A Packed Pioneer Square Cheers on as Italy takes 2006 World Cup M etro See inside, Sports, page B6 il!‘ JJortlan ò © bserücr _ ________________________________ SECTION o m m u n ity a le n d a r C Hattltude’ Tea W ear your m ost fabulous hat and jo in the Second A nnual W om en with "H attitude" T ea, Saturday, July 22 at 1 p.m. at Bethesda Chris­ tian C hurch, 109 N. Em erson St. T he event will raise funds for the annual W om en's Revival in A u­ g u st and w ill fe a tu re sp e cia l themed hatboxes form en this year. F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , em ail w anda.phillips@ com cast.net or call 360-381-0397. Guided Parks Tours Portland Parks offers free, one- hour guided w alks beginning at 10a.m. in parks around town. Park sta ff and volunteer n aturalists focus on plants in each park, the historical background o f the park and any inform ation that m akes each park special to Portland. For a com plete list o f w alks available, visit PortlandParks.org or call 503- 823-3601 forabrochure. Columbia Slough Race Join the 12th A nnual C olum bia Slough Small C raft Regatta, Sun­ day, July 3 0from 9a.m . to 1 p.m. at the Portland W ater Bureau Canoe Launch, 16550N .E. A irport W ay. You may reserve a canoe or kayak, paddles and personal flotation device, or bring your ow n boat and equipm ent for a $5 donation. F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n v is it colum biaslough.org. Low Cost Helmet Sale In order to keep up w ith dem and for low -cost bicycle helm ets and protect the health o f children in the com m unity, bike and m ulti­ sport helm ets are on sale for $5 each w ith free fittings and adjust­ ment. T hursday, July 20 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Legacy Em anuel H ospital, 501 N. Graham . In Other Words Events In O ther W ords bookstore, 8B N.E. K illingsw orth. hosts w eekly events through July, including C hildren’s Story Hour, Art. M edi­ tation, H atha Y oga, Spoken Mic and Luna M usic Series. For dates and tim es, visit inotherw ords.org orcall 503-232-6003. Music at the Parks E n jo y free su m m e r c o n c e rts throughout Portland parks, includ­ ing D aw son Park, N orth Stanton and V ancouver; Peninsula Park, N orth Portland B oulevard and A lbina; and Fem hill Park. N orth­ east 37lh and A insw orth. O ther concerts are happening through­ o ut the city, each beginning at 6 :30 p.m. For inform ation on per­ f o rm e r s an d d a te s , v is it portlandonline.com 7parks/. 26th Annual Cathedral Park Jazz Festival Weekend fun under the St. John’s Bridge The C athedral Park Jazz Festival, a free three-day celebration, happens Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16 under the w est end o f the St. Johns Bridge in north Portland. N ationally renow ned jazz pow erhouse Kevin M ahogany is set to perform , with a lineup also including m aster bluesm an G uitar Shorty, Detroit Native Kathy Kosins and local ja zz great Mel Brown. T he C athedral Park Jazz Festival began in 1981, when friends and neighbors threw a party in the m em ory o f St. Jo h n 's Howard G albraith. The event has turned into the largest and oldest free ja zz and blues event west o f the M ississippi. T his event p ro v id es fam ilies, young people and seniors o f all ethnic and socio­ econom ic backgrounds an opportunity see w orld-class music that m ost people could not experience otherw ise. The top-notch entertainm ent draw s on local and nationally know n jazz and blues greats, and long-time radio sponsor K M H D 8 9 .1 FM sim ulcasts all 24 hours o f the festival. There wi 11 be inform ation booths for com ­ munity organizations and sponsors, plus a variety o f food concessions to com plete the com m unity-oriented festival atmosphere. The festival is made possible