moch said.
Leaders in the fight against HIV are
asking for a com m itm ent from every part of
the com m unity, including parentsand faith
Brother to Brother has already formed
partnerships with M ultnom ahC ounty.and
was the first black, gay organization to be
aw arded a contract with the county, which
they received in March. The group has
partnerships with the Cascade Aids Pro ject
and Partnership Project, Parents, Fam ilies
& Friends o f Lesbians & G ays ( PFLA G),
the A frican A m erican A lliance, and many
T hey also w ork with the faith co m m u ­
“T he black church has a trem endous
responsibility because o f their clout in
com m unity,” M och said. “As it becomes
m ore apparent that we have to do som e­
thing, more m inisters are im pacted."
He praised Rev. Renee W ard and Rev.
John Garlington III, two local church lead­
ers, for bringing the issue to the doors o f
the church.
Weekend Prostate Screenings Free at Mobile Testing Center
A lm o st ev e ry w ee k , a P o rtla n d m an
w ill d ie fro m p ro sta te c a n c e r in a
sta te w ith th e se co n d lo w est p ro sta te
c a n c e r sc re e n in g rate in th e c o u n try .
O n ly 4 2 p e rc e n t o f O re g o n ia n s o v e r
5 0 g et te ste d fo r th e d ise ase .
B ut th e re is h o p e th ro u g h e a rly
d e te c tio n an d e d u c a tio n . T h a t’s w hy
th e N a tio n a l P ro sta te C a n c e r C o a li­
tio n h as te a m e d up w ith th e L an c e
A rm stro n g F o u n d a tio n an d F red M y er
to b rin g fre e te stin g to P o rtlan d th is
w eekend.
F re e sc re e n in g s o n b o a rd th e " D riv e
A g a in st P ro sta te C a n c e r" R V w ill be
h eld S a tu rd a y , J u ly 2 9 fro m 11 a.m .
to 5 p .m . at th e F red M e y er G a te w a y
sto re , t i l l N .E . 102 A ve. an d S u n ­
S iudk )
A Win for the Environment
con tin u ed
fro m Front
“City Council did n ’t do their
hom ework as far as al I the ram ifica­
tions,” said Steve O ’Toole, execu­
tive director of Oregon Petroleum
Association. "On the biodiesel side,
w e’re nowhere close to having pro­
duction within Oregon. Everybody
has the same goal, but what w e’re
really upset about is they’re going
ahead with this with about three
w eek’s notice.”
However, the requirem ents win
praise from the Oregon Environ­
mental Com m ission which claims
that a shortage o f biodiesel isn’t
Kevin Consadine, program di­
rector for Sustainable Economy,
said the three biodiesel producers
currently serving the metro area,
Salem -based SeQuential Fuels and
P o r tla n d - b a s e d
p ro d u c e rs
StarO ilco and Carson Oil, are large
distributors, and Sequential is ex­
pected to open a Portland plant
soon. A lso, aconsoitium o f biofuel
and alternative fuel providers is
forming to work with the Northwest
Environmental Business Council.
“Several folks are looking to lo­
cate now ,” Consadine said. “ H av­
ing new standards makes it easier
for them, knowing they have a vi­
able, stable m arket."
M ichael Arm strong, m anager o f
the city ’s O ffice o f Sustainable
D evelopm ent, said to expect even
d a y , S u n d a y , Ju ly 3 0 fro m 1 1 a.m . to
5 :3 0 p.m . at P o rtla n d M e a d o w s, 1001
N. S c h m e e r Rd.
O n b o ard , m en are tre a te d to sp o rts
on a la rg e fla t sc re e n T V , fre e sn a c k s
an d in v ite d to s u r f th e w eb w h ile th ey
w ait. L o ca l
d u c t a fu ll
ca n ce r.
E ach te st
an d p a tie n ts
m ail in less
lic e n s e d p h y sic ia n s c o n ­
s c re e n in g f o r p r o s ta te
ta k e s a b o u t 10 m in u te s
w ill re c e iv e re su lts in the
th a n a w eek .
20 E ntertainment P resents
more providers in the city by next
It’s unclear whether biofuels will
be more expensive than petroleum
by next sum m er; as o f April, ac­
cording to the Oregon Biofuels
Network, SeQuential sold a blend
o f 99 percent biofuel (B99) for
roughly $3.10 per gallon.
B ut C o m m is s io n e r R an d y
Leonard, who spearheaded the new
mandate, stated that besides re­
ducing ou r gas em issio n s, the
biofuel initiative would positively
affect job growth and investment in
biofuel production.
“Biodiesel has significant ad­
vantages, in term s that y o u 're in­
vesting money into in-state com ­
panies,” C onsadine said. “W e’re
hoping to put together an incentive
packet and pass legislation at the
state level.
T o im p le m e n t the r e q u ir e ­
m ents, C ity C ouncil is form ing a
task force from the fuel industry,
biodiesel industry, en v iro n m en ­
tal groups and O regon grain grow ­
ers. T he com m ittee is set to report
to the council in four m onths.
E nforcem ent includes a w ritten
notice and a fine o f up to $5,000
fo r the first violatio n , and up to
$10,000 for the second violation.
Bureau o f S u stain ab le D ev elo p ­
m ent d irec to r Susan A nderson
will assess the m andate, ad ju st­
ing the m inim um req u irem en ts if
n e c e ssa ry .
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