Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 19, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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luly 19. 2006
Bush to address
(AP) — President Bush plans to
speak to the NAACP for the first
time since he was a candidate, with
the White House announcing the
appearance days after the chair­
man of the civil rights group pub­
licly urged him to attend.
The president had declined invi­
tations to the NAACP’s annual
meeting for five years in a row. and
m itm ent for voting
rights reauthorization,”
he said.
Every president for
the past several d e­
cades has spoken to
the group. Until now.
Bush had been the ex­
Willis Edwards, an
NAACP board member
from Los Angeles, said
Bruce S. Gordon
George Bush
G ordon sh o u ld get
has o ften been c ritic iz e d in credit for Bush’s planned visit.
speeches by the group’s leaders.
Gordon has had three meetings
But under new NAACP President with Bush in the year he's headed
Bruce S. Gordon relations have the civil rights group - compared to
one meeting in nine years Bush had
The National Association for the with his predecessor, K w eisi
Advancement of Colored People is Mfume, a former Democratic con­
holding its 97th annual gathering at gressman. "The White House has
aconvention centerjustam ilefrom evidently listened to (Gordon),”
the White House.
Edwards said.
Presidential spokesman Tony
But Rep. Diane Watson, a Demo­
Snow said Bush decided to speak crat from California, was more skep­
to the group Thursday because of tical about Bush’s visit.
“a moment of opportunity” for the
The president is "reading the
president to tout his civil rights polls,” she said. "He says he doesn’ t
record and mend fences.
pay attention to them, but when he
Bush's decision comes in a criti­ was flying high, he didn’t come."
cal midterm election year, when Re­
There is a history of bad blood
publicans fear losing control of between Bush and the NAACP.
Congress and Bush has been work­ During the 2000 presidential cam­
ing to get more votes for the GOP. paign, the NAACP’s National Voter
Bush received just 11 percent of the Fund ran a television ad against
black vote in the 2004 election.
Bush. It featured the daughter of
In a speech to the convention James Byrd, a black man dragged to
Sunday, NAACP Chairman Julian death by three white men in a pickup
Bond blasted the war in Iraq and truck, blaming Bush for refusing
attacks on voting rights even as he her pleas for a hate-crime law when
urged Bush to attend the gather­ he was Texas governor.
ing. “This year the convention has
Then, just before the 2004 elec­
come to the president and we hope tion. the Internal Revenue Service
and pray he is coming to us,” Bond began looking into the NAACP’s
tax-exempt status after a speech by
Gordon said he was glad Bush is Bond that was critical of Bush’s
going to speak to the group, espe­ policies. Political campaigning is
cially with renewal of the 1965 Vot­ prohibited under the NAACP’s tax-
ing Rights Act still before the Sen­ exempt status, but the Baltimore-
ate. “This is a great opportunity for based group called the audit a po­
the president to express his com­ litical smear campaign.
Soldier Tied to Oregon Killed
(A P) — A soldier who gradu­ University in the 1990s.
ated from Corvallis High School
A ccording to the count com ­
and lived in Salem for part o f his piled by Gov. Ted K ulongoski’s
life was killed this week in a office, Evey would be the 64th
Baghdad bomb blast, the Army person either from O regon or
with strong ties to the state to
Staff Sgt. Jason M. Evey, 29, have been killed in the war in Iraq
o f Stockton, Calif., was the son or in Operation Enduring Free­
o f form er lobbyist John Evey, dom , w hich w as launched in
who later worked in the develop­ Afganistan as a result o f the at­
ment department at Oregon State tacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
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Eversincechildhood. my best friend
has played games and told lies to
blackmail people or get money. Now
she’s married and still doing the
same thing. Her husband doesn’t
want children and she knows it. Her
latest stunt is too much for me to
handle. She told her husband that
she’s pregnant and she plans to go
shopping with the money she’s
supposed to use for pregnancy
termination. I feel this is too much
and should tell her husband. —No
More Lies; Dallas, Texas
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At what point did you decide to
stop benefiting from your friends
financial gain? If you’ve been a part
of her scams for so long, I'm sure
she gave you a cut of her shady
earnings. You've co-signed with
her for so long it’s obvious she
doesn't listen to you. Your best
advice is to pull away and stop
being a witness to her dishonesty.
You' II cause too much drama if you
stick your nose in the hornets’ nest
now. In other words, mind your
and I'm young and dumb. How do
I handle this. —Shawna; Okla­
homa City. Okla.
Dear Shawna:
You need to find your favorite song
on the radio, drink lemonade and
enjoy your life until you meet a
husband. T here's nothing cute
about girls fresh out of high school
two steps from a welfare office and
dirty diapers. You’re the winner in
this bunch and you should be on
your way to college and a blessed
life. Go for the gold, shake it off and
encourage your friends to achieve
as you avoid the baby daddy blues.
Dear Deanna!
I spend a lot of time being friends
with women, listening to their prob­
lems and just being a great guy. I'm
in a situation with a friend that I now
want a relationship with but she
isn’t interested. Once I made my
feelings known she has basically
kicked me to the curb. I can’t under­
stand why she took my money,
used my car and came to me with al 1
of her problems but won’t date me.
What did I do wrong? -A.J.: San
Dieno, Calif.
Dear AJ.
You got pimped which is what inse­
cure women, a few wives and silly
girls do to the good men out there.
You fell victim to a woman that
wanted a guidance counselor and
financial provider without any lov­
ing. These women are fine as long
as they get what they want without
Dear Deanna!
giving up anything. Consider your­
I'm the only 18-yearoldgirl in my self blessed to be out before your
group that doesn't have a baby. credit was ruined and you were left
My friends are treating me differ­ looking foolish with a broken heart.
ently now that they all have chil­
dren and try to make me feel abnor­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
mal. I'm not interested in a baby, M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
but I still want to be friends with askdeanna I yahoo.com or 264
them. They treat me as if I’m not 5. laCienena Bird. Suite 128.1
good enough to be around them
and they act as if they're so mature
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