JJ n rt lattò ©bseruer Page B4 C lassifieds Director of Grants Developm ent WASHINGTON COUNTY Administrative Specialist II - Bilingual 2. C rim inal Accusations: • Sex crim es • Drug crim es • All m isdem eanors and felonies (Spanish/English) $ 2 ,5 9 2 -$ 3 ,1 5 3 / m o n th Closes August 4, 2006 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations AFFORDABLE APARTMENTS HOMES FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS Clean, comfortable living for you and your family-Pets welcome 1 BR $406/619 sq ft 2 BR - $453/744 sq ft 3 BR - $526/872 sq ft Guardian Management LLC This institution is tin equal opportunity provider Assistant Planner $3,576 - $ 4 ,3 4 6 / month Closes August 4, 2006 Associate Planner $4,146 - $5,038 / month Closes August 4, 2006 PrlncipAL Planner $5,715 - $6,945 / month Open Continuous Rents shown are basic rent and actual rent is based on income CA LL US TODAY!! Wilsonville heights Apjulment (5 0 3 )6 8 2 -3 3 3 6 TDD: 1-800-735-2900 Professionally managed by l QUAI MOUitKU OPPORTUNITY Retirement Living For contracting opportunities w ith the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: CLARK COLLEGE Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Em ploym ent D iscrim ination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disability M a rke tin g A m b a ssa d o r needed. Simple and fun job. Have fun walking around your territory in Portland giving away free stuff for a fortune 500 company. Must be available immediately and have transportation. Paid training provided. 35 hours per week. Set your own schedule. $13 per hour. Call Heather at 206-730-1654. I B ids SON A JOINER CALLNOW Iuly 26. 2006 Senior Program Coordinator $ 4 ,9 2 8 -$ 5 ,9 8 9 / month Closes August 4, 2006 Call (503) 8 4 6 -86 0 6/TTY (503) 846-4898 for inform ation or see o u r w e b site : w w w .co .w a s h in g - ton.or.us. County application and supplem ental application form s required. Women, minorities, and p e o p le w ith d is a b ilit ie s a re encouraged to apply. C la rk C o lle g e is s e e k in g a p p lic a tio n s fo r a D ire c to r o f G rants Developm ent, a full-tim e, 1 2 -m o n th a d m in is tra tiv e p osition, p ro vid in g le ad e rsh ip , c o o rd in a tio n , a nd te c h n ic a l a s s is ta n c e fo r g ra n ts d e v e lo p m e n t th ro u g h o u t th e College. Starting salary is $62,000 per year. This position will remain open until filled with screening to begin on A u gu st 1, 2006. For complete position description and re q u ire m e n ts, and a p p lica tion process, access our web site at w w w .clark.edu: or contact Clark College Human Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, W A 9 8 6 6 3 , (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 1 0 5 [H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 - 2317]; JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. AA/EEO employer. Prog S p ecia list I Inform ation & Assistance: 40 hrs w/ben. $11.96-$13.67 hr. AA or equiv; min 2 yrs exp in human service field, excel com m and com puter skills in MS Office. Send S m ith T o w e r 515 W ashington Street Tanconver, W ashington 360.695.3474 • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments PARKING FACILITY Operator Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e • Federal Rent Subsidies Available openings. Seeking d ep en d a b le, • No Buy-In or Application Fees well-groomed, positive individuals. •Affordable Rent includes all Utilities except telephone & cable television • Ideal urban location near shopping, bus lines, restaurants, and much more! $8 .50 + starting wage P o rtla n d Im p a ct, A ttn . HR AJ, 7211 SE 62"° Ave, Portland, OR Drug te s t/ Background check Apply 12:00 -l:0 0P M , Mon,Wed,Thurs&Fri; 3:00 4:00PM Tues. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON Bid No: B07-9010 Bid Title: Skylight Replacem ent John B. Yeon Building City Center Parking, Half tim e position at Housing Developm ent Center, a non profit org. Provides c o n s tru c tio n m gm t tra in in g & technical assistance to minority & wom en-owned small construction firm s in th e P o rtla n d re g io n . T h o ro u g h k n o w le d g e of c o n s tru c tio n b id / e s tim a tin g processes. Hands on construction m anagem ent e x p e rie n c e e s s e n tia l. M in o rity a p p lic a n ts encouraged to apply. SEE: w w w .h d cl.o rg for full ap info. Detailed cover letter & resum e due by Aug. 7 to: HDC, 2627 NE M LK Jr. Blvd., Ptld, OR 97212. Building Alternations Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 2:00 PM on the closing date, by M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent and Contract Adm inistration (CPCA), 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read after 2:15 PM the sam e day. Plans and Specifications are filed with CPCA and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $10.00 non-refundable fee by CHECK OR M ONEY ORDER ONLY. Plans and Specifications W ILL NOT BE M AILED within the M etropolitan, Tri-County or Clark C o u n ty a re