'r *!C 0 rt la nò © b s erner luly 26. 2006 Page B5 R eligion Portland Retreat Unites All Faiths Women Empowering Women Conference Women from all communities in the Portland area are invited to join together for the "Women Empow­ ering Women" conference from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 7900 N.E. 82nd Ave., near the Portland Inter­ national Airport. W om en W ith a V isio n , a grassroots non-profit organization through a grant from the Black United Fund, presents the confer­ ence. The group consists of women from the Portland area dedicated to helping diverse groups of people in various capacities. The organiza­ tion believes in the importance of giving back to the community and pulling together people without barriers. State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 cerns. The event will continue from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. with "H erC ry-H er Prayer-H er Praise,” a free spiri­ tual gathering for both women and men, designed to inspire the community. The evening will fea­ ture worship, praise, teaching and music and keynote speaker, evan­ gelist Lyn Bell from SLS M inis­ tries in Maryland. "The morning conference is ca­ tered to be a retreat for women from all different com m unities while providing information on services in Portland,” Green said. "The evening service will bring Carol Van Atta Lyn Bell aw areness to what W omen With “At this conference, I want who will address “Overcoming a Vision is and why we are here. women to be coming together re­ Y our Past to a Better Future." Each I see it as having a date with gardless of their different back­ speaker will present 45-minute edu­ d e s tin y , and u n d e rs ta n d in g grounds, race or denomination in cational workshops designed to G o d ’s purpose for our lives.” unity and love," said Women With empower distressed women and The morning session registra­ a Vision founder and director Kim lead them to a more purpose-driven, tion is $35 and includes a full meal Green. luncheon, as well as the chance to healthy lifestyle. Guest speakers for the event in­ The conference also will feature win door prizes and other items. For clude local motivational speaker Portland area vendors and informa­ more information on the confer­ Carol Van Atta, who will speak on tion from organizations that ad­ ence or to purchase tickets, email "EmbracingGod’s Purpose for Your dress w om en’s health, mental wwav200ft@yahoo.com or visit Life," as well as another speaker health and domestic violence con­ www.wwav2006.mollyguard.com. Local Faith Leader Honored served on the Regional Youth Board for three years and are distin­ AlbinaChristian LifeCenter an­ in the Lord, Saturday, Aug. 29 at 3 guished as the Ministries Facilita­ nounces the ordination of Rev. p.m. at the Albina Christian Life tors at the Albina Christian Life Marcus J. Irving, son of Bishop and Center, 2149 N. Willamette Blvd. Center in north Portland. Mrs. Samuel M. Irving, to the Office The reception will follow the 200ft Bishop Marcus has also served of Bishop at the State Conference West Coast Regional Fellowship. as the West Coast Regional Pente­ of the Church of God in Cleveland, Bishop Marcus fulfilled all quali­ costal Fellowship Youth Director Tenn. fications, both biblical and spiri­ for over 20 years. He and Kaysandra Bishop Marcus has been an tual, and along with his wife have been married 26 years and upstanding member of the Portland Kaysandra F. Irving, was conse­ have two daughters, M arckia community and will be honored at crated on June 15. The two have Lawrence and Adrienne, a son-in- a reception that w elcom es all served the denomination for over law Andre' Lawrence, and a grand­ friends, family, and fellow laborers 27 years, pastored for 14 years. son Andre' Terrell. Marcus J, Irving elevated to Bishop Experience the master s touch Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 Here when you need ual A.D. Williams Northwest Voice forChrist Training M inistry'M Rev. H.L. Hodge, Ph.I) . Founder Pastor/Teacher, Motivational Speaker, Revivalist. Vocalist Anointed and Appointed by God Invites you to come and study the Word o f God. An Illum inating Study through Corinthians “Corinth: Then and Now" Vacation Bible School (This study will transform your understanding o f this New Testament Book.) Allen Temple CME Church will sponsor Summer Vacation Bible School, Aug. 14 through Aug. 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Allen Temple CME Church, 4236 N.E. Eighth Ave. The classes are free to the pub­ lic and available for kindergarten age up to adults. Activities in­ clude bible education, crafts, mu­ sic, food and beverages. For in­ formation and help with trans­ portation, call 503-287-0261. Thursday, August 3"*, 2006 (continuing every Thursday) 6:00 PM Located at: Alberta Simmons Plaza 6 6 11 NEM LK, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon Open to the Public Aliare Welcome!!!! Telephone: (503) 334-6239 Email: hodgchspks@msn.com www.nwvctrainingministry.com “ Master Barber M A R T IN C LEA N IN G S E R V IC E Achievers IBarbershop 518 S.E. Morrison St.. Portland. OR 97214 CARPET & UPHO LSTERY C L E A N IN G Specializing in Texturi/er* and Tailored Cuts lo r Men K Women S in c e 1928 R e s id e n tia l & C o m m e rc ia l S erv ic e C A R P E T C L E A N IN G www.achteversbarbershop.com • achieversbarbershop(« hotmail.com Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm, Saturday by appointm ent 2 C L E A N IN G A R E A S O R M O R E PRE-SPRA Y TR AFFIC A R E A S IN C L U D E S 1 SMALL HALL Experienced with all types of hairi Congratulations ! Wayne & Channon Streeter Curtis & Shelby La w n Services 1 C L E A N IN G AREA PR E-SPR A Y TR AFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA C H A R G E ) Need Work Done Services Provided: S T A IR S (w ith o th e r s erv ic e) • Yards • Moving • Painting il!r J J v i r t l a u b ( D h s c r u c r Executive M anagem ent OREGON DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION (ODOT) BUILDING CAREERS - BRIDGING THE FUTURE ODOT INVITES YOU TO EXPLORE THE OPPO RTUN ITY OF THE Radio Traffic Departm ent has a full-time position. Three years experience re q u ire d . S end re su m e to HR Departm ent 0234 SW Bancroft, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 3 9 . EOE. No Phone Calls. Pl VÌ Catlin Gabel School 8825 SW Barnes Rd Portland. Oregon 97225 www.catlin.edu C a tlin G a b e l S c h o o l is an independent, coeducational day s c h o o l in P o rtla n d , O re g o n , serving students from preschool through 12th grade. Our faculty, staff, and trustees are dedicated to in d iv id u a lity , a c a d e m ic excellence, m ulticulturalism , and lifelong learning. Seeking: ■ KINDERGARTEN TEACHER ASSISTANT/AFTER SCHOOL CARE ■ BUS DRIVERS P le a s e see our w e b s ite w w w .c a tlin .e d u for m ore in fo r­ m ation and to apply online • Edging Hauling Handyman Work TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT DIVISION (TDD) ADMINISTRATOR This is a strategic position within ODOT, w orking directly with the Agency Director as a m em ber of the Executive Team. The TDD Administrator exercises leadership and vision in directing efforts to develop an efficient, safe transportation system that enhances O regon's econom ic com petitiveness and livability. $25.00 E a ch A re a $35.00 $1.50 E ach A d d itio n a l S ervices • AR EA A O R IENTA L R U G C L E A N IN G • A U T O / B O A T /R V C LE A N IN G • D E O D O R IZ IN G A P E T O D O R TR E A T M E N T • S P O T A S T A IN REM OVAL S E R V IC E - S C O T C H G U A R D P R O T E C T IO N Call Now for a Reasonable Price Quote Ask for Curtis @ (503) 781-0696 We do the work so you don’t have to! C lassifieds / B ids Advertise with diversity in 213 N.E. Hancock Portland, OR 97212 9 am-6 pm Tuas.-Sat. Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-309-4488 at Phone: (503)232-3842 Cell: (503)887-5740 m «i fòeooA S a lm e t ¿Sfiofi . A.J. Davis — The Original i 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper cuik@statefarm.com The Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities is h ostin g a forum to gather public com m ents on its draft strategic plan for 2007-2011. Light refreshments will be served. The DD Council advises the G overnor on developm ental disability policy and a d v o c a te s fo r im p ro ve m e n ts in services and supports for people with developm ental disabilities and their families. The forum will be held on W ed n e sd a y, Ju ly 2 6 th, from 10:30 a.m . - noon at the N orth Portland Library, 512 N. Killingsworth St. (take 1-5 exit 303, turn w est on Killingsworth; use Trimet bus routes #4E, #40M and #72). U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G $ 6 9 .0 0 $ 4 9 .0 0 $ 9 9 .0 0 $ 3 5 .0 0 - $ 5 .0 0 S O F A ---------------------------- LOVESEAT --------------- S E C T IO N A L -------------- C H A IR O R R E C L IN E R T H R O W P IL L O W S ----- r I I I I C O U P O N s p e c ia l A N Y 3 C LE A N IN G A R E A S P L U S HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LO V E S E A T A C H A IR _ $ 1 3 5 .0 0 CALL F O R A P P O IN T M E N T : (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 The Agency is seeking a dynam ic professional with a proven track record of strategic policy-m aking and the ability to develop and support a creative and innovative environm ent. The annualized equivalent of the m onthly salary range extends from $70,536 to a negotiable current m axim um of $103,884 based upon qualifications, skills, and experience. Dianetics can help you live 0 a better and happier life. Please visit the ODOT w ebsite for additional inform ation about this exciting opportunity, includingapplication instructions and a full position description. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Log on to www.odotjobs.com - Search for Announcement #0CDT6304 This position is considered open until filled: however, the application screening process is expected to begin on or about Septem ber 12, 2006. M aterials received after 5:00 pm (Pacific Tim e) on S ep te m b er 12, 2006 m ay not receive consideration at the Agency's discretion. Oregon's Transportation D epartm ent is an Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity/Affirm ative Action employer. We value a well-trained, d ive rse w o rkfo rce as a stra te gic a d va n ta ge in s e rvin g our custom ers and stakeholders. Just get It, read it and try it, and you’ll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 www.dianetics.org Paperback $8.00 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours O 2004 BPl All Rights Reserved CXANf TK S Is a trad e m ark an d servii e m ark o w n e d bv Religtous Technology ( e n te r an d is used w ith Ns perm ission