í lif July 12. 2006 IJnrtlanò ©hserüer Page B3 Focus New Chappelle Episodes Air on Comedy Central From recordings before walkout (AP) — Comedy Central couldn’ t resist the easy jo ke , opening the a b o rte d th ir d season of “ Chappelle's Show” w ith a shot o f an empty stage and introduction o f a star who never appears. It's the first o f three episodes com piled from sketches left behind before Dave Chappelle’ s now leg­ endary freakout, w alking out on a $50 m ill ion contract and one o f T V 's hottest shows tw o years ago under still mysterious circumstances. ’’This isn 't adesigned farew ell," said Neal Brennan, the show 's co­ creator w ho put them together. "There’ s nocliffhanger. These were ju st three out o f what was sup­ posed to be 10 - and the other seven never happened." The opening sketch, besides il­ lustrating the sharp com ic touch that made the show popular, gives fodder fo r arm chair psychologists. Chappelle is sitting in a barber's chair, getting a trim in a place that advertises $8 haircuts. His barber says Chappelle must be raking in Dave Chappelle in a Comedy Central promotional photo for his show's “lost episodes", compiled from sketches left behind before Chappelle's now legendary freakout. walking out on a $50 million contract. the money as a big-tim e T V star. "N ah, man, it's cable." he re­ plies. “ I do all right, but it's nothing to w rite home about.” Just then, a T V in the com er airs a report o f Chappelle's big payday from Comedy Central. The barber's face turns cold and his haircut has anew p ric e -$ 1 1,(MX). Chappelle also gets a prediction fro m a d yin g man: "Y o u did n ’ t have to do tw o more seasons. No matter how good the show is, they're only going to say it's not as good as last year was.” A second, darker sketch shows C happelle exacting revenge on people who mistreated him before he was rich. It s never been fu lly explained why the comedian dropped out o f his hit show. He has denied rum ors o f substance abuse o r psychiatric problems. He’ s com plained o f ar­ guments about the show w ith C o m ­ edy Central and also said he had doubts about how racial elements o f his show were being taken. D u rin g an a p p e a ra n ce on "Oprah" in February, Chappelle said that he might be amenable to re­ turning to his show providing some arrangement could be made about providing money to charities. ‘Little Man’ is Big Bundle of Laughs Marlon Wayans turns into little Calvin Simms in ‘Little Man,' a new comedy opening at theaters nationwide on Friday, July 14. Graduating Actors Present Showcase The Portland Actors Conservatory will present ‘An Evening of Monologues, ’ a graduation showcase o f the class o f 2006 at the Firehouse Theatre at 1436 S. W. Montgomery St. The annual celebration will feature a wide range of material and styles. Show times are 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, July 20 and 8 p.m. on Friday, July 21 and Saturday. July 22. Wayans Brothers comedy opens Friday K eenen Iv o r y , S haw n and next. Who knows, I w ill probably be M arlon Wayans, are poised once a little w hite alien," M arlon laughs. again to make cinema histoi y, when Shawn says, " A ll our movies “ L ittle M a n " opens in theaters na­ have one goal, w e're always th in k ­ tionw ide on July I4 lh from R evolu­ ing about the audience and how to tion Studios and C olum bia Pictures. make them laugh. We ju s t want In L ittle Man, the Wayans broth­ them to enjoy our film s and not take ers use visual effects to turn 6 ’ 2 " them seriously. Take your brain M arlon Wayans into 2 '6 " C alvin out o f your head, sit down and just Simms. In 2004, the A frican-A m eri­ have a b a ll." can film m akers brought us the hit Shawn W ayans plays D a rryl comedy "W h ite C h icks," where Edwards, a man so anxious to be­ they used makeup effects to turn come a father that he mistakes tw o black men into young white C a lv in , a short-statured, ba b y­ women. faced crim inal on the run, played by " I'm kind o f scared to think what M a rlo n Wayans, fo r his n ew ly my brothers w ill have me doing adopted son. Pyramid Beer Tasting Tour M ore than l(M) men and women w ill jo in in Pyram id's U nfiltered Refreshment tour on Thursday, July 20 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at participating businesses on N orth­ east A lberta Street. The tour w ill include Pyramid beer tasting, pint specials and prize giveaways at selected tour slops. Canned food and cash donations w ill be accepted at each tour loca­ tion to benefit the Oregon Food Bank. Participants w ill start at Binks, 2 7 15 N.E. Alberta, and include stops at Lagniappe, 1934 N.E. Alberta: AlbertaStreet Puband Eatery, 1036 N.E. Alberta; and T in Shed. 1438 N.E. Alberta. Future neighborhoods forthe U nfiltered Refreshment Tour NE ALBI RÍA J include Burnside, B elm ont and Northwest Portland as featured tour stops in upcoming months. Guests must be 21 to attend. "W e are pleased to o ff e r Portlanders a fun, free event that supports an amazing local cause." says Ericka D ickey, president o f Social Enterprises, Inc, the tour- presenting sponsor. Jr ¿ ™ _ _ _ BOBBY CALDWELL* PONCHO SANCHEZ • NILS • TOM GRANT • MINDI ABAIR • PATRICK LAMB • CRAIG CHAQUICO • N' TOUCH Event cost is free, but space is lim ite d . RSVP o n lin e at unfilteredrefreshm enttour.com . fóMNMKMUM Microsoft to Compete with Ipod (A P) — M icro so ft Corp, is pre­ to a com puter, a ccording to e x­ paring to ro ll out a portable digital ecutives w ho spoke on c o n d itio n music player later this year, an ap­ o f a n o n ym ity because plans fo r parent bid to capture a slice o f the the player have not been made market now dominated by the iPod, p u b lic. m usic in d u stry executives said In addition. M icro so ft has en­ Thursday. gaged in talks to secure licenses to The w o rld s largest softw are sell digital content fo r the device, m aker has been b rie fin g record the executives said. com panies on the proposed de­ IPods account fo r roughly 80 vice that w o u ld play d ig ita l music percent o f the portable music player and video t iles and ca rry w ireless market, w hile iTunes has sold more te c h n o lo g y e n a b lin g users to than a b illion tracks since it launched do w n lo a d m usic w ith o u t lin k in g three years ago. Sunday, July 23rd • PGE PARK Gates open at Noon • 1st act on a t 1 PM