iN c 19. 2006 Page B6 S ports Area Youth Enjoy Summer Sports Camp Police officers make positive connections Sportsmanship Comes First Lakeside/R ose City Little League coach Omar Wash­ ington o f n o rth e a st P ort­ land accepts the 2 0 0 6 S portsm anship A ward on b e h a lf o f his team. Wash­ ington coached the 9 and 10-year-oldgirl’s so ftball team, which m ade it into the Oregon D istrict One All- Stars Tournament. The Police A ctivities League of Greater Portland is celebrating the comple­ tion of their annual summer sports camp for youth ages 8 -14, drawing approximately 385 participants each day of the week-long event. The campers came from all over the metro area, many from Portland, but as far away as M o lalla, Sandy and Vancouver. There were 14 sports fea­ tured: archery, basketball (both boys and girls), base­ b all, b o w lin g , b o x in g , cheerleading/dance, fish­ ing, football, golf, martial arts, racquetball, soccer and tennis. “PAL camp is an amazing Police Activities League summer camp participants pose for a team photo with their coaches (back row, from left) Jason Jones and opportunity for officers to Derrick Foxworth Jr. o f the Portland Police Bureau and Dave Schmidt, a member o f the Gresham Police Department. connect with kids in the community," said Officer Jason Jones from cies throughout the area including Gresham pointed out PAL's focus of connecting the uniform." PAL offers opportunities throughout the Portland Police Bureau who has been Police Department, Multnomah County law enforcement and youth in a positive the year for area youth to participate in a coach with the PAL summer camp for Sheriff’s Office, and the Port of Portland,' way. "This camp brings kids and cops to­ sports and other activities with law en­ as well as City of Portland Bureau of Main­ three years. gether, which is what PAL is all about," forcement. Many officers volunteer their There were 34 coaches from the Port­ tenance and Water Bureau employees. Beth Faulhaber, director of Portland’s said Faulhaber. “It gives youth an oppor­ time to help with these activities. Visit land Police Bureau this year, as well as coaches from other law enforcement agen- PAL Youth Center and camp coordinator, tunity to interact with officers outside of orcall 503-823-0250. Congratulations Northside! The Northside Little League Softball 9 and 10-year-old girls team celebrate a successful season by competing in the Oregon District One All Star Tournament. The team, made up o f players from the Peninsula and Interstate-Kenton softball leagues, eventually fell to Scappose in the champi­ onship game on July 14. photo by M ark W ashington /T hp Attention Oregon Health Plan Beneficiaries with Medicare! P ortland O bserv er r \ 1 ■ IT A T I H I M State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services IM IU IA N C I Horn«! Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 • Live in Multnomah, Clackamas, Umatilla or Morrow counties? Beneficiary of both Oregon Health Plan and Medicare (parts A&B)? Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97217 503 286,10 3 fax 503 28b 1146 erme hill h5mb@statefarrn com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® You may be eligible to receive the extra benefits and services of PremierCare Plus. 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