Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 19, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pa«cB2___________________________ ^ '^ o r tla n ò © hseruer__________________________ )U»is>.zoo6
Friends and family
members at a
recent reunion
fundraiser: (L) David
Mays, Ruby
LaShawnna Guitry,
LaNae Lawrence,
Nathaniel Mays,
John Mays, Lucille
Bridgewater, Ivery
Mays Jr., Serella
Simmons. Barbara
Harry Bell, Nazarene
Savage, Willie Mays,
Altrenia Wilson and
Bennie Jack.
F am ily Reunion
'Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!'
D ia n e L iv in g s to n , A .|P
O p en T uesday. W e d n esd ay & Ft id a y
S u ite 2 0 3 B
4 1 3 4 N V an co u v er A venue
P o rtlan d . O re g o n 9 7 2 1 7 -2 9 (8 )
S to re (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -4 5 8 4
C ell ( 5 0 3 )3 2 0 -7 4 4 4
„'A ’
J Boyd Picture Perfect
Landscape Maintenance
A good lawn starts with a early prep.
Prepare your lawn for spring now!
Call (503)970-5743
Decks, Fencing, Water and Ponds
Your Care
Our First Priority
Jefferson County, Arkansas Family Reunion
The family and descendants of
Morris Trice will be hosting their
"Jefferson County, A rkansas Fam ­
ily Reunion” event in Portland, from
July 27 to July .30. Four days of
celebration and festivities, includ­
ing tours o f O regon’s scenic w on­
ders, are planned for local and out-
of-tow n relatives. For m ore infor­
mation, please call John Mays at
503-282-4599, Barbara Harry Bell at
503-284-7482 or view the website at
w w w.fam ilyreunion06.com .
M orris T rice w as born in North
C aro lin a around 1842. M o rris’s
fath e r is b eliev ed to be N oah s t a n tia l a m o u n t o f la n d in
T rice , a w hite farm er and slave Jefferso n C ounty. H e and Ellen
o w n er, and his m o th er w as on e o f w ere d ilig en t farm ers, ec o n o m i­
N o a h ’s slaves. D uring the 1850s, cally p oor, but su rro u n d ed by a
N oah T rice m oved his fam ily and co m m u n ity o f o th e r b lack folks
slav es (in clu d in g M orris) from su rv iv in g o ff the land.
O ra n g e C o u n ty , N orth C aro lin a
T rice fam ily m em bers living in
to G ran t C o u n ty , A rk. A fter sla ­ O reg o n in clu d e the d escen d an ts
v ery ended, M orris and his w ife o f H osea L ow ery, M o rris T ric e ’s
E llen stayed in th e area. By 1870 g ran d so n , w ho along w ith other
they had a total o f 14 ch ildren. fam ily m em bers, w as recruited by
M o rris w as a lead er in his rural Bowman-H icks Lum ber Com pany
co m m u n ity , the ce n te r o f m any in 1924 toem igrate from Pine Bluff,
p e o p le ’s lives.
A rk. to w ork and live in the sm all
By 1880 he had acquired a su b ­ lo gging co m m u n ity o f M axville
Dr. Marcelitte Failla
Ch i ropractic Physicfan
We are located at
1716 N.E. 42nd Ave.
Portland, OR 97213
and Patrick Lam b with Patsy Meyer. Tickets are
$55 for in-front-of-stage lawn seating; $45 for
level 2 lawn seating; and $35 for general adm is­
sion, available at T ickem ater outlets, by phone
at 503-224-4400.
(Between Broadway
and Sandy Blvd.)
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
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Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140
Luxury sfciu Care
S m o o th J a z z S u m m e r C o n c e rt -T h e Allstate-
Smooth Jazz 105.9 S um m erC oncert takes place
Sunday, July 23 at PGE Park, featuring som e o f
the top jazz m usicians in the country including
so m eo f Portland’s finest perform ers. A musical
lineup includes local artists Tom Grant, N 'T ouch
We currently offer:
M icroderm abrasion • Peels
Facials • Bridal • Facial Waxing
Beauty Consultations • Cosm etics
Perfectly Shaped Eye Brows
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10 year TAX abatement.
Garage, yard, porch A patio,
NO common walls
Beautiful new homes loaded with great features!
Convenient NE location to M A X . Bus.l-205. & 1-84!
Value at $218,750-$227,750
Selling in your neighborhood
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3ohnt. Scott
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'il~ Lie tons
Walk/Run Through the Ghostly Rose City —
Join the Rose City Roam ers on Saturday, July 29
and Sunday, July 30 for a w alk/run that takes in
many north Portland ghost sites, including the
infam ously haunted W hite Eagle Saloon and
Falcon A partm ents. Participants can w alk or
runthe5K , 10K, 15K or 20 K event, from 8 a.m.
to 1 p.m. beginning at O verlook Park. Regis­
tration is on the day o f the events. For more
information, call Noreen Kirk at 503-285-2915
orem ail nncaptkirk@ juno.com .