a s . G o to th e C P C A w e b a d d re s s a t h ttp :/ / www.m ultcopurch.org for additional information and any available downloads. PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATIONS DUE: August 5, 2006 All bidders m ust com ply with the requirem ents of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279C 800-870, or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276(a)) if applicable. Details of com pliance are available from CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214, (503) 988-5111. No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS 701.055 or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to M ultnom ah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10% ) of the aggregate bid. M ultnom ah County reserves the right to reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and to reject any o r all bids or to cancel the solicitation if M ultnom ah County finds it is in the public interest to do so. Gail Rubin, M anager M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C e n tra l P ro c u re m e n t a n d C o n tra c t Administration 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 400 Portland. Or 97214 A public hearing will be held at 710 NE Holladay St. in Portland on August 17 from lO a .m .-N oon . The m eeting room is accessible. The plan can be reviewed w eekdays from July 28 to August 28, 2006 between 8 a .m .- 5 p.m. at: 710 NE Holladay St. 4012 SE 17th Ave. Portland, OR 97232 Portland, OR 97202 Send written com m ents to Bruce M. W atts, TriM et's Diversity and Transit Equity Senior Director, at 710 NE Holladay St., Portland, OR 97232 or to comments@trimet.org. Comments will be accepted through September 12,2006. For alternative form ats, call 503-962-2213 or T TY 503-238-5811. PUBLIC NOTICE Oregon Department of Transportation D is a d v a n ta g e d B u s in e s s E n te rp ris e G oals This announcem ent is notice of the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation’s proposed annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprise goals of 11.32% for Federal Highway Adm inistration and 4.42% for Federal Transit Adm inistration contracts and grants. This calculation is m ade in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26 to com ply with U.S. DOT requirem ents. P u blic c o m m e n ts a re b e in g re q u e s te d in the developm ent of OD OT's overall goal. Subm it written com m ents to: ODOT, O ffice of Civil Rights. Attn: C Jill M iller 8 0 0 Airport Road SE. Salem , OR 9 7 3 0 1 Fax: (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -6 3 8 2 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -4 3 5 0 ODOT will consider all com m ents and quantitative and anecdotal data in determ ining its final DBE goals. Analysis and final goals will be posted on the ODOT web site: http://w w w .oregon.gov/OD O T/CS/CIVILRIG H TS/. Retirement Living Westmoreland’s Union Manor LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL 6404 SE 23rd Avenue ♦ Portland 97202 503*233*5671 $ 4 ,3 9 4 - $6,169 C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g applications for a Program Support Supervisor 1 position in Security and S afety. S a la ry is $ 2,5 88 / month. Closing date is 5 p.m., A u g u s t 9, 2 0 0 6 . For p o sitio n description, requirements, and to a p p ly, a c c e s s o u r w e b s ite at w w w .clark.edu. Jobs @ Clark or c o n ta c t C la rk C o lle g e H um an Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin B lvd ., V a n c o u ve r, W A 9 8 6 6 3 (360) 992-2105 [JOBLINE (360) 9 9 2 -2 8 3 6 . H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 3 1 7 ] .A A / E E O employer. Radio Station Sales Assistant PRE-QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER may be required pursuant to the M ultnom ah County Public Contract Review Board Rule 49-0220. See Specifications for project classes of work. Prequalification applications shall be subm itted through CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, O regon 97214, (503) 98875111. Applications m ay be obtained at our office or can be downloaded from our website at http://www.m ultcopurch.org. Pre-qualification applications m ust be received by, or postm arked to, CPCA no later than 10 days prior to the bid closing date. TriMet is seeking feedback on its DBE program regarding contracting opportunities and potential barriers for DBEs. DEPUTY 130 SW Stark, Portland. CLARK COLLEGE Pre-Qualification Required in class(es) of: & Repair or Roofing Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon ( “TriMet") is in the process of issuing its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan for FY 2006-2007. Attorney Est. Range: $200,000 Pre-Bid Conference: MANDATORY - August 1, 2006@10:00AM , John B Yeon Building, 1608 SE 190th Ave, Portland, OR TriMet Hearing Notice for Federal Fiscal Year 2007 Construction Advisor. E ducation Closing Date: August 15, 206 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 97206. EOE, Overtime/advancement potential Medical & Dental, 4 0 l k