Í1|C |J o rtla n b © hsvruer Page A6 luly 19. 2006 P o ri land OL s e r v e r by K athleen m o t o by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver John Canda brings his vast experience at youth gang outreach to Mayor Potter's office. Canda Moves to Mayor’s Office to this com m unity . T his area is looking as pleasin g , if not m ore h o o d R esponse T eam program so, than it has at any tim e; o f an d the N o rth e a st W o rk fo rc e course it’s alw ay s been beautiful Center. He becam e N ortheast C oa­ to m e.” He said the recent infusion of lition executive d irec to r in 1999. H is effo rts at gang prevention resid en ts has com e w ith a re ­ have been challenging and often new ed activism . “T h e y ’re say in g , ‘I m ay be d a n g e ro u s. new , but I’m w illin g to w ork and O n one o ccasion, he recalled a bring som ething to the ta b le.’ The ten se situation w hen he d e lib e r­ B oise n eig hborh o o d is p articu ­ ately stepped betw een tw o feu d ­ ing gang m em bers. O ne o f them larly interesting. T h eir co -ch air is abruptly pulled out a pistol, aim ed ju st 22. T h is is w hat n eig h b o r­ it at C a n d a ’s head at p o in t blank hood asso ciatio n s are supposed ran g e and pulled the trigger. T he to be about - b rin g in g in young people to learn from those w ho gun failed to fire. T he m an then adjusted his aim have been here before and b rin g ­ slig htly and pulled the trigger ing in new constitu en cies,” C anda 4gain. This tim e the w eapon fired, said. He also ack n o w led g es his debt w o u n d in g an o th er m an in the to veteran activ ists such as W illie face. C anda ack n o w led g es som e o f B row n, C h a rles F o rd , P au lin e th e o th e r issues that n eig h b o r­ B ra d fo rd , S te v e R o g e rs, Ron h o o d s, p articu larly in north and L aster and B etty W alker. H is voice catc h es as he speaks n o rth east P ortland are facing. “ P e o p le ta lk a b o u t o f tw o o th e r m e n to rs : E d n a g en trific atio n - w ell, th e re ’s tw o R obertson and the late Sharon sid es to that. R ising prices seem M cCorm ack. “T hey are how I g ot my start to d isp lace people w ho c a n ’t a f­ fo rd to stay, and often those are h ere,” he says. “T h a t’s w hy I p eo p le o f color. O n the oth er have a big old p ictu re o f them on han d, th e re’s been econom ic e n ­ the w all - to rem in d m e I’m ju st h an cem ent. It has brought jo b s occupying space in th e ir h o u se.” continued fro m Front C arr engine, and I found it to be a useful benefit. Braking was excellent, and steering felt precise. The 2006 Sedona LX, base price is $23,665, including a$670destina- tion charge, is delivered with stan­ dard 16-inch steel wheels and 225/70 tires, dual sliding doors, rear climate controls, a CD player, a tilt steering wheel with cruise control, 13 cup holders, and six airbags - two front, two front-side, and two side-cur­ tains. If that sounds kind of weak, don’t worry because there's more. The Kia Sedona packs an amaz- ing punch for its price. T he Sedona is packed with value, pow er, safety, com fort and room for seven passengers. The Sedona is a pleasing enough ride, with a powerful 3.8-liter V6 that nicely lugs around the van’s 4,387 lb. curb weight thanks to a five-speed automatic transmission with “Sportmatic manual control”. Using the shifters does enable the driver to wring more out of the Auio R m like a driver’s seat with lum bar sup­ port and manual height adjustment; removable second-row bucket seats that slide, recline, and fold; a split third-row bench that folds into the deep cargo hold with the pull o f a strap; keyless entry; and stability and traction control systems. For a littleextracash, buyers can load their 2006 Kia Sedona LX with a roof rack, a tow hitch, and a rear DVDentertain- ment system. The one item that will separate this vehicle from other mini vans are the rear windows on the “ T h e p ro b le m w as p e o p le d id n ’t know w e had a basketball te a m ,” he explain ed . H e cam e up w ith creativ e co n ­ cep ts like S pirit W eek w ith a c tiv i­ tie s at each cam pus to capture the rah-rah feeling found at larger sch o o ls. He also w orked w ith the stu d e n t governm ent, ad v ertised g am e prom otions and p artnered w ith radio stations. A p a rtn e r­ s h ip b e tw e e n P C C a n d th e Iro n t T • -Mobile ■ rio. more on select rate plans - unlimited calling to your five favorite people. - any number. - any network. ■ 4 iän con tin u ed fro m Front C anadian school. A s com m unity college enroll­ m ent grows, the conference has experienced a sim ilar increase in interest. “T here w as a tim e w hen co m ­ m unity co lleg e atten d an ce w as alm o st seen as second class, an altern ativ e to the n u m b e r one ch o ice ," said D ick M cC lain, E x­ ec u tiv e D irector o f N W A A C C . “ N ow it ’s p ro b ab ly th e b est v alu e you can get fo r the first tw o y ea rs.” T h is has caused a sh ift in schools like PCC, who are begin­ ning to recognize that four-year universities aren’t the only ones w ith athletic potential. “A thletics m otivate students in a way that allow s them to be suc­ cessful in school," M cClain said. B ut com m u n ity co lleg e s also face new ch a lle n g es w ith a th ­ letic p ro g ram s, n am ely a high tu rn o v er in co ach in g staff. B e­ cause o f low pay and o ften part- tim e p o sitio n s, m any sch o o ls go through co ach es as o ften as they do students. M cClain said the colleges with the m ost successful athletics pro­ grams are hiring, and retaining, good coaches with a keen eye for recruiting local talent from schools, com m unity gym s and basketball leagues. A sch o o l's solid athlet­ ics departm ent plays well into the whole com m unity college pack­ age. 85 36 O© m ark best friend ©0M sue best alibi am anda best stories rosie best advice H um boldt N eigh b o rh o o d A sso­ ciation allow ed n eig h b o rs to at­ tend gam es for free. "The goal was not only to market to students, but market to the com ­ m unity because we can benefit equally,” Easttorp said. Easttorp will leave PCC later this sum m er as the school searches for a new athletic director. “I hope PCC will continue to support basketball, adding addi­ tional sports at other cam puses," Easttorp said. Community Colleges Recruit Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $23,665; Engine: 3.8L 24 Valve DOHC V6; Transmission: 5- speed automatic. 6) Starting an Athletic Tradition fro m Front doors that go all the way down to about 3-4 inches from the top of the door making it the first mini van to have widows like a passenger ve­ hicle. Packed w ith safety and com fort features and priced less than some com peting m inivans, the 2006 Kia Sedona is an excellent choice for fam ilies on a budget. introducing anna's iVe con tin u ed ew nick best potential A calling ¡ust got personal. 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