B rin g in g A n cien t G re ec e to Life — State-of-
the-art technology transports audiences back
to the dawn o f dem ocracy and the birthplace
o f W estern C ivilization in the new IMAX
adventure “G reece: Secrets o f the Past”.
Portland’s O m nim ax T heater is located at the
O regon M useum o f Science and Industry,
1945 S.E. W ater Ave. For tickets and show
times call 503-797-4640
or visit w w w .om si.edu/
5 0 3 3 8 0 -3 3 1 5
www jo h n ls c o tt c o m /k a rm e n b l
fS T A T E
F ree C o n cert fo r Fam ily F u n - Portland Family
M agazine will sponsor the 12th A nnual Free
Concert encouraging parents to spend the w eek­
end with their kids, Saturday and Sunday, July
22 and 23 from noon to 6 p.m. at H olladay Park
(on NE 13th ju st south o f the Lloyd Center). In
addition to a musical line-up, there wi 11 be a raffle,
face painting, games, a picnic and more. For more
information, call 503-727-3686.
$ffccirllizbui ill f'lttoliC^
¿ M c ííf.s
Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood
Scooter Exhibition -The
Scooter Chronicles is a
series o f draw ings that
capture the vintage feel
Lunch s t/ir tin ^ a t $ 5 .9 5
o f scooters and the spirit o f the scootering
lifestyle, with an exhibition at L orenzo’s
T av o lo Caldo, 3807 N. M ississippi Ave., from
July 17 to July 31. A special ride-in by the
Oregon S cooterC lub preludes a reception for
the show on Saturday, July 22 from 11 a.m. to
3 p.m.
Live M usic Every N ight — Kick off your week
with live jazz every Sunday at 9 p.m. at The
Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont). Participate in
a mixed m edia open mie night each M onday
at the Back to Back Café ( 6 14 East Burnside).
The Thom City Improv, featuring mem bers of
O ldom inion, Q uivah, The C hosen and The
Black Notes, perform at C o n an 's (3862 S.E.
Haw thorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m. C el­
ebrate Hump Day at The RedSea(381 S.W. 3rd
Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9
p.m. Inch tow ard the w eekend at the C andle­
light Room (2032 SW 5th Ave) with the Black
Notes, perform ing each Thursday. Celebrate
Friday with Mel Brown, w ho plays jazz at
Salty’s on the C olum bia every Friday and
Saturday, and Jim m y M ak’s on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. Round o ff your week with live
Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego
Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferson).
Call to Artists — Local artists are encouraged
to show o ff their talent by becom ing a Port­
land Open Studios Artist. Each year, 96 artists
are chosen from the metro area to open their
studios and becom e part o f an exciting re­
g io n a l
a rt
e v e n t.
V is it
p o rtla n d
openstudios.com for more informa-
I tion.
Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey Sandwiches & More
'D in n e r S ta r tin g a t $ 9 .9 5
Tony and Libby Kelly
Daily Special also available.
Butterfly Shrimp Dinner $ 10.95
Open l! : 3 0 -1 1 :0 0 PM M onday thru Saturday
4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414
M B A M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ABR. SRES
WWW SellingPortlandRealEstate cm
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c m a rtin @ h o m e ln a n so u rce .co m
T e re M a lh e r n
17700 SW Upper Boones Feny Rd
Portland. OR
M ove and
D ixieland M ixer
Special Projects & Development
Ext. 103
1001 SE W ater St S uite 4 90
P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 4 -2 1 3 2
I J03 239 4001
f 5 0 3 .2 3 6 .8 .3 13
N oo n— 4pm
Trad Jazz Brunch with
D r. Jazz fit The Interns
and The Jim Beatty Band
5p m — 2am
The Jimmy Bowskill Band
w/Special Guests TB A
When: Friday, August 25, '0 6
Where: Beale Street NW
1072 1 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR
$ 2 2 .5 0
To Purchase Tickets Call
in ea stern O reg o n . T hey w ere
am ong the first A frican A m eri­
can s to settle in that region o f the
state. M orris T ric e 's great g ran d ­
children N athaniel M ays and B ar­
bara H arry Bell w ere reco rd ed as
the first A frican A m erican c h il­
d ren born in the tow n o f E n te r­
p rise, O re. in the 1940s.
M orris T rice w ould be proud
to se e h is d e s c e n d e n ts fro m
aro u n d the co u n try gath ered in
his honor. All fam ily m em bers
are in v ited to jo in in the reunion
ce leb ratio n .
w w w tacs.org
Rare E bony S c u lp tu re s - M aster
carvers from the T anzania tribe
M akonde have been carving ebony
for centuries, and now the public
can see some o f the most valuable
w ood on the globe at the W orld
Forestry Center. G eneral adm ission
is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for
children, and m em bers are free.
T im e to ja m -J a m N ig h t, Portland’s
ever-popular com edy and variety
show is at Christian Performing Arts
Center,8131 N. D enver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m . w ith d in n e r by
M ondemaj C atering next door to
the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
r o je e
223 NE Russell St
Portland, Oregon
Open M-F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm
50% -70%
All The Time
Help Support The Youth