Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 12, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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    lu ly 12. 2006
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Your Ideas to Gold - Affordably!’
Diane Livingston, A.IP
O pen T uesday, W ednesday & Friday
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to find the hottest poetry. hip-hop and soul
influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
W o m en in Theatre - Radiant Theatre an­
nounces Em ergence 2(X)6: The 4,h Annual C el­
ebration o f W om en in the Theatre Arts, featur­
ing local female playwrights and up and coining
fem ale directors. All plays will be presented as
staged readings at the C oH o Theatre, 2257
N.W. Raleigh St., July 15-19. For information on
d a te s an d tim e s o f p e rfo rm a n c e s, v isit
w w w .radianttheatre.org.
W estern Civilization in the new IM AX adventure
“Greece: Secrets o f the Past" Portland’sO m nim ax
Theater is located at the O regon M useum o f
Science and Industry, 1945 S.E. W ater Ave. For
tickets and show tim es call 503-797-4640 or visit
S co o ter E xhibition - The Scooter Chronicles is
a series o f draw ings that capture the vintage
feel o f scooters and the spirit o f the scootering
lifestyle, with an exhibition at Lorenzo’s Tavolo
Caldo, 3807 N. M ississippi Ave., from July 17
to July 3 1. A special ride-in by the Oregon
Scooter Club preludes a reception for the show
on Saturday, July 22 from 11 a m. to 3 p.m.
Flam enco Dance at IF C C - Mitsue will kickoff the
first Solo Flam enco dancer show case concert
with other special guests at 7:30 p in. on Friday,
July 28 at the Interstate FirehouseC ultural Center,
5340 N. Interstate Ave. Tickets are $ 12 for adults
and $9 for 17 and under.
“Robotsand Us” at O M S I — G et a fun, hands-on
look at how biology and
engineering are com ing
together to close the gap
betw een technical real­
ity and science fiction
fantasy. The hands-on
exhibit “Robots and Us”
fe a tu re s c o m p o n e n ts
c o m p u te r
interactives at the O r­
egon M useum o f Sci­
e n c e an d In d u s try
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Live M usic Every Night
T im e to J a m — Jam Night, P o rtland’s ever-
— Kick o ff your week
with live jazz every Sun­
Ja z z M usical ‘S p o tlig h t’ - Local director, day at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk (3341 SE Belmont).
Jefferson graduate and playwright Kwik Jones Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mie night each
brings his first musical to the stage with "S pot­ M onday at the Back to Back C afé (614 East
light", featuring a east o f nine and sm ooth jazz Burnside). The T hom C ity Improv, featuring
perform ances, Thursday, July 13 through Sat­ m em bers o f O ldom inion, Q uivah, T he Chosen
urday, July 15 at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m., and The Black Notes, perform at C onan’s (3862
at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, S.E. Haw thorne) every T uesday at 10 p.m. C el­
5340 N. Interstate. Tickets are $ 15/adults and ebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W . 3rd
Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
Ineh toward the weekend at the Candlelight Room
L o u isian a S o u n d s - Catch the sounds o f Loui­ (2032 SW 5lb A v e) with the Black Notes, perform ­
siana with The Henry Turner Jr. and Flavor ing each Thursday. C elebrate Friday with Mel
Band, T hursday, July 13 at 8:30 p.m. at Brown, who plays jazz at Salty’s on the C olum bia
M cM enam ins W hite Eagle Saloon. 836 N. every Friday and Saturday, and Jim m y M ak 's on
Russell St. Tickets are $5 at the door forages 2 1 Tuesdays and Thursdays. Round o ff your week
and over.
with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at
M ontego Bay, ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson).
popular com edy and variety show is at C hris­
tian Perform ing Arts Center, 8131 N. Denver
Ave. Shows continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondem aj C ater­
ing next door to the show at 6 :30 and 7:30 p. m.
R a re E bony Sculptures — M aster carv­
ers from the T anzania tribe M akonde
have been carving ebony for centuries,
and now the publie can see som e o f the
most valuable wood on the globe at the
W orld Forestry Center. G eneral adm is­
sion is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors, $5 for
children, and m em bers are free.
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C a ll to A rtists — Local artists are encour­
aged to show o ff their talent by becom ­
ing a Portland O pen Studios Artist. Each
year. 96 artists are chosen from the metro
area to open their studios and becom e
part o f an exciting regional art event. Visit
portlandopenstudios.com for m ore in­
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’’Sounds like
the blues arc
of feeling,
finesse, and
Z Z T op
Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly
hip-hop dance classes forages 5 to 18. Various
lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­
tion. agility, com binations and team w ork
through urban dance moves. For more infor­
mation, call 360-696-8236.
“Classics” fill
singer’s new CD
Open M -F 9-5 pm • Saturdays 10-5 pm
www lohnlscolt com/karmenb
H ip -h o p Dance Classes - V ancouver-C lark
Smokey s Timeless
Love Songs
223 NE Russell St
Portland, Oregon
T o p 2 °/o
Trippin'through Town-Take atrip through time
P r o j ec
503 380-3315
S ellin g in y o u r n e ig h b o rh o o d
Belly Dance Classes — C aravan Studios o f­
fers classes in belly dance. A frican dance and
more. Visit w w w .gypsyearavan.us.
( AP) — Sm okey Robinson was
cruising through the hits he wrote
for his M iracles, the T em ptations
and other M otow n stars — the
audience enthusiastically singing
along to "G oing to a G o-G o,” “O oo
Baby Baby" and "M y G irl" — and
then a rem arkable transform ation
took place during his first C arnegie
Hall concert in more than 30 years
The spot I ights di mmed to create a
more intimate mood. His band put
aside the funky electronics to be­
com e a mostly acoustic jazz com bo
with a string section. His dancers
changed from miniskirts intoevening
gowns. And Robinson shed his sil­
ver-sequined jacket for a double-
breasted suit and striped tie.
In that tradem ark velvety fal­
setto. only slightly m ellow ed by
age. the 66-year-old Robinson b e­
gan singing "Fly Me to the Moon
(In O ther W ords)," not with that
Sinatra sw agger but with a little
tenderness. Robinson caressed the
lyrics to Cole P orter's “ Night and
D ay," and slow ed the tem po to the
G ershw ins' “O ur Love Is Here to
S tay ,” before launching into a
snappy version o f “ I C a n 't G ive
You Anything But Love (Baby)."
These four classic love songs
are included on R obinson's new
C D "Tim eless Love," which m arks
a com eback for one o f A m erica's
g re a te st ro m a n tic sin g e rs and
songw riters. It's his first non-holi­
day. non-gospel album since 19 9 9 's
Singer Smokey Robinson's
new CD. “Timeless Love,"
marks a comeback for one of
America s greatest romantic
singers. (AP photo)
"Intim ate." and the first album o f
covers he has recorded in a show
business career dating back 50
years. The 13 tracks include only
one Robinson original. “ II .ove Y our
But Robinson, w ho was elected
to the Rock & Roll Hall o f Fame in
1987. is no Sm okey-conic-lately to
the G reat A m erican Songbook
bandw agon already crow ded with
Rod Stew art. M ichael Bolton and
former Motown labclm ate G ladys
H e 's been singing standards in
his live shows for the past 14 years,
and two songs on the new CD.
“Speak Low" and “I'v e Got You
U nder My Skin, he recorded with
the M iracles in 1962. R obinson's
love for this music goes back to his
Detroit childhood.
“As a singer I just sing what I
feel," said Robinson. “ I d o n 't c o n ­
sider m yself a great singer. I co n ­
sider m yself a person w ho feels
what I'm singing."