avail. C ity o f P o r tla n d B u re a u o f P u rc h a se s resum e, cover letter and online app. (www.Dortlandimpact.org) to APPLY TO: W ashington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 www.portlandonline.eom /om f/purehasint; • • • • Marshall Union Manor Drafts Proposed Legislation Drafts Am endm ents W rites Legal Opinions Perform s Legal Research For application inform ation: 2020 NW Northrup Street ♦ Portland 97209 503*225*0677 Kirkland Union Manors 3530 SE 84th Avenue ♦ Portland 97266 5 0 3 * 7 77*8101 http://www.leg.state.or.us Karen Hupp Em ployee Services 900 Court St NE Room 140-B Salem OR 97301 & Kirkland Union Plaza 1414 Kauffman Avenue ♦ Vancouver 98660 3 6 0 * 6 9 4 -4 3 1 4 & • Studio & One-Bedroom Apartments with Kitchens • Affordable Rents with No Buy-In or Application Fees (503) 986-1373 • Garden Areas & Planned Activities Deadline: August 1 1 ,2 0 0 6 • Easy Access to Bus Lines & Shopping Ú • Federal Rent Subsidies Available for those that qualify if f îü f TDD 503*771*0912 www.theunionmanors.org | EMPLOYMENT Career Opportunity AM 860 KPAM and Sunny 1550 K K AD are lo o k in g fo r a sa le s a ssista n t. Jo b re s p o n s ib ilitie s In clu d e p ro v id in g s e c re ta ria l, re s e a rc h a nd a d m in is tra tiv e s u p p o rt to th e G e n e ra l S a le s M anager and Account Managers. Duties include but not lim ited to: w o rd p ro c e s s in g p ro p o s a ls , p re p a rin g s a le s m a te ria ls , p ro v id in g te le p h o n e s u p p o rt, helping with prom otional events, updating account lists, tabulating weekly sales figures and backing up the front office. The person should* be e n e rg e tic , d e ta il oriented, efficient and capable of m u lti-t a s k in g in a liv e ly e n v iro n m e n t. S p e c ific s k ills required: orga niza tion al talent, excellent MS Office skills: Word, Excel and P ow erP oint. C o llege ed u ca tio n p re fe rre d . W e Offer e xc e lle n t b e n e fits in a lo c a lly ow ne d and e m p lo ye e -fo c u s e d environm ent. KPAM /KKAD is an equal opportunity employer. Email or send resum e to: General Sales Manager AM 860 KPAM 6605 SE Lake Rd. Portland. OR 9722 2 No Phone Calls Please ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Utility & Mlsc. Permits Coordinator Salary: $ 2 .0 6 9 • $ 2 ,8 4 6 /m o n th Announcem ent 00C DT6534 Salem ■ Office Coordinator Salary: $1,913 - $ 2,597/m onth Announcem ent 40CDT6135 Bend ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Traffic Systems Tech 2 Salary: $ 2 ,9 9 2 - $ 4,183/m onth Announcem ent 40CDT6303A These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirem ent Plan (OPSRP); and 4 °r % opportunities to participate in the Oregon * * Savings Growth Plans The State of Oregon * » and all its divisions are proud to be equal v opportunity employers. '•*»* Portland • Public Road Inventory Coordinator Salary: $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $ 4,183/m ontb Announcem ent P0CDT6110 Salem • Sr. Classification Systems Specialist Salary: $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $4,1 8 3 /m o n th Announcem ent »0C 0T6109 Salem • Sr. Inspector S a lary $ 2 ,9 9 2 - $4,3 8 2 /m o n th Announcement 40C DT6454 Portland • Pavement Materials Engineer S alary $ 4 .5 4 4 - $6.818/m onth Announcem ent 40C DT6533 Salem • Pavement Design Specialist PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) - Tigard PERS covers nearly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m em bers and adm inisters retirement, disability benefits, health insurance, and deferred com pensation plans statewide. S alary $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $4.3 8 2 /m o n th Announcem ent »0C DT6532 Salem PROJECT MANAGEMENT/PLANNING • Transportation Planner Salary $ 2,984 - $4,146/m onth • Retirement Counselor 2 Perform case m anagem ent benefit calculations, train and review quality. Salary: $2.597 $3,7 7 2 /m o n th Announcem ent »LE 060299 Close Date: August 1. 2 0 0 6 Announcement H0CDT6382A Salem TRADES • Transportation Maintenance Supervisor Nights Salary: $ 2 .6 5 9 - $ 3 ,7 2 5 /m o n th OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) Announcement ffOCDT3550 ODOT People drive Oregon s Departm ent of Transportation Portland oom... If great benefits, a professional work environment, jo b innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you. then com e to ODOT Detailed job announcem ents include qualifications, requirements, and ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL/AUDIT • Sr. Internal Auditor instructions on how to apply or these jobs. Go to www odot.state or us/jobs for a com plete copy or call 503 -98 6-40 30 [TTY 503-986-38541 to request by mail ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirm ative Salary: $3.451 $ 5,078/m onth Announcement »0CDT6441 Salem action employer. Announcements will be m ade available in alternate form at upon request: (503) 3 7 8 6 2 0 2 . TTY 1 8 0 0 9 9 3 8 8 9 8 . w w w . O J r e g o Building Careers Bridging the Future n J o b s . o r g