through volunteer efforts, who are dedicated to pro­ viding a relaxed and enjoyable atm osphere for guests, perform ers, sponsors and volun­ teers. This y e a r's lineup begins Friday with the local blossom ing talent o fO liv ia W arfield at 6 p.m., follow ed by G uitar Shorty "A Blues Legend" at 8 p.m. T he m usic starts at noon on S aturday with the R etta C h ristie T rio, follow ed by Brian W ard at 2 p.m ., G o By T rain and Dan B alm er at 4 p.m ., and K athy K osins with Mel B row n. J o f Lee & A ndre St. Jam es at 6 p .m . The festival picks up again at noon on Sunday, with Robert M oore, followed by Johnny Martin at 2 p.m., the R enatoC aranto G roup at 4 p.m.. and Kevin M ahoganywith Ron Steen. Randy Porter & Phil Baker at 6 p.m. For more inform ation about the festival, call503-286-1312. ■M How Would You Perfect the Rose City? &K i Teen Summit at IFCC Every other Saturday this m onth the Interstate Firehouse C ultural C enter will host Teen Sum m it, a live television show by and for African A m erican teens. T o be a m em ber o f the studio audience, call971-235-5197. Sixth Annual Street Fair Al-Anon Meeting “Solutions and S erenity'' for any­ one affected by another person’s drinking. Every T uesday at 7 p.m. atTrinity Episcopal Cathedral, 147 N.W . 19'h at Everett. Enter through the courtyard for this free event. For more information, call Julianna T assone at 503-367-6115. N o rth M ississip p i A v en u e, b e tw e e n F re m o n t and S k id m o r e , m a k e s w ay fo r b o o th s e x h ib itin g th e w o rk s Bradley-Angle House of T h e B r a d l e y - A n g le H o u s e n ee d s v o lu n te e rs to h elp its o u trea ch again st d o m e stic v io ­ lence. W om en o f c o lo r and b i­ lin g u al w om en are e n c o u rag ed to call. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n , call 503-282-9940. c ra fts p e o p le .a n d in fo rm atio n •Tcommunity service a rtis a n s and a b o u t n o n -p ro fits an d ac tio n g ro u p s, f o rth c irS ix th A n n u al S tre e t F air, S a tu rd a y . J u ly 15 fro m 10 a.m . to 7 p.m . A m ain sta g e w ill fea tu re m u sic ia n s an d a c h ild r e n ’s A local cast brings a bit o f Oz to Portland in “If I Were Queen o f This Forest“, featuring Alexandra Bradbury, Jan Rosenthal, Amanda Carey and Darryl! Moch. The performances invite audience input for Mayor Tom Potter's 20-year vision to rebuild Portland. years* lo c a l Theater Group encourages community input A local theater com pany retells the fam il­ iar story o f O z, in ev o lv in g p erfo rm an ce s th a ta sk th e c itiz e n s o f Portland: How w ould you p erfect the R ose C ity ? B ro ad A rts T h eatre in v ites P o rtlan d ers to “ If I W ere the Q ueen o f T his F o rest", w here th e y 'll be in v ited to play along in an in te ra c ­ tive gam e th at ties in to v isio n P D X , M ayor T om P o tte r’s 2 0 -y ea r vision for the city. Each show w ill en tertain the aud ien ce, ask them q u estio n s and reco rd o p in io n s from m en and w om en o f all co lo rs, in clu d in g al- lies. fam ilies and friends, people w ith tw o or three jo b s ju st try in g to m ake en d s m eet, and esp ec ially w om en w ho are older, y o u n g er and in-betw een. T he show is w ritten and co m p o sed by A rtistic D irector M elinda E. P ittm an and B ro ad A rts co m ed ian s, acto rs, sin g ers and continued I on page US d a n c e p e rfo rm a n c e , an d fair e v e n ts w ill also in clu d e a "best o f ' rib s c o n te st, c o m m u n ity g a ra g e sa le , k id s c a rn iv a l, dunk ta n k , c a s in o , h o r s e d ra w n tro lley a n d m u ch m ore. M ississip p i b u sin e sse s w ill p a rtic ip a te by h o stin g a c tiv i­ tie s o u tsid e a n d in sid e th e ir e sta b lish m e n ts.